37 Perform Bulk Export and Import

In an environment where Oracle CX Commerce interacts with an external system, you may want to exchange data. Oracle CX Commerce includes REST web services APIs that allows you to select data items and export or import them in bulk.

This framework allows you to perform large data transfers between different environments or systems of items such as accounts, profiles and promotions.

The following is a list of bulk import and export IDs that are available:

ID Comment Supports Import Supports Export
Profiles Both shopper and account-based profile data. Yes Yes
AccountsV2 Accounts data. Yes Yes
Products Product data. Yes Yes
ProductsV2 Product data. This is faster than the Products plugin as this import generates a failedAssociationRecordFile for any associations that failed even though the product updates are successful. Yes Yes
Catalogs Catalog data. Yes Yes
Inventory Inventory data, including location-based inventory. Yes Yes
Collections Collections data. Yes Yes
Promotions Promotions data. Yes Yes
Prices Prices data. Yes Yes
Addresses Address data for profiles and accounts. Yes No
Relationships Relationship data between profiles and accounts. Yes No

Note: All export and import APIs discussed in this section refer to bulk import and bulk export APIs. For information on individual export and import, refer to Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory.