Understand page options

After selecting your preferences from the report-specific filters on any given report page, you can save those preferences as customizations so they can be run again at a later stage without the need to reselect.

Work with page customizations

To work with page customizations you need to click the Page Options icon located above the Metric Definitions link on the top right of your page. You will see several customization options available to you, along with the ability to Print and Refresh.

Apply Saved Customization

Any saved customizations are stored privately within your user profile. Note If you have customizations previously created within a shared profile, you will need to recreate these for your own individual user profile.

After opening a report for which you have saved customizations, you can apply those filter preferences as follows:

  1. Click the Page Options icon, and select Apply Saved Customization.

    Your current default customization is displayed in bold along with a list of customizations which you have saved, and those which have been shared.

  2. Select your preferred saved customization from the available options.

You will now see the report page with all filter preferences applied.

Save Current Customization

After selecting your preferences from the report-specific filters on any given report page, you can save those preferences as a named customization. To do so:

  1. Click the Page Options icon, and select Save Current Customization.
  2. Provide a name for the customization in the Name field.
  3. Choose from the following ‘Save for’ options:
    • Me – sets this customization as available only for yourself.
    • Others – allows others to access this customization. This option is currently unavailable.

      Note: When activated, the Make This My Default For This Page option does not currently set the customization as the default. The timeframe selections are overridden each time pages are loaded, and so they cannot therefore be set as a default.

  4. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel.

Edit Saved Customization

Any of your previously saved customizations can be edited. To do so:
  1. Click the Page Options icon, and select Edit Saved Customizations.

    You will see a list of saved customizations along with an indicator of whether they are set as your default, or shared.

  2. Edit your saved customizations, as required, in the following ways:
    • Modify the editable name of your saved customization.
    • Change which customization to set as the default.
    • Change permissions for customizations that have been shared.
    • Delete a saved customization using the delete icon.
  3. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel.

Clear My Customization

You can clear your current customization via the Clear My Customization option from the Page Options menu.

Print your page as HTML

You can print the page you are currently viewing in HTML format by selecting Print from the Page Options menu, followed by the Printable HTML option. A separate tab opens displaying the page in HTML format, ready to print. See Print report data for more details.

Refresh your page options

When filtering for reports, it may be helpful to select Refresh from the Page Options menu in order to refresh the data after any changes have been made.