


Get Payment Group. Get PaymentGroup authorization status an order. Optionally takes the x-ccasset-language header to get translated content in another language.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : getPaymentGroup_response
Type: object
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Nested Schema : authorizationStatus
Type: object
Object having details about the status of authorization
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Nested Schema : customPaymentProperties
Type: object
This is a map of externalProperties and their values from statusProps from paymentGroup status. This property is only populated when externalProperties are present in paymentGroup. The paymentGroup status is picked up depending on the payment group state, authorizationStatus for AUTHORIZED and debitStatus for SETTLED.
Example Response (application/json)

Default Response

The error response
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
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Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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