Enable the integration with Oracle Content and Experience Cloud

You can enable the integration with Oracle Content and Experience Cloud via the Settings page in the administration interface.

To enable the integration, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Settings page and select Oracle Integrations.
  2. Choose Content and Experience Cloud from the dropdown list.
  3. Check the Enable Integration checkbox, and expand the Product Configuration options.
  4. Enter the Server URL, Channel Token, and Channel ID, the details of which you can locate within your content management system.
    A channel ID and a channel token are assigned to a channel when it is created within OCE. Refer to the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud documentation for further details.
  5. Click Add User and enter the username and password of the OCE user you want to add. Note: these user credentials are provided within OCE along with the appropriate permissions for the dedicated integration user. The user must enter the exact username as provided within OCE, and not the user's email address.
  6. Click Save.
    Once saved, a newly created webhook enables communication between Oracle CX Commerce and your content management system, and retrieves all content items from the specified channel. Each channel contains a variety of different content types (an example of a content type might be a blog). These content types and items are available to the storefront via the Content Listing widget, and the Content Item layout, which is configurable within the Design tab.