Review loyalty payments

This widget displays information to an agent regarding the shopper’s loyalty payments.

For detailed information on working with loyalty programs, see Work with Loyalty Programs.

Note that a version of this widget exists within the Storefront framework, as well. See Appendix: Layout Widgets and Elements for information on Storefront widgets.

Widget Name: loyaltyPayment

Display Name: Loyalty Payment

Supported Page Types:

  • agentCheckoutPageType
  • agentMultiShipCheckoutPageType
  • checkout


  • Agent Checkout Layout - Pending Payment
  • B2B Edit Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout For Multi Ship - Agent
  • Checkout Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Layout For Multi Ship - Agent

Elements: This widget uses the select-redeem-points element. To understand how this element is used, refer to the widget’s code view.