Data Configuration

The product and SKU information should be in sync on both the Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management servers.

The following describes the Item and SKU fields and the mapping between them:

Item Configuration

Oracle Retail Order Management allows the ITEM_ID field to contain a maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters. Therefore, items created with Commerce should contain no more than 12 alphanumeric characters, for example, Item001, wallet, etc.

SKU ID Configuration

The Oracle Retail Order Management system generated short_sku_number number is unique for a company as well as a site. As such, the Commerce SKU ID should also have a unique ID for the site. Note that the SKU ID must be numeric and limited to 7 characters.

Variant Configuration

Oracle Retail Order Management allows a maximum of three SKU attributes, for example, color, size and collar. Note that all items will have the same elements. For example, both the shirts and the shoe SKUs will contain the same variants, for example, color, size, and collar.

Commerce allows more than three variants, for example, color, size, collar, and sleeve. However, Oracle Retail Order Management cannot recognize more than three variants. If the SKU attribute in Oracle Retail Order Management and the SKU variant in Commerce both contain fewer than three entries, the SKU attribute will be the same.

While creating items and SKUs in Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management, consider the following:

  • When creating SKUs, limit variants to less than three
  • Create SKUS in Oracle Retail Order Management. The same SKUs with the short_sku_number field can be manually exported and created in Commerce
  • Create variants that are as general as possible so that they can be shared across items
  • Before the integration process begins, the Commerce and Oracle Retail Order Management inventories should be synchronized

For detailed information on configuring and managing catalogs and SKUs, refer to the Oracle CX Commerce documentation.

Working with More Than Three Variants

Commerce allows you to configure SKUs so that they contain variants, such as color, size, collar, etc. However, Oracle Retail Order Management can accept only up to three of these variants. In the following example, the SKU for a shirt, as it is defined in Commerce, contains the variants for color, size, sleeve and collar. Because Oracle Retail Order Management can only accept three of these variants to be part of the SKU, the SKU is could be modified.

Note: If a Commerce SKU contains three or less variants, it is converted into the Oracle Retail Order Management system without any changes.

In the following example, the Commerce Shirt 1234 item contains the following variants: color, size, collar, and sleeve. A SKU with the sku_id 1234567 is a Shirt1234 item that has the variants values of black, small, crew, half.

Because the Commerce SKU has more variants than Oracle Retail Order Management can accept, you might configure your SKU so that the last variant, sleeve, is removed, creating three separate items: Shirt1234 Full, Shirt 1234 Half and Shirt 1234 3/4. The Commerce SKU now matches the Oracle Retail Order Management Shirt1234 Half item. The SKU with the Commerce sku_id 1234567 receives the system-generated short_sku_number 1234567.

This illustration displays the difference between integrated SKU items.

The above diagram shows how the Commerce item Shirt 1234 can be converted into three separate Oracle Retail Order Management items based on the fourth variant, sleeve. The diagram also shows how the Commerce SKU Shirt1234 relates to the Oracle Retail Order Management SKU 1234567.