Configure purchase lists

The following instructions describe the steps that are needed to enable purchase lists.

Purchase lists are comprised of the following widgets and layouts:

Widget Layout Description
Purchase Lists Shopper Profile Layout

From the Profile Layout, a shopper can view a list of their purchase list and select a purchase list to modify.

Note: The Purchase List widget is included by default in account-based environments.

Purchase List Details Purchase List Details Layout The Purchase List Details Layout displays the Purchase List Details widget. The widget displays a list of purchase lists, and details of individual purchase lists, as well as allows a shopper to use a search box to search for products.
Product Details Product Layout The Product Details widget allows a shopper to add items to a new or existing purchase list using a checkbox element.
Order Details

Order Confirmation Layout


Order Details Layout

When a shopper accesses the Order Details widget, all items are selected for inclusion into a new or existing purchase list. The shopper can select specific items to add to a new or existing purchase list.

By default, all of the items on the Order Details page are added to the purchase list, however the shopper can modify the selection as needed.

Order Details with Additional Info

Order Confirmation Layout


Order Details Layout

When a shopper accesses the Order Details with Additional Info widget, as with the Order Details widget, all items are selected for inclusion into their purchase list. The shopper can select specific items to add to a new or existing purchase list.

The Order Details with Additional Info widget includes, by default, the purchase list elements that are displayed to enable to shopper to add items to their purchase list.

For information on working with widgets and layouts, refer toUnderstand widgets .

Configure purchase list widgets

To display purchase lists, you must include the purchase list widgets in the appropriate layouts, as well as include the purchase list elements. To make purchase lists available to shoppers:

  1. Place the Purchase List widget on the profile layout. Note that in account-based environments, the widget is added by default to the profile layout.
  2. Once the Purchase List widget has been added to profile layout, configure the Order Details widget to include the purchase list elements. By default, the purchase list elements are disabled.
  3. Ensure that the purchase list elements have been added to the Order Details with Additional Info widget. The elements are enabled by default on this widget.
  4. Configure the Product Detail Page widget to include the Add to Purchase List elements.

The purchase list elements place an Add to Purchase button and checkboxes next to each item that can be added to the list.

Note: For additional info on configuring the Purchase List widget so that it supports the sharing of purchase lists, refer to Share purchase lists.

For detailed instructions on working with widgets and layouts, refer to Create a Widget. To replace a widget with the latest version, refer to Upgrade deployed widgets in Customize your store layouts.

Configure search for purchase lists

When populating a purchase list, you can configure the environment to allow a shopper to search for products and get a type-ahead dropdown of product names. The TypeAhead search interface, which is known in the Oracle CX Commerce Search administration UI as a searchable field ranking, displays a search box that is separate from the standard search. This search box presents a dropdown list of products that match the TypeAhead criteria.

To enable shoppers to search using the TypeAhead search box in a specific field of a purchase list, do the following:

  1. Determine which field should be made searchable.
  2. Log in to the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface.
  3. Mark the field as Searchable as described in both the specify-which-index-fields-are-included-searches.html#GUID-F926A834-9BCA-4A48-A07C-0CA9BE3D51ED__TITLE_JVC_GN2_RHB section and Add fields to the searchable field ranking list.
  4. Publish the changes that you made to the field.
  5. Use the Search tab to access the Searchable Field Ranking page.
  6. Open the TypeAhead ranking as described in the Understand the searchable field ranking list.
  7. Once you have added the field, and positioned it in the desired position relative to the other fields, save your changes.

For additional information on configuring search settings, refer to the Manage Search Settings.