View the completed experiments page

This page displays information on all completed experiments. Experiments are considered completed when they have gone past their scheduled stop date and time, or when they have been manually stopped by a user.

The experiments displayed on this page are sorted by the date and time they completed, with the most recently completed experiments displayed first.

Note: Completed experiments that have been deleted are not displayed on this screen.

You can use the Completed panel of the Experiments dashboard to gain insights into completed experiments in a number of ways.

Clicking on the View All In Progress link provides you with information on all completed experiments by redirecting you to the Experiment Summary page. Opening the Experiment Summary displays the following information:

  • Experiment Name: This is the name of the experiment. Clicking on the name brings you to the Configuration screen for that experiment.
  • Winner Details: This strip shows the name of the primary goal for the experiment and the variant that is currently winning. The winning variant is the one which shows the greatest percentage improvement for the primary goal among the variants which have a confidence level greater than 95%. If there are no variants with a confidence level greater than 95% that show an improvement on the control for the primary goal, then “No Winner” is displayed in this strip.
  • Visitors & Days Run Details: This strip shows current count of visitors who have so far participated in the experiment and how many days the experiment has been running for.
  • Targeting Method Details: This strip shows the targeting method used for the experiment as well as the name of the layout or widget used, or the first included URL if URL targeting is used.
  • Modified: This is the date and time of the last time the experiment was modified, along with the username of the person who made the modification.

You can refresh the information displayed on this screen by clicking on the Refresh icon at the top of the page.

You can delete a completed experiment by clicking on the Delete icon for the experiment you wish to delete.

Another way to gain insight into completed experiments from the Completed panel of the Experiments dashboard is to click on the experiment title, this opens the Results data for that experiment. From here, you have several options: