Install and Configure the Integration in OIC

This section describes how to install the integration package in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC).

The OIC Home Page is the starting point for these tasks.

Install the recipe and configure the connections

This integration is provided as a recipe, which is a pre-assembled solutions to help jump-start your integration development.

First, log into an Oracle Integration instance to display the OIC Home Page. Find the integration recipe Oracle Product Hub — Oracle CX Commerce | Product Sync from the OIC home page. and install the recipe by hovering over the card and clicking the + sign icon.

Once the recipe is installed, hover over the card again to display options to configure, activate, and delete. Select Configure and then configure the connections used by the integration:

  1. Log in to OIC as an admin user.
  2. Select Integration->Connections.
  3. Select Oracle CX Commerce. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
    • Enter the URL to connect to Commerce as the value of the Connection Base URL property (https://<hostname>/ccadmin/v1).
    • Enter the security token value, which you can find in the Commerce administration settings and click OK. The security token is the application key in the OracleCommerce Interface found under Registered Applications Settings. Contact your Commerce Administrator to get this application key.
  4. Select Oracle Integration Connection. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
    • Select the connection type (REST API Base URL) and enter the OIC connection URL (http://{OIC-server}/ic/api/integration/v1).
    • Under Security, select Basic Authentication and provide login credentials to access the endpoint.
  5. Select Oracle Product Hub Connection. The Connection Properties dialog appears.
    • Enter the ERP Services Catalog WSDL URL. For example: https://{productHub-server}/fscmService/ServiceCatalogService?WSDL
    • Enter the ERP Events Catalog URL. For example: https://{productHub-server}/soa-infra
    • Under Security Policy, select Username Password Token and enter the login credentials to access the endpoint.
  6. Select Oracle UCM Connection, The Connection Properties dialog appears.
    • Enter the WSDL URL. For example: https://{productHub-server}/idcws/GenericSoapPort?wsdl
    • Under Security Policy, select Basic Authentication and enter the login credentials to access the endpoint.

Update mapping for prices for products and SKUs

Update the mapping in the integration flow Oracle PRODUCT HUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync to map the EFF attribute representing List Price in Product Hub to List Price in Commerce. By default Product Hub's Purchase List Price is mapped, but this must be updated to be mapped to the correct EFF attribute. Additionally, since List Price is required for creating a product in Commerce, the EFF attribute must be configured as required in Product Hub.

Customize mapping for additional custom fields

If you include additional custom fields in either Commerce products and SKUs or Product Hub Items, you will need to update the mapping in the integration flow Oracle PRODUCTHUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync.

To include additional fields in Product Hub Items:

  1. Once you have added new fields, generate the XSD in Product Hub using Item Publication job. The XSD will include any new fields you added.
  2. Open the integration flow Oracle PRODUCTHUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync to edit.
  3. Navigate to DownloadItemsAndProcess (Scope) > readItemFile (stage operation).

    Edit the stage operation node.

    Upload the latest XSD ZIP file.

    Select the definition for publication items (.../commmon/publicationService/}Items)

  4. Click Next, then click Done.
  5. The mapper should show the new fields for Product Hub item.

To include additional fields in Commerce Products and SKUs

  1. Once you have added new fields, export a product from Commerce. The exported data will contain the new fields.
  2. Open the integration flow Oracle PRODUCTHUB COMMERCE ItemToProductSync to edit.
  3. Navigate to DownloadItemsAndProcess (Scope) > writeCommerceJsonFile (stage operation).
    • Edit the stage operation.
    • Upload the exported sample JSON.
  4. Click Next, then click Done.
  5. The mapper should show the new fields for Commerce product and SKU.

Configure lookups

You must update the lookup values in the lookup table Oracle-PDH_Comm_Int_Settings:

  • PDHSpokeSystem : Spoke system created in Product Hub for performing item-publication job. The integration will process the exported file for this spoke system.
  • PDHCatalogsForCategory-ProductsLinks : Comma-separated list of catalogs. Configure if the product in Commerce will be associated with specific collections and catalogs. If this is not provided, the integration flow will link the product to all the collections specified by the exported data received from Product Hub. If no collection or catalog associations are required then configure this variable as NULL.
  • ToEmailAddresses: Recipient email addresses to send error notifications. If an import fails in Commerce, an email message containing a link to failed records is sent to this ID.
  • FromEmailAddress: Sender email address for the error notifications.
  • OICMaximumRetryCount: Maximum number of retry counts for resubmitting failed instances. There are a number of reasons for integration instance failure, for example, when publishing is running in Commerce, or if there is a network failure.
  • CXCommerceAutoPublishEnabled – Set this to true if all the records imported to Commerce through specific registered App ID (CXCommerceRegisteredAppId) needs to be published automatically; otherwise, configure this variable as false.
  • CXCommerceRegisteredAppId - Registered Commerce Application ID of the user for which the all the data in the publishing queue will be published, if automatic publishing (CXCommerceAutoPublishEnabled) is enabled.
  • CXCommerceAutoPublishThreshold - Maximum number of records for which automatic publishing will be triggered. Otherwise, the integration will send email to the administrator so they can manually publish.
  • CXCommerceMediaSyncEnabled – Set this to true if media items from Product Hub need to be synced with Commerce; otherwise set to false.

The following example shows sample lookup values in the lookup table Oracle-PDH_Comm_Int_Settings:

FromEmailAddress -
PDHCatalogsForCategory-ProductsLinks – NULL
PDHSpokeSystem – CXCommerce
OICMaximumRetryCount – 5
CXCommerceRegisteredAppId – EnterYourRegisteredAppId
CXCommerceAutoPublishEnabled – false
CXCommerceAutoPublishThreshold – 1000000
CXCommerceMediaSyncEnabled - true

Configure email notifications

The integration includes the ability to send emails that notify administrators of the following issues:

  • Record imports fail
  • The number of items to automatically publish exceeds the specified threshold
  • Exported XML/image size exceeds 10 MB

You specify the email address that notifications are sent to with the ToEmailAddresses lookup value and the email address that notifications are sent from with the FromEmailAddress lookup value. See Configure lookups for more information.

To learn how to customize and send email with OIC, see the following Oracle blog posts:

Activate the integration flows

After you configure the Oracle Product Hub and Commerce connections, you must activate the integrations that were created when the integration package was imported to Oracle Integration Cloud. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) as an admin user.
  2. Click the Integrations icon to display the Integrations list.
  3. Click the Activate button for each of the following integrations:
    • Oracle Commerce Product Import
    • Oracle Product Hub Oracle CX Commerce Products Int
    • Oracle Commerce Integration Resubmit
    • CX Commerce Product ImportComplete Post Processing
    • Oracle Commerce Product Hub Int Resubmit Publish
    • Oracle Commerce Product Hub Int Resubmit Schedule

    OIC displays a message to indicate that the integration flow was successfully activated.