Understand volume pricing

You can specify volume pricing for a product in two ways, bulk pricing or tiered pricing.

For bulk pricing, the same price is applied to the entire quantity of a product that is purchased but that price is determined by where the quantity purchased falls within the volume pricing structure. For example, consider the following volume prices:

1 – 10, $2.00

11-20, $1.90

21 – 50, $1.80

51 – 200, $1.70

If a shopper purchased 25 units of this product, the bulk price for the product would fall into the 21 – 50 level of the pricing structure, making the bulk price for this product calculate to 25 units at $1.80 each.

For tiered pricing, the price of the product changes based on the quantity purchased within each level of the pricing structure. For example, using the same volume pricing structure above, if a shopper bought 25 units of this product, the tiered price would be calculated as follows:

10 units at $2.00 (for the 1 – 10 level)

10 units at $1.90 (for the 11 – 20 level)

5 units at $1.80 (for the 21 – 50 level)