Create a shipping method

You must create at least one shipping method, even if your shipping is handled by a third-party fulfillment system.

Oracle CX Commerce supports the following shipping methods:

  • Internally priced shipping method - A shipping method created in the administration interface whose price and availability is determined during checkout using internal rules.
  • Externally priced shipping method - A shipping method created in the administration interface whose price and availability is determined using a combination of internal rules and the shipping calculator service.

    During checkout, Oracle CX Commerce determines which externally priced shipping methods are available based on internal rules. The available shipping methods and costs are sent to the shipping calculator service in the request. The shipping calculator service responds with some or all of the available methods and their prices and these available shipping methods are displayed to the shopper with the returned price. Refer to Integrate with External Shipping Calculators and Use Webhooks for complete information on using this method.

  • External shipping method - A shipping method returned by the external shipping calculator service that does not have an internal representation in the administration interface. The price and availability are determined entirely by the service. Refer to Integrate with External Shipping Calculatorsand Use Webhooks for complete information on using this method.

To create a new shipping method using the administration interface, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon, then select Shipping Methods.
  2. Click New Shipping Method.
  3. Select the type of shipping method that you want from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the information that identifies the new shipping method. See the table that follows this procedure to learn about the information to enter in each field.
  5. Click Save.

The following table describes the properties that identify a shipping method.

Property Description
Display Name (Required) A name for the shipping method.
Description A short description of the shipping method. This does not appear on your store.
Tax Code A tax code to assign to the shipping method that allows your tax processor to make the appropriate tax calculations. For more information, see Configure Tax Processing.

Select the checkbox to make the method available on your store.

By default, shipping methods are enabled.

Use as fallback shipping method If your store integrates with external calculators for shipping services (such as UPS, USPS, or FedEx), you can specify internal shipping methods that will be offered to shoppers when Commerce cannot connect to external shipping service’s web service, for example, in the event of an outage. See Specify a fallback shipping method for more information.
Eligible for Products with Shipping Surcharge Select the checkbox to make the method available to ship products that have shipping surcharges.

If you run multiple sites within a single instance of Commerce, you can make a shipping method available to all sites or only to sites you specify.

Select the Applies to All Sites checkbox if you want this shipping method to be available on all sites. If you want this shipping method to be available only on specific sites, uncheck the checkbox and select sites in the box below it.

Shipping Regions (Required) The geographic regions for this shipping method. For more information, see Create Shipping Regions.
Price Groups Select the price groups this shipping method applies to. If you leave this field blank, the shipping method applies to all price groups.
Shipping Charges

(Required) Shipping charges are based on order cost. You specify one or more cost ranges and assign a shipping charge to each range. For example, order totals up to $50 cost $5.95 to ship, order totals from 50.01 to $74.99 cost $9.50 to ship, and order totals of $75 or more ship for free.

Tip: To create a shipping method that provides the same shipping cost on all orders (for example, to offer free shipping), enter a Range Start value of 0.00, leave the Range End value blank, and then enter a shipping cost.

Note: An externally priced shipping method can be created without specifying shipping charges, provided it is not a fallback shipping method.