


Search. Perform a search given Guided Search query string. The response is a formatted JSON that provides all the data based on the type of search.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • Specifies one or more facet value IDs (delimited by +) that are used to target a specific navigation state. For example, N=123 may translate to Category=Men's Jeans. The value must be of type long. Values such as ? will cause zero results to be returned. Specifying N=0 is the same as omitting the parameter, and signifies to return all products
  • Defines a point in the result set to return products, e.g. for a request that matches 200 products, No=20 signifies to start returning products from 21 onward
  • Specifies a record filter that is used to limit the results to a subset of products. Note that this is present on the URL, and thus can't be used as a security filter. Nr=AND( would filter products that have = 1. For static filters that you wish you remain hidden, you should update the search services under /gsadmin/v1/cloud/pages/ as those filters will remain hidden to the shoppers.
  • Controls the number of records per page. Nrpp=12 would return 12 results. Note that the system is configured with a max of 250 which you cannot exceed. Increasing Nrpp will obviously increase the response size and introduce latency.
  • This parameter is used to sort the search results based on the specified field in the specified direction (ascending or descending), based on the type of that field. Ns=product.displayName|0 would sort on the display name field in ascending order. Ns=product.listPrice|1 would sort descending.
  • Specifies the search interface to use when for performing keyword searches. This is optionally used in conjunction with Ntt. By default, the value is 'All'. This can also be a specific field (such as product.displayName), as long as it is enabled for keyword search.
  • Specifies the search term(s). For example Ntt=shoes will perform a keyword search for 'shoes'. This should not be used to filter records. For instance, don't specify Ntt=1& to filter products. Instead, use the Ns= parameter or update your search service definition
  • Specifying suppressResults=true can be used to return a response from the search index without including the list of products. This is useful for bringing back the faceted navigation controls without products. This is seen on collections pages. We discourage the use of this parameter.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : search_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : breadcrumbs
Type: object
Breadcrumbs based on the given search query
Show Source
Nested Schema : navigation
Type: object
Response object of navigation
Show Source
Nested Schema : resultsList
Type: object
List of all the results
Show Source
Nested Schema : searchAdjustments
Type: object
Search Adjustments of the given query
Show Source
Nested Schema : zones
Type: object
Zone information where the content falls under
Show Source
Nested Schema : navigation
Type: array
Navigation container object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ancestors
Type: array
List of ancestors
Show Source
Nested Schema : refinements
Type: array
List of refinements
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Properties of the refinement
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Properties of the refinement
Show Source
Nested Schema : pagingActionTemplate
Type: object
Template of paging action
Show Source
Nested Schema : originalTerms
Type: array
List of all the original terms
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
                                "This watch is great for all around use. It is water resistant to up to 165 feet. The stainless steel casing will allow long use and you will never forget that birthday either, as it also keeps the date. "
                                "$110.00 - $119.99"
                                "Analog Watch"
                                "For Him"
                                "Stylish analog chonograph watch"
                                "For Him"
                                "Brushed Steel Analog Watch"
                                " 1",
                                "product.description: Stylish analog chonograph watch (Substring/Phrase)",
                                "product.displayName: Analog Watch (Substring/Phrase)",
                                "sku.displayName: Brushed Steel Analog Watch (Substring/Phrase)"
                                "This watch is great for all around use. It is water resistant to up to 165 feet. The stainless steel casing will allow long use and you will never forget that birthday either, as it also keeps the date. "
                                "$240.00 - $249.99"
                                "Analog Watch"
                                "For Him"
                                "Stylish analog chonograph watch"
                                "For Him"
                                "Silver Plated Analog Watch"
                                " 1",
                                "product.description: Stylish analog chonograph watch (Substring/Phrase)",
                                "product.displayName: Analog Watch (Substring/Phrase)",
                                "sku.displayName: Silver Plated Analog Watch (Substring/Phrase)"
                                "This watch is great for all around use. It is water resistant to up to 165 feet. The stainless steel casing will allow long use and you will never forget that birthday either, as it also keeps the date. "
                                "$490.00 - $499.99"
                                "Analog Watch"
                                "For Him"
                                "Stylish analog chonograph watch"
                                "For Him"
                                "Titanium Analog Watch"
                                " 1",
                                "product.description: Stylish analog chonograph watch (Substring/Phrase)",
                                "product.displayName: Analog Watch (Substring/Phrase)",
                                "sku.displayName: Titanium Analog Watch (Substring/Phrase)"
                "displayName":"Price Range",
                        "label":"$0.00 - $999.99",
                            "dimval.prop.displayName_en_US":"$0.00 - $999.99",
                        "label":"$100.00 - $199.99",
                            "dimval.prop.displayName_en_US":"$100.00 - $199.99",
                        "label":"$200.00 - $299.99",
                            "dimval.prop.displayName_en_US":"$200.00 - $299.99",
                        "label":"$400.00 - $499.99",
                            "dimval.prop.displayName_en_US":"$400.00 - $499.99",
    "name":"Guided Search Service",

Default Response

The error response
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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