


List Appeasements. Get appeasements by the search criteria entered. The search criteria includes appeasement properties and sub-items(appeasementRefunds, profile & order) properties like refund types, amount, first name, email, order state etc. Details are mentioned below in parameter description


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • This controls which fields are returned in the response body.
  • This is the field to specify the number of records to be fetched per REST call.
  • This field specifies the offset/starting index from which data to be fetched.
  • Search criteria - Following are the examples to include the respective properties of the item/sub-items of appeasements in the query: |Field|Type|Description| |------------------|------------------|------------------| |type|string|Type of the appeasement| |appeasementRefunds.refundType|string|Type of the appeasement refund| |profile.firstName|string|First name of the profile| |order.state|string|State of the order.| Search criteria in SCIM Format should be as: type eq \"order\", appeasementRefunds.refundType eq \"creditCard\", profile.firstName co \"kim\", order.state ne \"INCOMPLETE\" etc. All the supported properties can be included in SCIM search criteria. However, few suggestions are: Appeasement properties: type, reason, orderId, profileId, state, agentId etc. Appeasement refund properties: refundType, amount, currencyCode etc. Profile properties: firstName, lastName, email etc. Order properties: state, creationDate etc. Searching with custom properties: Use the custom property name as the search criteria field without any prefix. For example: For a custom property with name as isVipCustomer, use search criteria field as isVipCustomer. Note: SCIM search supports custom properties on item type, and not on its sub-types. e.g. Custom properties created on appeasementRefunds, which will be available to its sub-types like externalAppeasementRefund, creditCardAppeasementRefund etc. can be included in search criteria, whereas custom properties created specific to any of its sub-types should not be included in the search criteria.
  • This field specifies the sort order of the list to be fetched.
  • Indicates if the total results should be included in the response.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : listAppeasements_response
Type: object
Show Source
                "readableDescription":"Incorrect Item Received",
            "notes":"Providing an appeasement of 20 USD which is 20% of the Order Total, according to the appeasement policy.",
                    "comment":"Appeasement to be settled on priority. Valued customer.",
                "description":"Appeasement to be applied on a given order",
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Array containing the object representations of appeasements. See getAppeasement for a description of the values of each appeasement.
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Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
An array that specifies the sort order.
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Nested Schema : getAppeasement_response
Type: object
Show Source
        "readableDescription":"Incorrect Item Received",
    "notes":"Providing an appeasement of 20 USD which is 20% of the Order Total, according to the appeasement policy.",
            "comment":"Appeasement to be settled on priority. Valued customer.",
        "description":"Appeasement to be applied on a given order",
Nested Schema : appeasementRefunds
Type: array
Array of appeasement Refunds represents the list of payment instrument details that we want to use for giving the appeasement.
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Nested Schema : comments
Type: array
Array of comments given on an appeasement.
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Nested Schema : reason
Type: object
Reason for the appeasement, among the configured appeasement reason in the system.
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Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Type of appeasement, among the configured appeasement type in the system.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Properties of the appeasement refund.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Properties of the comments
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Default Response

The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud: Below is the list of error codes: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |85003|Invalid attribute in query| |900013|Invalid search criteria.| |900014|An internal error occured while processing the input request|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
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Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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