


List Products. Gets a list of products. Optionally search for products in the given catalog and collection by performing a case-insensitive, partial-match on the display name or ID. Optionally takes the x-ccasset-language header to get translated content in another language. To get the list of included/excluded Products in a promotion, use a group of {promotionId, itemTypeList and templateValue} parameters together.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • ID of a catalog to filter products.
  • Filter the response to just products in the given category id.
  • boolean flag to determine whether to continue if a product is missing.
  • Depth of nested response from 0 to 6. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Caution should be used as increasing depth can negatively affect performance.
  • Boolean indicating if the expanded product information should be returned.
  • Comma-separated list of product properties to further limit the properties returned so as to reduce response size. When used in combination with other query parameters, the response may not return all the requested properties. When used with the expand query parameter set to true, the response returns all product properties.
  • If price maps need to be computed for a large number of price lists then setting this to true may improve performance. Defaults to false.
  • Boolean flag if true then isFilteredCatalogMember field will be added for each product in the response. Defaults to false.
  • Boolean flag to determine whether to include price maps for the products in the response. Default is true.
  • Type of products list associated with the given promotion id -includedProducts or excludedProducts
  • This is the field to determine number of records to be fetched per REST call.
  • Returns a minimal set of properties. Adds two properties, onSale and priceRange, so that those two values do not need to be computed by the client. This can be combined with any other query parameters that do not depend on properties not returned. This cannot be combined with 'expand' as they are mutually exclusive.
  • Partial displayName of a product to use for search.
  • This field determines the offset/starting index from which data to be fetched.
  • Filter response to products with no parent categories.
  • Return response with paginated pattern, to be used with query params - name/productIds/promotion group {promotionId, itemTypeList, templateValue}
  • Price list group id for adding the prices to the product in the response.
  • Product IDs to list.
  • The promotion id for the included/excluded products list. If promotionId is included then include the itemTypeList and templateValue parameters to get the include/exclude product list for the promotion
  • A SCIM filter string for selecting a subset of all products. See []( of the SCIM specification for details on the SCIM filter format. Examples: Get all products whose displayName contains shirt: q=displayName co "shirt" Get all products with an orderLimit between 5 and 10: q=orderLimit gt 5 and orderLimit lt 10 Text, date and time values appearing in SCIM filters should be quoted, with date and time values using ISO-8601 format. Numeric and boolean values should not be quoted. The following base product properties can be used in a q query: * avgCustRating * brand * childSKUs * description * displayName * id * largeImage * longDescription * notForIndividualSale * orderLimit * productImages * smallImage Additionally, custom product properties may also be used in a q query.
  • Boolean flag to determine whether to include inactive products as part of the result.
  • Show inventory quantity.
  • Boolean indicating if the translations property should be returned for each item in the response.
  • UI Template value associated with the included/excluded products list - e.g PSC_Value, optional_offer_psc_value etc
  • Filter response to products in the given catalog's default category for products.
  • Option to use the inherited pricing from the product or SKU. This is true by default. When set to false, product prices are not considered for skus.
  • Boolean flag to determine whether prices will be returned or not; not returning prices will skip performing any price lookup for the products. Default is true. Setting this to false will supersede 'includePrices'.
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : listProducts_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Images and urls of the product. Image Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: object
Sorting criteria of the products.
Show Source
Nested Schema : addOnProducts
Type: array
List of add-on products associated with the product
Show Source
Nested Schema : childSKUs
Type: array
List of SKU's for the product.
Show Source
Nested Schema : fullImageURLs
Type: array
The array of full image URLs. Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : largeImageURLs
Type: array
The array of large image URLs. Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : listPrices
Type: object
list prices of the SKU in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : mediumImageURLs
Type: array
The url of the medium image. Url is not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : productVariantOptions
Type: array
Objects containing product's variant options details if available for the product.
Show Source
Nested Schema : salePrices
Type: object
sale prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingSurcharges
Type: object
Extra handling costs for shipping the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : smallImage
Type: array
The array of small image URLs. Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : smallImageURLs
Type: array
The urls of the small image.Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sourceImageURLs
Type: array
The array of source image URLs. Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : thumbImageURLs
Type: array
The array of thumbnail image URLs. Urls are not encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : variantValuesOrder
Type: object
Object having various variant property as key and ordered values array as the value.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : addOnOptions
Type: array
List of options within a configurable Property
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : product
Type: object
The add-on product associated with product
Show Source
Nested Schema : sku
Type: object
The add-on sku associated with product
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : configurationMetadata
Type: array
Array of configuration attributes associated with the SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : fullImageURLs
Type: array
Full Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : largeImageURLs
Type: array
Large Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : listPrices
Type: object
list prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : mediumImageURLs
Type: array
Medium Image URLs SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : salePrices
Type: object
sale prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingSurcharges
Type: object
Extra handling costs for shipping the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : smallImageURLs
Type: array
Small Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sourceImageURLs
Type: array
Source Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : thumbImageURLs
Type: array
Thumb Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : optionValueMap
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
mapping of all option values with corresponding option value ids
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
            "longDescription":"Stunning lines and unusual details\n\t\t\tgive the Aruba dining chair its sophisticated visual appeal. Made of\n\t\t\tbeech. The padded seat is top-quality leather, and the backrest\n\t\t\tfeatures brass accents.",
            "displayName":"Aruba Dining Chair",
            "description":"Modern elegance in this leather and\n\t\t\twood chair",
            "displayName":"Aspen Snow Blanket",
            "description":"Perfect blanket for a snowy night.",
            "displayName":"Atlantic Nightsky Blanket",
            "description":"Cozy and soft blanket.",

Default Response

The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle CX Commerce: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |21169|invalid template value incorrect_value.| |21168|templateValue is a required property for this request| |20034|Get ProductList Internal Error| |21167|itemTypeList is a required property for this request| |21001|Promotion not found for the given id: invalidId| |21166|itemTypeList can either be includedProducts or excludedProducts for this request| |25013|price List InternalError| |20041|Null ProductListingRequest argument passed to method| |20040|Get Product Type Internal Error| |10002|Invalid value [ {1} ] for parameter: {0}.| |21170|promotionId is a required property for this request|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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