View the catalog page

This widget displays the header for the catalog page.

When an agent clicks on the Complete Order button, they are taken to the agent checkout page, which allows them to complete an order on behalf of a shopper. For detailed information on viewing a catalog in the agent console, see Create new orders.

Note that a version of this widget exists within the Storefront framework, as well. See Appendix: Layout Widgets and Elements for information on Storefront widgets.

Widget Name: agentCatalogHeader

Display Name: Header - Agent Catalog

Supported Page Types:

  • category
  • nosearchresults
  • product
  • searchresults


  • Collection Layout - Agent
  • No Search Results Layout - Agent
  • Product Layout - Agent
  • Search Results Layout - Agent

Elements: To understand how these elements are used, refer to the widget’s code view:

  • dropdown-minicart