Accounts report metric definitions

Note: This metric includes tax when the List/Sale prices in your catalog are inclusive of tax.

Gross Revenue

The amount of revenue gained from items sold for orders submitted for this account after any promotional discounts were applied. Gross Revenue excludes tax* and shipping revenue applied to the order. It is calculated using the price a customer paid, regardless of whether this was the full list price or sale price and takes in to account any promotional discounts that were applied.

Net Revenue

The total amount received as a result of orders submitted for this account. Net Revenue consists of the Gross Revenue from your sales orders as well as shipping and tax revenue and takes in to account any promotional discounts that were applied.

Full List Price

The total list price of items sold for this account. Full List Price revenue excludes tax*, shipping revenue and any promotional or markdown discounts applied to the order.


The Number of Orders submitted for this account. (All payments for these orders have been subject to authorization and approval, and successfully processed.)

Units Sold

Number of Items/units sold in the orders submitted for this account.

Markdown Discount

The value of the discounts applied to orders submitted for this account as a result of items/units being sold at a markdown price. Promotional discounts are not included.

Promotional Discount

The value of the promotional discounts applied to the orders submitted for this account.


The value of the shipping charges applied to the orders submitted for this account. This value is inclusive of any shipping surcharges and excludes any promotional discounts.

Included Tax

The value of the tax, which was included in your catalog prices, applied to the orders submitted for this account.

Excluded Tax

The value of the tax, which has been listed separately from your catalog prices, applied to the orders submitted for this account.

Average Order Value (Net Revenue)

The average value of the Net Revenue obtained for the orders submitted.

Average Order Gross Revenue

The average value of the Gross Revenue obtained, after promotional discounts were applied, for the orders submitted for this account.

Average Order Size

The average number of items/units sold contained in the orders submitted for this account.

Average Order Markdown Discount

The average value of the Markdown Discounts applied to the orders submitted for this account.

Average Order Promotional Discount

The average value of the Promotional Discounts that were applied to the orders submitted for this account.