Use account-related profile tabs

For account-based commerce buyers with a delegated admin role, additional tabs are displayed in the Customer Profile page.

  • Account Contacts: includes the standard shopper information with the addition of buyer purchase limit, storefront role, whether this buyer is connected to other accounts, and status (active or inactive) of the account. The properties displayed are specific to the account, so all contacts in this account honor these settings.
  • Account Details: includes account status, description, classification, type, and DUNS, VAT, and tax reference numbers.
  • For account-based commerce buyers with the Approver role, an Order Approvals tab is displayed. This tab shows orders made by buyers who have exceeded their account level purchase limit and require approval prior to order placement. The tab includes order ID, order date, submitted by (buyer), approval reason, and order total columns. A search field is provided to filter the results.

All tabs may include custom properties set up by the account administrator.

Understand account-based commerce customers

If account-based commerce functionality has been enabled for your environment, your agents should understand the following:

  • Account-based commerce buyers purchase for an account and use contract pricing when ordering. For example, item prices and order discounts may be different for these shoppers. In addition, pricing may also be set up to reflect volume-based pricing, which can include bulk and tiered purchases. Calculations and catalog choices are made automatically by Oracle CX Commerce.
  • Approval settings, for example, require approval, and purchase limits are site- and account-specific. Settings change automatically when a site/account combination is selected.
  • If one is enabled, you can include a purchase approval management system to incorporate the organization’s approval rules.

    For more information, see Enable Order Approvals.

  • On account-based commerce buyer profile pages, information is provided to show the buyer’s account level purchase limit, storefront role (Admin, Approver, Buyer, Account Address Manager, and Profile Address Manager), and whether or not the buyer’s status is active.
  • An account-based commerce buyer may be associated with one or more than one account. Use the Account Name menu to select each account you want to view associated with the buyer.
  • Account-based commerce associates a price group with a contract and this price group setting cannot be changed.
  • Account address managers and administrators are the only roles that can edit, delete, or set to default shipping and billing addresses for the account.
  • Profile address managers can edit or delete an address but cannot set as default any billing or shipping addresses.
  • Depending on your business model, the account-based commerce buyer may be able to use invoices (purchase orders) as well as credit cards. Invoice and credit card payment options for order amendment are the same as for other shoppers: once a credit card is used, the invoice option is no longer available.

Important: Store credit is not available as a payment option for account-based commerce accounts.

If the order amount changes during order amendment, and the shopper wants to use a credit card instead of the original invoice, there are no restrictions to the combinations she or he can use: combine invoice with any payment method, such as credit card, gift card, or cash, depending on your organization's setup.

For more information, see Manage pages for account-based shoppers in Using Oracle CX Commerce.

Conduct shopper profile activities for an account

Accounts are created in the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface. With site administrator permission, agents can act as a delegated administrator for an account and do the following:

  • Create a new contact under the same account as the delegated administrator.
  • Assign, change, or remove roles for a contact.
  • Update contact details.
  • Search for and view all contacts with roles for the account based on first name, last name, email, or role.
  • On the Profile page, view and manage account contact information.
  • View, add, edit, or delete addresses for an account.
  • Mark and edit addresses as a shipping or billing address.

Note: This capability can be made unavailable to the agent.

An agent acting as a delegated administrator is distinct from an agent shopping on behalf of a shopper. For more information, see Understand shopping on behalf of the shopper.

To manage account-based contacts and addresses:

  1. Establish the identity of the shopper as an administrator for the account. Contact your manager for the method by which you are to identify administrators.
  2. Search for the contact and open the customer profile. For more information, see Search for customers.
  3. On the Customer Profile page, Profile Details tab, under Storefront Role, if the person you are dealing with is an administrator, the Administrator checkbox will be selected. At a minimum, the Buyer role is selected. Additional roles include Approver, Account Address Manager, and Profile Address Manager. Also ensure the Active checkbox is selected.
  4. For all account delegated administrators, an additional tab called Account Contacts is available. Click the Account Contacts tab to view all contacts registered to the account. Information on this tab includes:
    • First and last name.
    • Active column: indicates whether the contact is currently active.
    • Storefront role: buyer, approver, profile address manager, account address manager, and/or administrator.
    • Email address.
  5. Use the filter field to narrow the search for specific contacts.
  6. Click the New Contact button to register a new contact to the account. The Add New Contact dialog appears.
  7. Enter the first and last name, email address, the storefront role, and whether the contact is active. By default, the new contact has Buyer selected. Click Save. The new contact now appears in the Account Contacts list.
  8. From the Account Contacts list, click a current contact first or last name link to edit the information. Make any changes to the storefront role and active status here. For these currently-registered contacts, the email address cannot be edited. For more information, see View customer results.

    To add a new address or edit current addresses, click the Account Address Book tab. For more information, see Use the address book.

Search for and view account and contact registration requests

Only account administrators have permissions to approve shopper requests for inclusion as buyers on an account. Once the functionality is configured, a shopper can fill out a form on the storefront and submit a request. While agents cannot approve requests, they can search for and view the requests to provide status information to a shopper.

Once the administrator approves a request, the request is cleared from the search and a new buyer is added to the associated account. The new buyer now has privileges based on the access given to him or her, which can include contractual pricing and special catalog selections.

Agents can view the contact registration request form by searching for contact first name, last name, email provided on the registration form and request ID and other criteria. A delegated administrator can act upon a Contact registration request form using on-behalf-of functionality.

To search for and view a registration request:

  1. Click the Customers icon at the top of the page, and click the Registration Requests tab.
  2. In the fields, enter the search criteria provided by the shopper, which may include first name, last name, email, company name, request ID, or other criteria.
  3. Click Search to display a table showing all the requests that meet your criteria. The Status column provides the information on the current status of the request (for example, Review, More Info Needed, or Rejected) short of approval. Once the request is approved, you must search for a buyer using the Customer Search tab.

To view the details of a particular request, click the request ID link. A new page is displayed with the following tabs:

  • Request: includes status, ID, request date, origination site, and notes added by the requester.
  • General: includes account-specific information, such as company name, DUNS, VAT, and tax reference numbers, and account type.
  • Contact: includes requester information, such as name and email.
  • Address: includes the requester's address.

The information on these tabs is read-only. There may also be custom properties you want to be collected for each request. The custom properties appear at the bottom of each tab and are tab-specific. Custom properties may be either read-only or editable based on the configuration.

Administrators can also view account information by searching for a buyer and clicking the Account Details tab.

For more information, see Manage pages for account-based shoppers in Using Oracle CX Commerce.