Add Quote Button to Checkout and Order Details pages

You must add a Quote button to the Checkout layout and the Quote Details widget to make quoting capability available.

To make the Oracle Configure, Price, Quote quoting capability available to Commerce self-service users, you must add the Request Quote widget to the Checkout layout and the Quote Details widget to the Order Details layout.

The Request Quote widget adds a Quote Notes text box and a Request Quote button to the Checkout layout.

The Quote Details widget adds a Quote Notes text box populated with any notes associated with the order to the Order Detail layout. The widget also adds a Reject Quote, Request Re-Quote, and Accept Quote buttons to the to the Order Detail layout.

The Quote Details and Request Quote widgets do not display on the layouts by default. The administrator must first make the widgets available and then place them on the Checkout and Order Detail pages.

To add quote buttons to the Checkout and Order Details pages:

  1. Log in to Commerce.
  2. Click the Menu icon.
  3. Select Design from the menu.
  4. Select the Components tab on the Design page.
  5. Click Show Hidden.
  6. Click the Show icon for the Quote Details Widget and the Request Quote Widget.
  7. Within the Design page, select the Layouts tab.
  8. From the layout list, select Checkout Layout.
  9. Drag and drop the Request Quote widget from the Components menu to the desired location on the Checkout layout.
  10. From the layout list, select Order Details.
  11. Drag and drop the Quote Details widget from the Components menu to the desired location on the Order Details layout.
  12. Publish the changes.