Understand the difference between wish lists and purchase lists

A wish list allows shoppers to maintain a list of items that they are considering purchasing, also allowing them to use social media to share and comment on the list.

Purchase lists allow shoppers to maintain a quickly accessible list of frequently purchased products that can be added to an order. While both of these lists are similar, there are some distinctions.

Understand wish list features

Wish lists allow shoppers to create a list of items that they may want to purchase, or have other shoppers purchase for them. These lists can be shared using social media, and allow for social experiences from others that are invited to view the list. Once an item from a wish list has been included in an order, the item does not remain in the wish list.

Wish lists are best used by shoppers that want to communicate and share the list with others.

Wish lists provide your shoppers with:

  • A way to create and manage a list of products they are considering buying. Included is the ability to save items in wish lists and purchase easily from them later.
  • A social experience where shoppers can share their lists and receive feedback and suggestions from friends and family members they invite to their wish lists.
  • Email notifications for key wish list-related activities.
  • Registered shoppers can create up to 50 wish lists. The number of product posts, text posts, and comments on an individual post is set to 100 per wish list.

For detailed information on wish lists, refer to Understand wish list features.

Understand purchase list features

Purchase lists are created by shoppers and include items that they have selected. These lists, which do not include pricing information or shipping and bill addresses, can be created from the shopper’s profile page, the product detail page or the order detail pages and include the following:

Property Description
Name A unique name for the purchase list. The purchase list name can be modified by the owner of the list.
Description A description for the purchase list. This field is not exposed in the UI.
Items The shopper adds SKUs and associated quantities. A shopper can save a purchase list that contains no SKUs. The item name is a link to the SKU’s Quick View.

Purchase lists can be used as reminders for frequently purchased items or item combinations. These lists are also helpful when a buyer purchases items on a frequent basis, but does not want to create a scheduled order. For example, a buyer may purchase office supplies frequently, and would like to be able to access the items without searching through the catalog. By creating a list that contains a list of frequently purchased office supplies, the buyer can quickly add these items to the order.

Purchase lists are associated with a specific buyer. When a shopper creates a purchase list, it is available on all sites. If your environment is configured for account-based commerce, purchase lists are available on all sites and in all accounts.

Unlike a wish list, when an item is added to an order, the item remains on the purchase list.

Purchase lists provide shoppers with the following features:

  • A way to create and manage a list of products they buy consistently, including the ability to save items in purchase lists and add them to orders later.
  • The ability to create and manage multiple purchase lists.
  • The ability to share purchase lists you have created. See Share purchase lists for more complete information.
  • Once configured, buyers can search and view lists of purchase lists they created. The list views available are a view for purchase lists the shopper actually created as well as a view of purchase lists shared with/by the shopper.
  • Registered shoppers can add items to the purchase list from the product details page, their profile, or from the order detail page.
  • Registered users can add a product from a purchase list to a shopping cart for purchase.
  • The ability to edit and delete purchase lists, including modifying purchase list names, adding and removing items from purchase lists and modifying the quantity of items within the purchase list. Note that the quantity of an item in a purchase list cannot be null.
  • There is no limit to the number of purchase lists that a shopper can make. (Note that having a large number of purchase lists may affect server performance.)

Purchase lists can be viewed by shoppers when working on their profile, viewing product details or viewing order detail information. When a shopper views a list of purchase list available on their profile, they are presented with the following information:

Property Description
Name The name of the purchase lists that they created.
Number of Purchase List items The total number of items included within each list.
Date Last Modified The date when the list was last modified.
Delete Button An icon that allows a shopper to delete an item.
Link to create a new purchase list A link that allows a shopper to create a new purchase list.

When a shopper opens the list of purchase lists available to them, they can select a specific purchase list to review.