Apply configuration changes to your live storefront

Changes to search configuration do not take effect in your live storefront until you publish the catalog.

Some changes, however, take effect in the preview storefront immediately, as noted in the following section.

Changes that take effect in the preview storefront immediately

The following changes to search configuration take effect in the preview storefront immediately, without publishing:

  • Changes in the Catalog tab.
  • Changes in Search tab.
  • Changes made to the configuration of resources through the Search and Navigation REST API. These resources currently include: Thesaurus, Search Interfaces, Relevance Ranking Strategy, and Keyword Redirects.

Steps for publishing the catalog

To publish the catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Publishing tab in the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface.
  2. At the top of the updates list, click Publish and then select Publish Now.

    Note: The Publish button becomes active only when changes have been made to Catalog configuration through the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface. Making changes to search configuration through the Search and Navigation REST API does not activate the Publish button.

  3. Confirm that you want to publish everything on the Updates to Publish list.

For information about how to schedule the publishing of changes, see Schedule publishing events.