Customize a create order page

The following widgets, which are associated with the Checkout Layout - Agent, provide an interface that allows an agent to create an order.

  • Navigation – Agent
  • Notification Widget – Agent
  • Header – Agent Create Order
  • Additional Shopper Context
  • Checkout Order Details
  • Checkout Order Summary – Agent
  • Search And Add Items To Cart
  • Product Details – Agent
  • Shopping Cart – Agent
  • Shopping Cart Product Details – Agent
  • Promotion Widget – Agent
  • Scheduled Order – Agent Checkout
  • Address book for B2C Customer – Agent
  • Cart Shipping – Agent
  • Loyalty Payment
  • Loyalty Details
  • Split Payments – Agent
  • Notes Widget – Agent
  • Request Quote Widget – Agent
  • Place Order – Agent Checkout

You can customize this layout by adding or removing widgets. An example of how you could modify the default checkout layout is described in Configure layouts and widgets for in-store pick up.

Note: The list price is not displayed in the shopping cart price column. To display the list price, you must update the Shopping Cart - Agent widget.

Note that the following layouts also exist for an agent. These layouts contain a subset of the widgets listed above, as well as widgets specific to the layout’s purpose:

  • Checkout Edit Layout – Agent
  • Checkout Layout For Pending Payment – Agent
  • Checkout Layout For Multi Ship – Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout For Multi Ship - Agent

Note: To add quick links when creating, editing or viewing order details, you must create custom properties on the Header - Agent Create Order widget.