


List Collections. Get a list of collections. Use the name query param to list the collections whose display name CONTAINS IGNORECASE the given search string. Use the categoryIds param to get a list of collections whose ids match those listed in the comma delimted string value. Either categoryIds or name must be provided. Optionally takes the x-ccasset-language header to get translated content in another language. To get the list of included/excluded collections, use a group of {promotionId, itemTypeList and templateValue} parameters together.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • This is a v1 catalog compatibility flag which will return a hierarchy for use in such places as a collection tree. Default is false. This is cannot be used with pageResults.
  • ID of catalog.
  • List of collection ids to get.
  • boolean flag to determine whether to continue if a category is missing.
  • Depth of nested response from 0 to 6. Defaults to 1, however if categoryIds are specified then defaults to 4. NOTE: Caution should be used as increasing depth can negatively affect performance.
  • boolean flag to determine whether to filter root categories from the results.
  • Type of collections list associated with the given promotion id -includedCategories or excludedCategories
  • Return minimum fields required for category navigation
  • This parameter is dependent on showCategoryPaths set to true. If the value is set to true then response returns multiCatalogCategoryPaths and multiCatalogCategoryIdPaths to display linked paths from multiple catalogs prepended with catalog name and id respectively. Its behavior is Default value of the parameter is false.
  • Partial display name or id of a collection.
  • Only return active categories when it is true, when set to false or by default, returns all the categories
  • boolean flag if true all unassigned (orphaned) collections are returned.
  • Return response with paginated pattern
  • The promotion id for the included/excluded collection list. If promotionId is included then include the itemTypeList and templateValue parameters to get the include/exclude collection list for the promotion
  • A SCIM filter string for selecting a subset of all collections. See []( of the SCIM specification for details on the SCIM filter format . Examples: Get all collections whose displayName contains shirt: q=displayName co "shirt" Get all child collections for collection with id shoes: q=fixedParentCategories co "shoes" Text, date and time values appearing in SCIM filters should be quoted, with date and time values using ISO-8601 format. Numeric and boolean values should not be quoted. The following collection properties can be used in a q query: * categoryImages * creationDate * description * displayName * fixedParentCategories * id * longDescription * fixedChildProducts
  • Boolean flag to determine whether to show or hide catalogsCount property in the response. Default value is false.
  • If set to false then category path related properties, namely, categoryPaths, categoryIdPaths, multiCatalogCategoryPaths and multiCatalogCategoryIdPaths, are not returned. If set to true then categoryPaths and categoryIdPaths are returned. For multiCatalogCategoryPaths and multiCatalogCategoryIdPaths use multipleCategoryPaths parameter. Default value of the parameter is true.
  • UI Template value associated with the included/excluded collections list - e.g PSC_Value
  • Only return categories that do not inherit their active state from their parent categories. This can be used in combination with the onlyActive query parameter to ensure only explicitly active/inactive categories are returned. Note: Restricting the results to explicit active state allows the query to include the active state and return a full page of categories rather than post active filtering of categories which can return partial result pages.
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : listCollections_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The array of category objects.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : categoryImages
Type: array
Array of category images.
Show Source
Nested Schema : categoryPaths
Type: array
An array of category paths.
Show Source
Nested Schema : childCategories
Type: array
Array of category objects.
Show Source
Nested Schema : fixedParentCategories
Type: array
Array of fixed child category objects.
Show Source
Nested Schema : multiCatalogCategoryIdPaths
Type: array
An array of category ids in the path prepended with catalog id
Show Source
Nested Schema : multiCatalogCategoryPaths
Type: array
An array of category paths prepended with catalog name
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : metadata
Type: object
Category Image Metadata.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
            "longDescription":"Looking for an inspired quality gift? ATG Store gift shop has a wide choice of gifts for both men and women suitable for every occassion. Shopping for gifts is simple and convenient at ATG",
                "/Commerce Root/Gift Shop"
            "displayName":"Gift Shop",
                    "longDescription":"Looking for gift ideas for him? Let us help you find that perfect gift for him at ATG Store. Shopping for gifts is simple and convenient at ATG",
                        "/Commerce Root/Gift Shop/For Him"
                    "displayName":"For Him",
                "CloudLake Catalog/Commerce Root/Gift Shop"

Default Response

The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |21169|invalid template value incorrect_value.| |21168|templateValue is a required property for this request| |21167|itemTypeList is a required property for this request| |21001|Promotion not found for the given id: invalidId| |20142|Get Category Id Type Internal Error| |21165|itemTypeList can either be includedCategories or excludedCategories for this request| |20053|The collection view does not support queries containing parameters| |20052|Get List Collections Type Internal Error| |20140|Collection Id is invalid or non-existent| |84000|Conflicting query parameters| |21170|promotionId is a required property for this request|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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