Manage account-based commerce accounts and roles

Shoppers who place orders using an account are assigned roles that allow them to perform different types of activities in your store. Some of these roles also allow access to the Agent Console.

Account-based shoppers can have the following roles:

  • Administrator
  • Buyer
  • Approver
  • Account Address Manager
  • Profile Address Manager

Administrators can make purchases and are also authorized in the Agent Console to add new contacts to the list of account buyers, administrators, approvers, and address managers. All edit and update actions can only be done by a delegated administrator of the account.

As a buyer, a shopper is authorized to make purchases on the account. By default, every contact assigned to an account receives the buyer role.

An account approver is able to approve purchases that exceed the account spending limit. Approvers may also be able to approve an account's order if the account's contract expires.

To set account-based commerce content and roles:

  1. Log into the administration interface.
  2. Click the Accounts icon, and click the appropriate account link.
  3. Click Contacts.
  4. To edit the contact’s permissions, click the contact link.
  5. On the General page, select the checkbox to make the contact active or clear it to make the contact inactive.
  6. On the Account Memberships page, make changes to the storefront roles and add accounts to the contact.

Conduct account administration

In the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface, click Accounts to do the following:

  • Add and view details for current accounts for your site.
  • Add and edit contacts to an account.
  • Add or edit account addresses, including setting up default addresses.
  • Set up approvals, including purchase limits.
  • Make the account active or inactive.
  • Identify buyers who are connected to other accounts.
  • View and edit account contracts.
  • View account contact lists, including editing status and storefront roles.
  • Set email preferences per site or turn off email updates to all sites.

For more information, see Configure Business Accounts in Using Oracle CX Commerce.

Set the price hold period

For account orders with pending payments, your business can set a price hold period during which the price of the order will not change. After the period passes, the order is cancelled.

To set the price hold period:

  1. Open the administration interface.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Click Payment Processing.
  4. Click Setup.
  5. Enter the amount of time in days and hours to allow the shopper to provide missing payment information before an order is cancelled. The order’s prices will not change during this time.

    If you leave both Days and Hours blank, there is no time limit.

For more information, see Set a price hold period in Using Oracle CX Commerce.