Create and edit keyword redirects

You can create and edit keyword redirects for shoppers’ search terms on the Keyword Redirects page.

Open the Keyword Redirects page from the Search page. You must be assigned the Admin or Search role. Changes to the keyword redirects do not affect your store until after you publish. See Publish Changes.

You can see how your keyword redirect entries behave when shoppers search for items by previewing your store. Click Preview and then search for items that you expect to trigger the keyword redirect entries that you want to test. For more information about previewing your store, see Preview your changes.

View the list of keyword redirects

The Keyword Redirects page displays a list of keyword redirects that have been added to your store. Each entry displays the following information:

  • Keywords that the shopper enters.
  • A redirect page which is the absolute or relative URL to which the shopper gets redirected.
  • A clickable icon that displays the redirect page in a new tab or window.
  • The read-only match mode field.
  • The last modified date, and user.

By default all keyword redirects are displayed. You can filter the list of keyword redirects by site.

The list can be sorted by clicking the Sort By list and selecting keyword, redirect page, modified by user order, or date modified order. Sorting always resets your view of the list to the first page. You can filter the list by starting to type a keyword, redirect URL, match mode, or user name in the Filter terms box.

Work with redirect URLs

Commerce recommends using relative URLs for redirecting shoppers to internal pages within the store and only using absolute URLs for redirecting shoppers to external pages outside of the store. Relative URLs are especially important for internal pages because your preview storefront and production storefront have different hostnames. Using relative URLs in this case allows you to preview and test your keyword redirects before you publish.

Create a keyword redirect

All keyword redirects that you add using the administration interface have a match mode of Exact.

  1. On the Search page, click Keyword Redirects.
  2. Check to see if the keyword has already been entered. If a keyword has multiple entries with different redirect URLs, you might get unexpected results.
  3. Click New Entry.
  4. By default, the keyword redirect you create is global, that is, it applies to all sites. To create a keyword redirect that applies to one or more specific sites, deselect Global under Sites, click the Select items box and select the site or sites.
  5. In the Keyword field, enter the term to be redirected to a page.
  6. In the Redirect field, enter the absolute or relative URL for the page to which you want the shopper to be redirected. The entry must begin with http://, https://, or a forward slash (/).
  7. Click Create.
  8. Verify the redirect URL by clicking the redirect icon next to the URL.

    The URL displays the redirect page in a new tab or window.

Edit a keyword redirect

You can modify the keywords or the redirect URLs for keyword redirect entries.

  1. On the Search page, click Keyword Redirects.
  2. Click the keyword entry in the list.

    You can update an existing keyword or the redirect URL, or the site it applies to.

  3. Click Save.
  4. If you edited the redirect URL, verify it by clicking the redirect icon next to the URL.

    The URL displays the redirect page in a new tab or window.

Delete a keyword redirect

  1. On the Search page, click Keyword Redirects.
  2. Click the trash can icon next to the entry.
  3. When the confirmation appears, click Delete.