
Order pricing and payment authorization happen in Oracle CX Commerce. The payment attributes are not mapped to any attribute in Order Management Cloud because the order management system does not need the payment information for fulfillment. With account-based (B2B) shopping, the order does have a purchase order number that is passed on to the order management system.

Note: The scope of this integration is restricted to Order Management Cloud. Other Oracle services can perform additional order processing. For example, Order Management Cloud can integrate with Account Receivables post fulfillment; this functionality is outside the scope of this integration.

Commerce currently expects the payment capture information to be updated by an external system. This assumption holds true for this integration as well. The order payment is authorized by Commerce via the payment gateways before the order is sent to Order Management for fulfillment.

It is recommended that you verify that the order is ready to be shipped in Order Management and capture the money against the authorization. This can be done by integrating with the payment gateways and sending the updated status back to Commerce as captured/settled. The payment group status would have to be updated once the transaction is captured in the Commerce repository. This status unavailability hinders return processing against an order.