Request a Quote

With Oracle CPQ enabled in the integration price quotes may be requested for one or more items.

Quotes may be requested for one or more items on an order either by an agent from within the Agent Console, or by a shopper from the checkout page for their order. If you are also using Oracle CPQ Configuration functionality, the order may contain a combination of configured and non-configured items.

Request a Quote by an Agent

An agent can request a quote on one or more items in an order from the Commerce Agent Console. The agent must follow these instructions to request a quote:

  1. Log onto the Commerce Agent Console.
  2. Search for the shopper for whom you wish to generate a new quote.
  3. Click New to create a new order, or select an existing unfulfilled order for the shopper.
  4. Once you have an order with items in the cart, click on the Request Quote link in the order edit page. You can switch between the Request Quote page and the Create Order page by clicking on the appropriate link.
  5. Add text to the Quote Notes text box as desired.
  6. Click on the Request Quote button.

    Once the agent has submitted the quote request, the Request Quote webhook is triggered and all relevant information is passed to Oracle CPQ for a decision on the quote. The order status is changed to “Pending quote”. When an order is in Pending status, the agent cannot perform any operations on the order.

    A confirmation email is sent to the shopper informing them of the status of their order.

  7. Once a response is received, the order status changes to “This order is a quote”, and the agent then has a number of options about how to proceed. The agent can:

    The agent can:

    • Accept the quote: If the shopper is satisfied with the quoted price returned from Oracle CPQ, the agent can accept the quote on their behalf by clicking on the Accept button and proceeding with the order as normal.

      Once payment information has been entered and the order placed the order status changes to “Submitted for fulfillment”. At this point the Update Quote webhook is triggered and Oracle CPQ is informed that the quote has been accepted.

      At this stage the agent can click on the Edit Order button, but the only edits allowed to the quote are changes to the shipping group, or the application of shipping discounts or promotions. The agent may not add or remove items from the cart, or change the quantities of items included in the order. The order status changes to “Order being amended” until the agent clicks on the Complete Order button.

    • Request a requote: If desired, the agent can enter more details in the Request Quote textbox and click on the Request Requote button to request an updated quote. When the agent requests a requote the order status changes to “Pending quote”. When an order is in Pending status, the agent cannot perform any operations on the order.
    • Reject the quote: The agent can click on the Reject Quote button to reject the quote. This cancels the shopper’s order and the order status changes to “this quote has been rejected”.

      Note: The response to a quote request includes provision for an expiry date for the quote. If the quote has expired the Accept Quote and Reject Quote buttons are disabled, but an agent can request a requote for the order.

      Once the agent responds to the quote a confirmation email is sent to the shopper informing them of the status of their quote.

Order statuses relating to quotes are included in the dropdown list of order statuses in the Order Details section of the Order Search page.

Request a Quote by a Shopper

A shopper can request a quote on one or more items in an order from the checkout page. The shopper must follow these instructions to request a quote.

  1. Add the desired items to the shopping cart.
  2. Proceed to the checkout page.
  3. On the checkout page, enter supporting details in the Request a Quote text box.
  4. Click the Request Quote button.

Once the shopper has submitted their quote request, the Request Quote webhook is triggered and all relevant information is passed to Oracle CPQ for a decision on the quote.

When a decision is made about the quote, the order is updated and the shopper then has three options about how to proceed.

They can:

  • Accept the quote: This means the shopper is satisfied with the quote and they may continue through the purchase process with the prices provided. The checkout page is displayed and the shopper may enter their shipping details and proceed with payment.
  • Reject the quote: This means that the shopper has rejected the quote provided by CPQ Cloud, and the order is canceled.
  • Request a requote: The shopper can use the Request Requote text box to provide further information and request an updated quote.