Customize email templates for in-store pick up

You can configure and automatically send the following types of email when a shopper chooses to pick up a purchase in a store:

  • Items Ready For Pickup emails are sent when shipping Group Type is inStorePickupShippingGroup and the Shipping Group Status for the order is “This email is triggered when the shipping group state is PENDING_SHIPMENT.

Commerce sends a separate email for each item in an order that a shopper will pick up.

  • Items Picked Up emails are sent when the shopper picks up an item up at a store. This email is triggered when the Shipping Group Status for the order is NO_PENDING_ACTION.

When sending these emails to a registered shopper, Commerce uses the email address associated with the shopper profile. When sending emails to an anonymous shopper, Commerce uses the email address from the inStorePickupShippingGroup,

The following email templates can also include information about in-store pick up:

  • Order Placed
  • Order Approved
  • Order Payment Initiated
  • Order Pending Approval
  • Order Quoted
  • Order Rejected
  • Quote Failed
  • Quote Requested
  • Scheduled Order Placed Failed
  • Store Cancel Order
  • Store Return Order

You do not need to download new versions of the templates in order to see in-store pick up details, as these properties are part of the shipping group, and so are automatically added to a template that includes the shipping group object. See Understand buy online pick up in store for details about the order properties that support in-store pick up.

See Configure Email Settings and Customize Email Templates for information about enabling and working with email notifications your store sends to shoppers.