Optimize Search

Performance gains can be achieved by optimizing search.

The following topics consider search optimization.

Response Optimization for Product Data

The search response will contain any property flagged in the catalog as either searchable or as a facet. Many of these are not needed for rendering the products in the search results pages, and are therefore unnecessarily increasing the response size. The following article on medium.com outlines how to do this:


Response Optimization for Faceted Navigation

Faceted navigation appears in Oracle CX Commerce anywhere that products are listed. By default, any facet that has data for the products being shown will automatically be displayed. If some of these facets are not required either globally or in a specific destination (for example, you may choose to only display Size when particular collections have been selected), the Facet Ordering functionality in Search Admin can be used to limit this via the following steps:

  1. In Oracle CX Commerce Admin, select the Search section
  2. Choose the Facet Ordering option.
  3. Edit the "default" entry to limit facets globally:
    1. List the facets you do want to return.
    2. De-select the Include remaining facets option.
    3. Save and Publish.
  4. Alternatively, you can restrict the list of facets for a specific collection or search:
    1. Create a new facet list by selecting New Facet Ordering Rule.
    2. Edit the Collection or entering one or more search term(s).
    3. Choose the facets to be displayed.
    4. De-select the Include remaining facets option.
    5. Save and Publish.