Configure the Oracle Commerce Connection

This section provides instructions on configuring the connection from the integrations to Oracle Commerce.

Follow these instructions to configure the Oracle Commerce connection:

  1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an administrator.
  2. Click the Connections icon.
  3. Click the Oracle Commerce connection.
  4. Click the Configure Connectivity button.
  5. Enter the Connection base URL. The Connection base URL is derived using the following structure:

    Connection base URL: https://<siteURL>/ccadmin/v1

    where <siteURL> is the base URL of the Commerce site that integrates with Oracle Integration Cloud.

  6. Click the Configure Security button.
  7. The Commerce connection uses the OAuth security policy, so you must enter a Security token for the connection. This token is generated in Commerce. Instructions on generating the token can be found in the Generate a Security Token section of this document.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Test to test that the connection is working.
  10. Click Save.

Your Commerce connection is now configured for the integration.

Generate a Security Token

This integration uses the Oracle Commerce REST web services APIs to access Commerce data. You must register the integration within Commerce and generate a security token in order for the integration to be granted access to the data.

Follow these instructions in order to generate a security token:

  1. Log onto Commerce.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Click Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
  4. Click Registered Applications from the Web APIs panel.
  5. Click the Register Application button.
  6. Enter a name for the integration. The application you are registering is Oracle Integration Cloud, so you should choose a name that is meaningful and reflects this.
  7. Click Save.

    The Application ID and Application Key are automatically generated and the application is added to the Registered Applications page.

  8. Click on the name of the application you created.
  9. Click on Click to reveal to display the application key. You can copy the application key to use as the security token for the Commerce connection.

For more information on managing an application within Commerce, please refer to the Register Applications section of the Using Oracle Commerce document.