Shipping Groups REST Endpoints

Store/Orders/Current/Shipping Groups
The operations from the Store/Orders/Current/Shipping Groups category.
Add shipping groups
Method: post
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups/add
Delete a shipping group by ID
Method: delete
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups/{id}
Delete shipping groups
Method: post
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups/delete
Get a shipping group by ID
Method: get
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups/{id}
Get all shipping groups
Method: get
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups
Manage shipping groups relationship to cart items
Method: post
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups/relateToItems
Update a shipping group by ID
Method: patch
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups/{id}
Update shipping groups
Method: patch
Path: /ccstore/v1/orders/current/shippingGroups