Understand Report Timeframes

Oracle CX Commerce Reports provides a number of pre-defined timeframes to choose from, or you can customize your own.

To do this, select your preference for the Timeframe period by choosing from either the pre-defined timeframes which are Yesterday, 7 days, Last Week, 30 days, or 90 days, or, use the Custom option to customize your date.

For example, selecting the time frame at 14:26:11 on Thursday 19th February 2015 is shown in the following table.

The following table provides more information about how the pre-defined time frames display data.

Time frame Description Starting at Ending at
Yesterday Displays data from the previous day. 00:00:00 on Wednesday 18th February 2015 23:59:59 on Wednesday 18th February 2015
7 days Displays data for the most recently completed 7 day period 00:00:00 on Thursday 12th February 2015 23:59:59 on Wednesday 18th February 2015
Last week Displays data for the most recently completed calendar week. 00:00:00 on Sunday 8th February 2015 23:59:59 on Saturday 14th February 2015
30 days Displays data for the most recently completed 30 day period. 00:00:00 on Tuesday 20th January 2015 23:59:59 on Wednesday 18th February 2015
90 days Displays data for the most recently completed 90 day period. 00:00:00 on Friday 21st November 2014 23:59:59 on Wednesday 18th February 2015

Note: Reports are only available from when your store went live. Any dates entered prior to this will return an error.