Understand shipping

With Oracle CX Commerce, you can ship items in a single order to either a single shipping address, using a single shipping method, or to multiple shipping addresses using multiple shipping methods. If a shopper purchases more than one item, they can have the items shipped to separate addresses.

In a multiple site environment, the shipping methods are site-specific, that is, each site can have its own shipping methods. The shipping methods are loaded based on the site selected. The default shipping country also is loaded based on the site selected during order creation.

Keep in mind the following concepts when working with multiple shipping in the Agent Console:

  • When you create a multiple shipping address order where the number of shipping groups is more than one, the cash payment method is disabled.
  • You cannot change the price list group or site on the multiple shipping page. You must make necessary changes to the cart before navigating to multiple shipping cart. You also cannot add products to the cart by SKU, product name, or catalog. If you want to modify the cart, site, or account, click Ship to Single Address and modify the cart products, for example by adding a new item to the cart, or by changing the site or account.
  • Shipping surcharges and discounted prices are not displayed on multiple shipping pages after you apply a promotion to the product.
  • Once you open the multiple shipping page and add the address and shipping methods, if you return to the single shipping address page, payment details are not displayed. You must return to the multiple shipping page to complete the payment.
  • Once you have opened the multiple shipping cart page and selected all the address and shipping methods, the item is repriced. At this point, if you click Ship to Single Address, the payment options are not available. You can only complete payment in the multiple shipping cart.
  • When you copy an order originally placed using the multiple shipping cart method, the new copied order is displayed as a single shipping page only.
  • For account-based commerce, a buyer can only view the shipping methods specific to the account and site.

To use order shipping for single or multiple shipping addresses:

  1. On the Create Order page, in the Order Items section, you can choose to ship to a single address or multiple shipping addresses.

    Clicking the Ship to Multiple Addresses link allows the shopper to ship items available in the order to multiple addresses using multiple shipping methods. Clicking the Ship To Single Address link returns the order the single shipping address page but retains the multiple shipping addresses if any have been selected.

    The columns displayed on this page for orders shipped to a single address are Product, Price, Quantity, and Subtotal. The columns displayed for orders shipped to multiple addresses are Product, Price, Quantity, Ship To, Shipping Method, and Subtotal.

  2. Add items to the order as necessary.
  3. For orders shipped to a single address, in the Shipping Details section, select the address from the address book and the shipping method from the menu.

    The chosen address determines the shipping method available in the menu.

  4. For orders shipped to multiple addresses, do the following:
    • Use the Ship To menu to select the address for the item or items. The menu lists addresses and address nicknames (to abbreviate the address information) currently available in the address book for this shopper. Addresses are listed with first and last name, street/post office box, and city/state. If the address is not listed, click the Add a New Address choice from the menu.

      Note: Adding the address using the Ship To menu adds the address within the order but does not add it to the address book. Click the Address Book button located in the Shipping Details section to add the new address to the address book, or add it on the Address Book tab of the Customer Profile page.

    • Click the Change Address link and select any address provided in the Address Book dialog. You can view complete address details in the dialog.
    • If there are no addresses available, add a new address and select Use This As My Billing Address if necessary as provided in Address Book dialog.
    • Depending upon the shipping address chosen from the menu, the Shipping Method menu lists the available methods.
    • With multiple quantities of a single item (for example, 3 @ $24.99), shoppers can also send items to multiple addresses.

      After selecting the address, the shipping method menu is enabled, and you can select any shipping method available; if a site is selected, the site-related methods are loaded. When the item quantity added to cart is greater than 1, a Dispatch to Additional Addresses link is displayed. When the link is clicked, the specified item quantity is decreased by one (1). You can then ship each item to separate addresses with separate shipping methods. If you delete a split item or change the quantity to zero and update it, the remaining item quantity does not increase. You must change the quantity manually.

      Add the quantity to ship, the shipping address, and shipping method to this new row. Click Update to make changes to the row.

      Note: The original quantity does not automatically change to reflect the quantity sent to the additional shipping address. For example, if the shopper placed a total quantity of 3 glasses in her cart, and wanted 1 glass shipped to another address, entering 1 in the new Quantity row does not decrease the original amount to 2. Manually change the original quantity to 2 to avoid charging the shopper for 4 glasses.

    • In the Shipping Details section, the addresses are displayed associated with the order, along with the shipping choices and the prices associated with each shipment: method, subtotal, shipping costs, tax, and order total for each shipment.
    • In the Payment Details section, the Billing Address menu shows a list of addresses the shopper can choose from. The fields under the menu display the associated information. You can update these fields if necessary.

      Note: The updated billing information is not saved when changes are made to the Billing Address fields. If the shopper wants the address updated or if the shopper wants to use a new billing address for future orders, you must make the changes in the address book.

When editing an order using a multiple shipping cart:

  1. Click Edit Order at the top of the Order page. (Note that this option may not be enabled, for example if the remorse period is over.) The multiple shipping cart page is displayed. If you want to modify the cart, site, or account, you must click Ship To Single Address and then complete the changes.
  2. Once you complete the changes, if any pending amount due is displayed, provide payment details on the multiple shipping cart page and complete the order.