


Get Resource Metadata. Returns the metadata catalog of the resource specified. The response will be in hyper schema format. The **JSON hyper schema** being served is **deprecated**. Use Swagger.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : getResourceMetadata_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : definitions
Type: object
respective properties of the resource
Example Response (application/json)
    "description":"Return Order endpoints",
                    "description":"Specify the operation to be performed",
                    "description":"List of returnable Items",
                                "description":"Id of the Return Item.",
                                "description":"Disposition Reason for Return Item",
                                "description":"Quantity Received",
                    "description":"Status of Return Request",
                    "description":"Either it is exchange / return request",
                    "description":"List of returnable Items",
                                "description":"Quantity Returned",
                                "description":"Display Name of the Product",
                                "description":"OrderDiscountShare for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Returned Item child items",
                                            "description":"quantity of the child Item",
                                            "description":"Product path",
                                            "description":"Product Id of teh ",
                                            "description":"Product display name of the sub sku commerce item",
                                            "description":"Child Product Variant Information.",
                                                        "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                                        "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                            "description":"Catalog Reference Id of the child Item",
                                "description":"Product Variant Information.",
                                            "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute",
                                            "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute",
                                "description":"Configurator Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Quantity Available",
                                "description":"Commerce Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Shipping Refund for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Refund Amount of the item excluding orderDiscountShare and ManualAdjustmentShare",
                                "description":"Total price of the item",
                                "description":"Reason to return an Item",
                                "description":"Quantity Received",
                                "description":"Disposition Reason",
                                        "description":"Key of the disposition Reason",
                                        "description":"Name of the disposition Reason",
                                "description":"Unit price of the item",
                                "description":"Quantity To Return",
                                "description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
                                "description":"Id of the return Item",
                                "description":"Id of the return Item",
                                "description":"Item level promotion adjustments.",
                                        "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                        "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                        "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                        "description":"Description of promotion",
                                        "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                        "description":"Id of the promotion",
                                "description":"Quantity To Return",
                                "description":"Tax Refund for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Shipping group Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"ManualAdjustmentShare for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Catalog Reference Id",
                                "description":"Quantity Shipped",
                                "description":"Reference to the Promotions linked to this returnItem",
                                "description":"Actual Refund Amount at Item level",
                                "description":"Refund Cost for a returnItem",
                    "description":"submitExchangeAllowedValidationMessage will come in json response if isSubmitExchangeOrderAllowed property is false",
                            "description":"error code",
                            "description":"contains detailed info",
                                    "description":"list of product id's",
                                    "description":"list of sku id's",
                            "description":"message string",
                    "description":"Profile Information for the order.",
                            "description":"Last name of profile.",
                            "description":"First name of profile.",
                            "description":"The Organization associated with the B2B customer profile.",
                                        "description":"The name of of the organization.",
                                        "description":"The id of the organization.",
                            "description":"Middle name of profile.",
                            "description":"Email address of the profile",
                    "description":"Indicates whether submit exchange order allowed or not.It will get populated only in exchange flow.",
                    "description":"Manually Adjusted Return Request",
                    "description":"Order Information.",
                            "description":"Price information of the order.",
                                    "description":"The raw number that represents the price.",
                                    "description":"The current working total, including all promotions, tax, and billing costs.",
                                    "description":"The shipping cost of the order.",
                                    "description":"Indicates if tax is included in item price",
                                    "description":"The tax on the order.",
                                    "description":" The subtotal of the order before applying order-level promotions.",
                                    "description":" Total order Discount Amount.",
                                    "description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
                                    "description":"The total cost without Tax.",
                            "description":"Commerce id for this order.",
                            "description":"PriceList group of the order.",
                                    "description":"Pricelist group deleted status.",
                                    "description":"Display Name.",
                                    "description":"Repository Id.",
                                    "description":"Price List for list prices",
                                            "description":"Repository ID of the list prices",
                                    "description":"Active status of pricelist group.",
                                    "description":"Price List for sale prices",
                                            "description":"Repository ID of the sale prices",
                                    "description":"Currency of the PriceList group.",
                                            "description":"currency Symbol.",
                                            "description":"Display Name.",
                                            "description":"Repository Id.",
                                            "description":"Fractional Digits.",
                                            "description":"Currency Code.",
                                            "description":"Numeric Code.",
                                    "description":"Price List for shipping surcharge prices",
                                            "description":"Repository ID of the shipping surcharge prices",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was created.",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was submitted.",
                    "description":"Refund Information at the returnRequest Level.",
                            "description":"Shipping Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Total Amount of the Refund",
                            "description":"Total sum of all the Refunds",
                            "description":"Refund Amount of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Tax Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Refund SubTotal calculated as summation of unAdjustedRefundAmount for all return Items.",
                            "description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
                            "description":"Other Refund",
                            "description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
                    "description":"Settled Return Request",
                    "description":"Total promotions at Return item and Order level",
                            "description":"Count of the total number of promotions applied",
                            "description":"Order Level promotion adjustments",
                                    "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                    "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                    "description":"Description of promotion",
                                    "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                    "description":"Id of the promotion",
                            "description":"The total change in order level promotion value adjustments due to the return",
                            "description":"The cost adjustment for item which are not returned.",
                                    "description":"Id of the commerce Item.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as result of item returned.",
                                    "description":"Id of the shipping group.",
                                    "description":"The number of item adjusted.",
                                    "description":"Adjustment made on the shipping group.",
                                    "description":"The adjustment of order discount.",
                                    "description":"Manual Adjustment made.",
                                    "description":"Adjustment of the applied Tax.",
                            "description":"Item level promotion adjustments",
                                    "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                    "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                    "description":"Description of promotion",
                                    "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                    "description":"Id of the promotion",
                    "description":"state ",
                            "description":"Key of returned request status.",
                            "description":"Translated Value of returned request status.",
                    "description":"the quote information of the order",
                            "description":"the provider note for the quoted order",
                            "description":"the notes (history) for the order",
                                        "description":"the request/quote/rejection date for the note",
                                        "description":"the profile type of the user that requested the quote",
                                        "description":"the profile id of the user",
                                        "description":"the requester/provider/rejection note",
                            "description":"rejection date of the quoted order",
                            "description":"the date when the quote was requested in ISO format",
                            "description":"the array of errors, if any",
                            "description":"the external id for the quote",
                            "description":"the rejection note for an order whose quote has been rejected by user",
                            "description":"the date the order was quoted in milliseconds",
                            "description":"the expiration date of the quoted order, if any",
                    "description":"Payment Reversal Info for Order.",
                                "description":"Id of the payment group",
                                "description":"Type of the refund. For example this can be tokenized credit card",
                                "description":"The amount pertaining to the credit card",
                                "description":"Credit Card Details.",
                                        "description":"Credit Card Number",
                                "description":"The type of the credit card",
                                "description":"The state of the return request",
                                "description":"Payment Reversal Method",
                                "description":"The maximum amount that can be refunded from the card",
                    "description":"Specify the operation to be performed",
                    "description":"Commerce id of order.",
                    "title":"Update Return Request. Updates details of items received against a return request with operation set as 'receiveReturns'."
                    "title":"Initiate Return. Gets list of items from an order for which return request can be created with operation set as 'initiateReturn'."
                                "description":"The query string.",
                    "title":"Search Returns. Gets a list of return requests from the repository based on given search criteria"
                    "title":"Get Return Request. Gets the return request details for a given ReturnRequestId."
                    "title":"Receive Return Request. Updates details of items received against a return request with operation set as 'receiveReturns'."
                    "description":"Total return requests details.",
                                "description":"request id",
                                "description":" First Name ",
                                "description":"Last Name",
                                "description":"date of creation",
                                "description":"Order id",
                                "description":"refund amount",
                                "description":"PriceList group of the order.",
                                        "description":"Pricelist group deleted status.",
                                        "description":"Display Name.",
                                        "description":"Repository Id.",
                                        "description":"Price List for list prices",
                                                "description":"Repository ID of the list prices",
                                        "description":"Active status of pricelist group.",
                                        "description":"Price List for sale prices",
                                                "description":"Repository ID of the sale prices",
                                        "description":"Currency of the PriceList group.",
                                                "description":"currency Symbol.",
                                                "description":"Display Name.",
                                                "description":"Repository Id.",
                                                "description":"Fractional Digits.",
                                                "description":"Currency Code.",
                                                "description":"Numeric Code.",
                                        "description":"Price List for shipping surcharge prices",
                                                "description":"Repository ID of the shipping surcharge prices",
                                "description":"return state",
                                "description":"returned quantities",
                                "description":"Return operation",
                    "description":"Total number of return requests present in search result.",
                    "description":"Status of Return Request",
                    "description":"Either it is exchange / return request",
                    "description":"List of returnable Items",
                                "description":"Quantity Returned",
                                "description":"Display Name of the Product",
                                "description":"OrderDiscountShare for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Returned Item child items",
                                            "description":"quantity of the child Item",
                                            "description":"Product path",
                                            "description":"Product Id of teh ",
                                            "description":"Product display name of the sub sku commerce item",
                                            "description":"Child Product Variant Information.",
                                                        "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                                        "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                            "description":"Catalog Reference Id of the child Item",
                                "description":"Configurator Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Product Variant Information.",
                                            "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute",
                                            "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute",
                                "description":"Quantity Available",
                                "description":"Commerce Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Shipping Refund for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Refund Amount of the item excluding orderDiscountShare and ManualAdjustmentShare",
                                "description":"Total price of the item",
                                "description":"Reason to return an Item",
                                "description":"Quantity Received",
                                "description":"Disposition Reason",
                                        "description":"Key of the disposition Reason",
                                        "description":"Name of the disposition Reason",
                                "description":"Unit price of the item",
                                "description":"Quantity To Return",
                                "description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
                                "description":"Id of the return Item",
                                "description":"Id of the return Item",
                                "description":"Item level promotion adjustments.",
                                        "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                        "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                        "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                        "description":"Description of promotion",
                                        "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                        "description":"Id of the promotion",
                                "description":"Quantity To Return",
                                "description":"Tax Refund for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Shipping group Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"ManualAdjustmentShare for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Catalog Reference Id",
                                "description":"Quantity Shipped",
                                "description":"Actual Refund Amount at Item level",
                                "description":"Refund Cost for a returnItem",
                    "description":"submitExchangeAllowedValidationMessage will come in json response if isSubmitExchangeOrderAllowed property is false",
                            "description":"error code",
                            "description":"contains detailed info",
                                    "description":"list of product id's",
                                    "description":"list of sku id's",
                            "description":"message string",
                    "description":"Profile Information for the order.",
                            "description":"Last name of profile.",
                            "description":"First name of profile.",
                            "description":"Middle name of profile.",
                            "description":"Email address of the profile",
                    "description":"Indicates whether submit exchange order allowed or not.It will get populated only in exchange flow.",
                    "description":"Manually Adjusted Return Request",
                    "description":"Order Information.",
                            "description":"Price information of the order.",
                                    "description":"The raw number that represents the price.",
                                    "description":"The current working total, including all promotions, tax, and billing costs.",
                                    "description":"The shipping cost of the order.",
                                    "description":"Indicates if tax is included in item price",
                                    "description":"The tax on the order.",
                                    "description":" The subtotal of the order before applying order-level promotions.",
                                    "description":" Total order Discount Amount.",
                                    "description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
                                    "description":"The total cost without Tax.",
                            "description":"Commerce id for this order.",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was created.",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was submitted.",
                    "description":"Refund Information at the returnRequest Level.",
                            "description":"Shipping tax Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Shipping Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Total Amount of the Refund",
                            "description":"Total sum of all the Refunds",
                            "description":"Refund Amount of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Tax Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Refund SubTotal calculated as summation of unAdjustedRefundAmount for all return Items.",
                            "description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
                            "description":"Other Refund",
                            "description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
                    "description":"Settled Return Request",
                    "description":"Total promotions at Return item and Order level",
                            "description":"Count of the total number of promotions applied",
                            "description":"Order Level promotion adjustments",
                                    "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                    "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                    "description":"Description of promotion",
                                    "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                    "description":"Id of the promotion",
                            "description":"The total change in order level promotion value adjustments due to the return",
                            "description":"The cost adjustment for item which are not returned.",
                                    "description":"Id of the commerce Item.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as result of item returned.",
                                    "description":"Id of the shipping group.",
                                    "description":"The number of item adjusted.",
                                    "description":"Adjustment made on the shipping group.",
                                    "description":"The adjustment of order discount.",
                                    "description":"Manual Adjustment made.",
                                    "description":"Adjustment of the applied Tax.",
                            "description":"Item level promotion adjustments",
                                    "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                    "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                    "description":"Description of promotion",
                                    "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                    "description":"Id of the promotion",
                    "description":"the quote information of the order",
                            "description":"the provider note for the quoted order",
                            "description":"the notes (history) for the order",
                                        "description":"the request/quote/rejection date for the note",
                                        "description":"the profile type of the user that requested the quote",
                                        "description":"the profile id of the user",
                                        "description":"the requester/provider/rejection note",
                            "description":"rejection date of the quoted order",
                            "description":"the date when the quote was requested in ISO format",
                            "description":"the array of errors, if any",
                            "description":"the external id for the quote",
                            "description":"the rejection note for an order whose quote has been rejected by user",
                            "description":"the date the order was quoted in milliseconds",
                            "description":"the expiration date of the quoted order, if any",
                    "description":"Payment Reversal Info for Order.",
                            "description":"Credit Card Details.",
                                    "description":"Credit Card Number",
                            "description":"Payment Reversal Method",
                    "description":"List of returnable Items",
                                "description":"Id of the Return Item.",
                                "description":"Disposition Reason for Return Item",
                                "description":"Quantity Received",
                    "description":"Status of Return Request",
                    "description":"Either it is exchange / return request",
                    "description":"List of returnable Items",
                                "description":"Quantity Returned",
                                "description":"Display Name of the Product",
                                "description":"OrderDiscountShare for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Returned Item child items",
                                            "description":"quantity of the child Item",
                                            "description":"Product path",
                                            "description":"Product Id of teh ",
                                            "description":"Product display name of the sub sku commerce item",
                                            "description":"Child Product Variant Information.",
                                                        "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                                        "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                            "description":"Catalog Reference Id of the child Item",
                                "description":"Configurator Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Product Variant Information.",
                                            "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute",
                                            "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute",
                                "description":"Quantity Available",
                                "description":"Commerce Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Shipping Refund for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Refund Amount of the item excluding orderDiscountShare and ManualAdjustmentShare",
                                "description":"Total price of the item",
                                "description":"Reason to return an Item",
                                "description":"Quantity Received",
                                "description":"Disposition Reason",
                                        "description":"Key of the disposition Reason",
                                        "description":"Name of the disposition Reason",
                                "description":"Unit price of the item",
                                "description":"Quantity To Return",
                                "description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
                                "description":"Id of the return Item",
                                "description":"Id of the return Item",
                                "description":"Item level promotion adjustments.",
                                        "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                        "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                        "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                        "description":"Description of promotion",
                                        "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                        "description":"Id of the promotion",
                                "description":"Quantity To Return",
                                "description":"Tax Refund for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Shipping group Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"ManualAdjustmentShare for a returnItem",
                                "description":"Catalog Reference Id",
                                "description":"Quantity Shipped",
                                "description":"Actual Refund Amount at Item level",
                                "description":"Refund Cost for a returnItem",
                    "description":"submitExchangeAllowedValidationMessage will come in json response if isSubmitExchangeOrderAllowed property is false",
                            "description":"error code",
                            "description":"contains detailed info",
                                    "description":"list of product id's",
                                    "description":"list of sku id's",
                            "description":"message string",
                    "description":"Profile Information for the order.",
                            "description":"Last name of profile.",
                            "description":"First name of profile.",
                            "description":"Middle name of profile.",
                            "description":"Email address of the profile",
                    "description":"Indicates whether submit exchange order allowed or not.It will get populated only in exchange flow.",
                    "description":"Manually Adjusted Return Request",
                    "description":"Order Information.",
                            "description":"Price information of the order.",
                                    "description":"The raw number that represents the price.",
                                    "description":"The current working total, including all promotions, tax, and billing costs.",
                                    "description":"The shipping cost of the order.",
                                    "description":"Indicates if tax is included in item price",
                                    "description":"The tax on the order.",
                                    "description":" The subtotal of the order before applying order-level promotions.",
                                    "description":" Total order Discount Amount.",
                                    "description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
                                    "description":"The total cost without Tax.",
                            "description":"Commerce id for this order.",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was created.",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was submitted.",
                    "description":"Refund Information at the returnRequest Level.",
                            "description":"Shipping tax Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Shipping Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Total Amount of the Refund",
                            "description":"Total sum of all the Refunds",
                            "description":"Refund Amount of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Tax Refund of all Return Items",
                            "description":"Refund SubTotal calculated as summation of unAdjustedRefundAmount for all return Items.",
                            "description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
                            "description":"Other Refund",
                            "description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
                    "description":"Settled Return Request",
                    "description":"Total promotions at Return item and Order level",
                            "description":"Count of the total number of promotions applied",
                            "description":"Order Level promotion adjustments",
                                    "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                    "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                    "description":"Description of promotion",
                                    "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                    "description":"Id of the promotion",
                            "description":"The total change in order level promotion value adjustments due to the return",
                            "description":"The cost adjustment for item which are not returned.",
                                    "description":"Id of the commerce Item.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as result of item returned.",
                                    "description":"Id of the shipping group.",
                                    "description":"The number of item adjusted.",
                                    "description":"Adjustment made on the shipping group.",
                                    "description":"The adjustment of order discount.",
                                    "description":"Manual Adjustment made.",
                                    "description":"Adjustment of the applied Tax.",
                            "description":"Item level promotion adjustments",
                                    "description":"Reference to the Item Level Promotion.",
                                    "description":"Amount adjusted as a result of applied promotion.",
                                    "description":"Type of promotion Adjustment. Possible values are Adjusted / Removed.",
                                    "description":"Description of promotion",
                                    "description":"Code of the coupon applied.",
                                    "description":"Id of the promotion",
                    "description":"the quote information of the order",
                            "description":"the provider note for the quoted order",
                            "description":"the notes (history) for the order",
                                        "description":"the request/quote/rejection date for the note",
                                        "description":"the profile type of the user that requested the quote",
                                        "description":"the profile id of the user",
                                        "description":"the requester/provider/rejection note",
                            "description":"rejection date of the quoted order",
                            "description":"the date when the quote was requested in ISO format",
                            "description":"the array of errors, if any",
                            "description":"the external id for the quote",
                            "description":"the rejection note for an order whose quote has been rejected by user",
                            "description":"the date the order was quoted in milliseconds",
                            "description":"the expiration date of the quoted order, if any",
                    "description":"Payment Reversal Info for Order.",
                            "description":"Credit Card Details.",
                                    "description":"Credit Card Number",
                            "description":"Payment Reversal Method",
                    "description":"List of returnable Items",
                                "description":"Quantity Returned",
                                "description":"Unit price of the item",
                                "description":"Comments at returnItem level",
                                "description":"Id of the Product",
                                "description":"Display Name of the Product",
                                "description":"Shipping group Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Returned Item child items",
                                            "description":"quantity of the child Item",
                                            "description":"Product path",
                                            "description":"Product Id of teh ",
                                            "description":"Product display name of the sub sku commerce item",
                                            "description":"Child Product Variant Information.",
                                                        "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                                        "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute.",
                                            "description":"Catalog Reference Id of the child Item",
                                "description":"Catalog Reference Id",
                                "description":"Product Variant Information.",
                                            "description":"Value of the Dynamic attribute",
                                            "description":"Name of the Dynamic attribute",
                                "description":"Configurator Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Quantity Available",
                                "description":"Commerce Id of the returned item",
                                "description":"Quantity Shipped",
                                "description":"Total price of items",
                    "description":"Profile Information for the order.",
                            "description":"Last name of profile.",
                            "description":"First name of profile.",
                            "description":"The Organization associated with the B2B customer profile.",
                                    "description":"The name of of the organization.",
                                    "description":"The id of the organization.",
                            "description":"Middle name of profile.",
                            "description":"Email address of the profile",
                    "description":"Order Information.",
                            "description":"Price information of the order.",
                                    "description":"The raw number that represents the price.",
                                    "description":"The current working total, including all promotions, tax, and billing costs.",
                                    "description":"The shipping cost of the order.",
                                    "description":"Indicates if tax is included in item price",
                                    "description":"The tax on the order.",
                                    "description":" The subtotal of the order before applying order-level promotions.",
                                    "description":"Total Order Discount Ampunt",
                                    "description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
                                    "description":"The total cost without Tax.",
                            "description":"Commerce id for this order.",
                            "description":"PriceList group of the order.",
                                    "description":"Pricelist group deleted status.",
                                    "description":"Display Name.",
                                    "description":"Repository Id.",
                                    "description":"Price List for list prices",
                                            "description":"Repository ID of the list prices",
                                    "description":"Active status of pricelist group.",
                                    "description":"Price List for sale prices",
                                            "description":"Repository ID of the sale prices",
                                    "description":"Currency of the PriceList group.",
                                            "description":"currency Symbol.",
                                            "description":"Display Name.",
                                            "description":"Repository Id.",
                                            "description":"Fractional Digits.",
                                            "description":"Currency Code.",
                                            "description":"Numeric Code.",
                                    "description":"Price List for shipping surcharge prices",
                                            "description":"Repository ID of the shipping surcharge prices",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was created.",
                            "description":"Date on which the Order was submitted.",
                    "description":"the quote information of the order",
                            "description":"the provider note for the quoted order",
                            "description":"the notes (history) for the order",
                                        "description":"the request/quote/rejection date for the note",
                                        "description":"the profile type of the user that requested the quote",
                                        "description":"the profile id of the user",
                                        "description":"the requester/provider/rejection note",
                            "description":"rejection date of the quoted order",
                            "description":"the date when the quote was requested in ISO format",
                            "description":"the array of errors, if any",
                            "description":"the external id for the quote",
                            "description":"the rejection note for an order whose quote has been rejected by user",
                            "description":"the date the order was quoted in milliseconds",
                            "description":"the expiration date of the quoted order, if any",

Default Response

The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |13101|METADATA INTERNAL ERROR|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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