Ranking Rules Configuration REST Endpoints

Admin/Search Admin and Configuration/Ranking Rules Configuration
These endpoints are a subset of the /rules endpoints with clarification on formats for dynamic curation configuration. As well as a new selector to work better with the Commerce Cloud administration interface.
Creates a rule configuration.
Method: post
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules/{Rule}
Deletes a Rule.
Method: delete
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules/{Rule}
Retrieve a rule configuration.
Method: get
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules/{Rule}
Updates a rule configuration.
Method: put
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules/{Rule}
View a ranking Rule with expanded information.
Method: get
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules/{Rule}.ccadminui.json
View list of ranking rules with expanded information.
Method: get
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules.ccadminui.json
View list of ranking rules.
Method: get
Path: /gsadmin/v1/{appName}/content/rankingRules