Work with the punchout server-side extension

Commerce punchout functionality is provided through server-side extensions that can run on the Node.js server associated with your Commerce environment.

To use the punchout features, you must download the extensions from the Commerce administration server. You then customize the extension and upload it to your Node.js server. The punchout server-side extensions implement custom REST endpoints, which have the prefix /ccstorex/custom.

Commerce includes punchout server-side extensions that you can download and customize for your environment. This section describes the punchout extensions that are included with Commerce. See in Use developer tools to customize your store for details about how to download and customize server-side extensions.

The following table describes the punchout server-side extensions.

Server-side extension Description Includes functionality that enables the punchout flow between the procurement system and Commerce. Use this sample application to customize the default functionality provided in the punchout-lib library. Supports setup, edit and complete flows for punchout in cXML standard with Commerce. Do not make any changes to this library. Includes functionality that enables the purchase order flow between the procurement system and Commerce. Use this sample application to customize the default functionality provided in the purchase-order-lib library. Supports submitted orders in Commerce from procurement system’s purchase order in cXML format. Do not make any changes to this library.

Each ZIP file includes files that describe classes and endpoints and include information about how to install and extend the extensions.

The server-side extensions provide the core punchout functionality with the following JavaScript classes. You can extend these classes, for example, to customize mappings or make additional Commerce REST API requests.

Class Name Description
PunchOutSetup Provides methods to authenticate, create the shopper token, and create the shopping cart in Commerce if re-punchout is required.
PunchOutComplete Provides methods that convert the order request body JSON to the cXML PunchOutOrderMessage, which is sent to the procurement system.
PurchaseOrder Provides methods that call the store priceOrder endpoint, check if prices are within tolerance limit, and create the order.
PunchOutUtils Provides utilities for functionality such as fetching SKU prices, calling Commerce APIs, and parsing XML.

Work with the punchout endpoints

This section describes the endpoints included in the punchout server-side extension. All the endpoints are public URLs and all requests must be sent via HTTPS.

punchoutSetUp endpoint

Issue a POST request to the /ccstorex/custom/v1/punchOut/punchOutSetUp endpoint to establish a punchout (or re-punchout) session from the procurement system.

When the procurement system makes a punchout setup call (which happens once per session), the extension responds with the start page URL (the Oracle CX Commerce storefront home page) and the OAuth token. The procurement system then uses the start page URL to navigate the shopper to storefront page.

The following example shows a sample cXML request body. In the header, Identity is the Organization ID and SharedSecret is the organization’s authorization code.

            <Credential domain='organizationId'>
        <PunchOutSetupRequest operation='create'>
                <Extrinsic name='lastName'>punchout</Extrinsic>


The following example shows a sample cXML response:

      <Status code="200" text="success" />

punchoutComplete endpoint

When the punchout shopper has finished adding items to their cart and wants to return to their procurement system, issue a POST request to the /ccstorex/custom/v1/punchOut/punchoutComplete endpoint to convert the order JSON to PunchOutOrderMessage cXML. See Add a punchout checkout button to the Order Summary widget for a sample widget that implements this endpoint.

The request body is a JSON representation of the punchout shopper’s order and the response body is a cXML representation of the order. See Order submit webhook for a sample JSON representation of an order.

purchaseOrder endpoint

Issue a POST request to the /ccstorex/custom/v1/punchOut/purchaseOrder endpoint to convert the procurement system’s purchase order cXML to JSON and create an order in Commerce.

By default, this server side extension supports invoice payment only, but. you can customize the extension to support other payment methods.

The following example shows a sample cXML request body.

          <Credential domain='organizationId'>
    <OrderRequestHeader orderID="DO102880" orderDate="2012-08-03T08:49:09+07:00" type="new">
          <Name>First Name</Name>
          <Extrinsic name='lastName'>John_Smith</Extrinsic>
          <Extrinsic name='parentOrganization'>or-100001</Extrinsic>
          <Money currency="USD">86.50</Money>
          <Address isoCountryCode="US" addressID="1000467">
              <Name xml:lang="en">Acme, Inc.</Name>
              <PostalAddress name="default">
                  <DeliverTo>John Q. Smith</DeliverTo>
                  <DeliverTo>Buyers Headquarters</DeliverTo>
                   <Street>123 Main Street</Street>
                   <City>Mountain View</City>
                  <Country isoCountryCode='US'>United States</Country>
               <Email name="default"></Email>
              <Phone name="work">
                      <CountryCode isoCountryCode="United States">1</CountryCode>
          <Address isoCountryCode="US" addressID="12">
              <Name xml:lang="en">Acme Accounts Payable</Name>
              <PostalAddress name="default">
                  <Street>124 Union Street</Street>
                  <City>San Francisco</City>
                  <Country isoCountryCode="US">United States</Country>
              <Phone name="work">
                      <CountryCode isoCountryCode="US">1</CountryCode>
          <Money currency="USD">10.00</Money>
          <Description xml:lang="en-US">FedEx 2-day</Description>
          <Money currency="USD">1.5</Money>
          <Description xml:lang="en">CA State Tax</Description>
  <ItemOut quantity="2" lineNumber="1">
              <Money currency="USD">10</Money>
          <Description xml:lang="en">Laptop Notebook, 300 MHz</Description>
          <Classification domain="UNSPSC">43171801</Classification>
          <Extrinsic name="ExtDescription">Enhanced keyboard</Extrinsic>
          <Money currency="USD">10.00</Money>
          <Description xml:lang="en-US">standardShippingMethod</Description>
          <Address isoCountryCode="US" addressID="1000467">
              <Name xml:lang="en">Acme, Inc.</Name>
              <Email name="default"></Email>
              <Phone name="work">
              <CountryCode isoCountryCode="United States">1</CountryCode>
              <PostalAddress name="default">
                  <DeliverTo>John Q. Smith</DeliverTo>
                  <DeliverTo>Buyers Headquarters</DeliverTo>
                  <Street>123 Main Street</Street>
                  <City>Mountain View</City>
                  <Country isoCountryCode="US">United States</Country>
          <Accounting name="DistributionCharge">
              <AccountingSegment id="7720">
                  <Name xml:lang="en-US">Account</Name>
                  <Description xml:lang="en-US">Office Supplies</Description>
              <AccountingSegment id="610">
                  <Name xml:lang="en-US">Cost Center</Name>
                  <Description xml:lang="en-US">Engineering Mgt</Description>
              <Money currency="USD">20.00</Money>
              <!--<Percentage percent="20"/>
              <Money currency="USD">0.00</Money>-->
              <Money currency="USD">100.00</Money>

The following example shows a sample cXML response body for the previous request.

     <Status code="200" text="OK. Order ID: o30630"/>