Agent Console known issues

This topic describes known issues in the Oracle CX Commerce Agent Console.

CCDS-11774 Agent console incorrectly displays account-based layouts

When an account-based version of an Agent console layout has been cloned and published, the Agent console uses that account-based layout for shoppers not associated with an account. For example, suppose the Agent B2B Checkout Layout is cloned, customized with roles, and published. When an agent shops on behalf of a shopper who is not associated with an account, the Agent console loads the cloned, account-based layout.

Workaround: Open the cloned layout again in the administration interface. Make any change to the layout that requires publishing, for example, change the display name, and then change it back. Save and publish the layout.

31567933 Registration Request Search widget returns Range Error.

After setting a location and creating an organization request, searching for a registration request using an ID returns an error. The error returned is: Uncaught RangeError: Incorrect locale information provided. This issue occurs with working with locales that use underscores, such as en_US. It does not occur with locales that use hyphens, such as en-US.

Workaround: Add the following to the formatRegistrationRequestDate method in the agent registration-request-search.js widget and the storefront contact-registration-request.js widget. This will replace any underscored with hyphens.

var locale = (widget.locale()) ? widget.locale() : "en";
locale = locale.replace(/_/g, "-");

30166576 Opening an in-store pickup order causes the Agent Console to hang

If an agent attempts to open the Order Details page for an order that includes an in-store pickup item, the page is not rendered correctly. If any further action is attempted, the Agent Console hangs and becomes unusable.

Workaround: Refresh the page, or log out of the Agent Console and log back in.

Note that agent access to in-store pickup orders is supported only via the Agent API. To support the in-store pickup workflow in the Agent Console, you need to write a custom widget. As an alternative, the agent can use the shop-on-behalf-of feature in the storefront to access in-store pickup orders.

29811767 The Agent Console does not display in the expected language

The Agent Console should display in a browser’s preferred language, but instead it displays in other languages, most often English.

Workaround: In addition to setting the language you expect the Agent Console to appear in as the browser’s default language, also set it as the Commerce default site’s default language or one of its additional languages.

29196318 Incorrect account is displayed while making payment if order search is done through a URL

This issue occurs in a multiple site, multiple account environment when adding a contact to the accounts and sites. In the Agent Console, select a contact and place an order for approval for one site and account. Once the order is approved, using a URL to access the Order Search page results in the default shopper account being displayed. Because of this, the order is not placed.

Workaround: Use the Order Search page to view the Order Details page rather than using a URL.

29190048 Names of agent layouts are truncated in the Layout Filter menu in Design

The names of many agent layouts appearing in the Layout Filter menu in the administration interface are truncated due to the length of the names. This may cause confusion when selecting a layout and determining if it is intended for the storefront or the Agent Console.

29051503 When copying an order including an Oracle CPQ product with sub-items, an error message is displayed

This issue occurs when copying an order with an Oracle CPQ product and its sub-items. Using a previously-placed order with an Oracle CPQ product, clicking the Copy Order button on the Order Details page and then navigating to the Order Details page for the copied order results in an error message (sample message follows).

The structure of add-ons defined for the order is invalid. Item with productId: prodxxxxx and catRefId: skuxxxxx is failing validation. 

28987353 Shipping method is not retained when removing a surcharge product

This issue occurs on the Create Order page after adding a non-surcharge product to a cart, selecting a shipping method, adding a surcharge product, and then removing the surcharge product from the order. The shipping method menu is not retained and is not retained even after selecting the address from the address book.

28974675 Agent layouts display a blank screen on preview

This issue occurs when selecting any agent layout in the Design page. After the layout is selected, clicking the Preview icon results in a preview header and a blank screen being displayed.

28777876 Agent API listSkus endpoint ignores catalogId query parameters

When the listSkus endpoint in the Agent API is called with the catalogId query parameter, the catalog ID specified is ignored and all SKUs in the master catalog are returned.

Workaround: Rather than using the catalogId parameter, specify the catalog ID using the q parameter. For example:
 GET /ccagent/v1/skus?q=derivedCatalog co "cat393"

28769774 Multiple payments billing address is incorrect

This issue occurs when a new address is added to the address book when placing an order using the multiple payment method. After the agent selects the shipping method and enters multiple credit card details by selecting the Billing Address Same as Shipping Address and placing the order, the billing address is displayed on the Order Details page with the default profile shipping address, rather than the shipping address provided on the Create Order page.

28875166 For new account-based contacts, the billing address is not properly displayed

This issue occurs when creating a new account-based contact with address dynamic properties. On the customer profile page, create an account address and make it the default shipping address, but not the default billing address. On the Create Order page, when you check for the newly-created account address, the billing address fields are empty.

28769762 Shipping method value is not retained on the Accept quote page

This issue occurs when a quote request is created and a shipping method is selected. When the quote is synced and accepted, the shipping method and the shipping address do not persist. Both are blank fields.

29224392 Check for Approval button is not available when the account-based shopper has an approver role and has a price limit

When the agent creates an account-based order, if the account-based shopper has the approver role and has a price limit, the Check for Approval button is not available.

28122510 New Address button does not open a dialog

On the Create Order page, clicking the button for the shipping address book does not result in a new address dialog being displayed.

Workaround: Click the button again to display the new address dialog.

27504161 Exchange order is created with disassociated shopper input

When placing and processing an exchange order with add-ons, shopper inputs (for example, a gift message) that were removed or disassociated from the add-on product continue to be displayed with the exchange order.

27223458 CPQ: Add to Purchase List menu should be disabled in sub item product details dialog

On the Create Order page, when an agent adds an Oracle CPQ product to the cart and clicks a sub item link, the displayed dialog shows the Add to Purchase List menu as enabled.

24664035, 24677635 Inaccurate refund calculations for shipping to multiple addresses

During a split shipping scenario, the refund calculations are not accurate when promotions are applied or when using price override.

Workaround: Refunds need to be adjusted manually to ensure that correct refunds are made.

24424565 Unable to edit addresses for anonymous orders

When an agent is editing an order placed by an anonymous shopper, the shipping address cannot be edited.

Workaround: Add a new address in those cases where the address must be edited.

AA-4399 Internal attribute value is not retained

The internal attribute value at the order level is not retained once the order is placed.

23713756 Free gift added as a gift-with-purchase promotion is not automatically removed

The free gift added as a gift-with-purchase promotion is not automatically removed when any price override happens on the main item.

Workaround: Remove the gift from the order manually.

23654943 The promotion is not adjusted when returning the main item from the order

In an order with a BOGO promotion, if the free items are returned first and then the main item is returned, the promotion adjustment does not occur.

Workaround: Adjust the refund amount manually.

23339460 For some BOGO promotions, tax is calculated incorrectly

In certain cases with multiple items, the tax refund being calculated does not add up to the order total.

Workaround: Adjust the tax refund amount in the Refund Adjustment screen.

21860980 The session timeout warning is not shown

The warning is not shown to the shopper if the session is about to expire.

Workaround: The system shows the login page again. The agent can log in again to continue.

21856044 Agents are unable to use email address as a criterion when searching

Agents are unable to search for unregistered shopper orders (or anonymous shoppers) using their email address as search criteria.

Workaround: Use other search criteria, such as Order ID or Shipping Address, when searching for orders created for anonymous shoppers.

24011012, 24011026, 24011045 Incorrect refund and exchange calculations with volume pricing

When volume (bulk and tiered) pricing is set for sale price and list price is set for simple pricing, returns/exchanges do not calculate properly.

Workaround: Adjust refunds and exchanges manually to ensure correct transactions are made.

24354943 Pricing failure message with repeated application of gift-with-purchase promotion coupon

If the same gift-with-purchase promotion is applied again through a coupon, though this promotion is not getting applied, a pricing failure message is displayed, which is not consistent with other item level promotions.

Workaround: Remove the already-applied promotion and try making a pricing call again by either updating the quantity or selecting the address, which allows checkout to continue.

AA-13297 Missing Agent Console sub menu

The Agent Console sub menu headings within the Order page are missing. These allow you to jump between sections of the Order page without the need for excessive scrolling. For example, clicking Order Notes takes you to the Notes section at the bottom of the page.

AA-13415 Missing property in search widgets

When a new instance of the Agent Console is created, the itemsPerPage property is not available in the customer search, return search, and order search widgets. Although the value for this property appears in the administrative interface, it is not saved. This causes the order search, return search, and customer search pages to appear blank.

Workaround: Use the administrative interface to change the itemsPerPage value for each widget individually, and then save the widget. Then, if necessary, change the itemsPerPage value to its original value.

29909565 The display name of Contact Registration Requests Listing Widget – Agent is too long

The maximum number of characters for a widget display name is 50. Because this widget name is 52 characters long, it does not display correctly.

Workaround: If you are using an instance of this widget, you must change the widget name to be less than 50 characters.

29898221 Agents are redirected to the store profile page instead of remaining on an inactive site

When an agent selects an inactive site while viewing order histories, instead of remaining on the page and being presented with an error, the agent is redirected to the store profile page.

Workaround: Agents must navigate to the customer search page and reload the customer profile page.

AA-13294 Cloned Agent layouts do not load as default

Clones of the Order Details Layout – Agent layout are not loaded when rendered on the page, even if the layout has been marked as default. The original default Order Details – Agent layout is loaded instead. This is due to the agent roles setting on the layout.

Workaround: To render the cloned layout as part of the page, add the agent role to the newly cloned layout. Open the layout that you used to create the clone and remove its roles. If you have cloned additional copies of the layout, you must also remove those roles. Publish the modified layouts to save the changes.

28994767 Incorrect layout loaded in Agent Console

When you attempt to load a new agent layout cloned from the store and linked with a new site, an infinite spinner is displayed and the Add from Catalog page does not load.

When any new site is associated with any Collection, Product, Search Results, and No Search Results layouts, update the associated agent layouts with all the sites. To accomplish this, do the following:

  1. In the administration interface, click Design.
  2. On the Layout tab, click the settings icon for the new layout. The layout window is displayed.
  3. In the Sites field, select all the available sites.
  4. Save the changes and publish.