Customize retrieved data

After running Oracle CX Commerce reports, the retrieved data displays with default formatting applied which you can then customize.

You can customize the default formatting in several ways, as described below:

  • Table Columns
    • Right click on table column headings to adjust the order in which they are sorted. This includes changing the sort to either ascending/descending, adding an ascending/descending sort to columns that are not currently sorted, and clearing all sorts.
    • You can remove a column from a table by right clicking on that column and selecting Exclude Column.
    • When a column has been excluded from a table, you can reinstate it by right clicking on any column heading and selecting Include Column. You can select the previously deleted column from a list.
    • Table columns can be moved to the right or left of its current position. To do so right click on the column heading and select Move Column.
  • Graphs
    • You can adjust the focus of a graph’s plot area via the zoom icon, located at the bottom left of the graph. Once you zoom in on an axis, a zoom and scroll slider is displayed. The zoom options include, Zoom in, Zoom out, and Actual size.