Work with account contracts

Contracts let you associate a particular catalog, price group, and other terms with each account.

Contracts can be created within the context of a published site. You can associate an account with more than one contract. This allows you to run multiple sites from a single Commerce instance. Note that a contact cannot access a site until a contract has been associated with the contact’s account. For information on working with multiple sites, refer to Run Multiple Stores from One Commerce Instance.

Once you have defined a contract for an account by associating the account with a catalog and a price group, you can change the catalog or price group but you cannot leave either field blank. To prevent a contract from being used, deactivate the account so that all transactions with the account stop. See Deactivate an account for more information.

If you enable Account Activated or New Contract Added emails, all contacts associated with an account are notified when a contract is added, or if the account is moved to a new parent, where it inherits the parent’s contracts by default. See Enable the types of email your store sends for more information.

Commerce administrators create and manage contracts in the Commerce administration interface. Delegated administrators cannot perform these tasks.

Create or update an account contract

To create a new contract or update an existing contract:

  1. On the Accounts page, select the account whose contract you want to manage.
  2. Click the Contract tab to see contract information for the site selected in the site selector.
  3. If you are working with a sub account, it inherits its parent account’s contract for the selected site by default. To replace an inherited contract, uncheck the Inherit Contact checkbox.
  4. Enter or modify the information for the contract. See the table that follows this procedure for information about each field.
  5. Click Save.
Property Description
Catalog (required) A catalog associated with this contract. Only published catalogs appear in the list of catalogs you can select from. See Manage Your Catalog for more information.
Contract Description A description of the contract.
Contract Name (required) The name of the contract.
External Contract Reference Alphanumeric value that allows you to store contract references from an external system.
Price List Group (required) A price group associated with this contract. Only active, published price groups appear in the list of price groups you can select from. See Configure Price Groups for information.
Site Information on the site associated with this contract including the site name and URL. Note that only a published site can be associated with a contract.
Terms and Conditions Text field to provide terms and conditions of the contract.