Create a new layout instance (cloning)

You can create a new layout instance by cloning an existing layout instance; this action makes a copy of the original.

When creating the newly-cloned layout you can configure settings such as sites, notes, viewports, default settings, and SEO information. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Design icon, and click the Layout tab.
  2. Navigate to the layout you want to clone by either searching by name, or filtering by layout, site, or viewport.
  3. Highlight the layout overview, and click the Clone Layout option from the configuration toolbar.

    The New Layout dialog screen is displayed.

  4. Enter the newly-cloned layout’s name and any related notes. See Customize your store layouts for more details.
    Note: Within the Collections layout you can assign the newly-cloned layout to a collection. Collections represent groups of products which have similar properties, such as, women’s dresses or men’s shoes. You should also note that within the Product layout you can assign the newly-cloned layout to a product type or product.

    To select a collection, product type, or product, begin by typing or pasting some text in the relevant text box within the Layout Assignment section. The filter matches letters or numbers that you type, wherever they appear in the name, not just at the beginning. Usually, as you type more characters, there are fewer matches. You can assign a layout to more than one collection. As products and collections are made available from all catalogs, you must ensure you have assigned the catalog that is relevant for your site.

  5. (Optional) Configure the new layout with one of the following checkbox options:
    • Make Default Layout - defines the new layout as the default. This layout is rendered for anonymous shoppers and registered shoppers.
    • Display Layout to Account Shoppers Only - restricts the new layout to account-based shoppers only.

    You can enable these settings when designing a set of layouts for your anonymous and registered shoppers, and another set for your account-based shoppers. See Create Page Layouts that Support Different Types of Shoppers for more details.

  6. Enter all other settings, such as the preferred Site, Viewport, Page Title, Page Address, Cart Preview, Layout Preview, and any new metadata tag information.
  7. Click Save to confirm all settings. You can preview your newly cloned layout by clicking the Layout Preview icon.