Customize agent navigation

This widget allows you to customize the navigation bar at the top of the page.

This widget is specifically for navigation between agent pages.

Widget Name: agentNavigation

Display Name: Navigation - Agent

Supported Page Types:

  • agentAccountContacts
  • agentAccountDetails
  • agentAddressBook
  • agentCheckout
  • agentCreateExchange
  • agentCreateReturn
  • agentCustomerDetails
  • agentCustomerSearch
  • agentHome
  • agentMultiShipCheckout
  • agentOrderDetails
  • agentOrderHistory
  • agentOrderSearch
  • agentOrdersPendingApproval
  • agentProcessReturns
  • agentPurchaseList
  • agentRefunds
  • agentRegtistrationRequestDetail
  • agentReturnSearch
  • agentScheduledOrder
  • agentSelfRegistrationPage
  • agentViewReturnRequest


Elements: None

Note: The Customer Profile page, and the Registration Request page, do not contain a back navigation button. To provide a button, you must create a custom property on the navigation widget.