View role contents

All internal users must have at least one privilege, and therefore at least one role, to gain access to the administration interface.

When creating new or editing existing users, you must assign them roles. Roles can contain privileges that grants the user access to various functions. To view the available roles, use the User Management area of the administration console.

Note that roles and roles and security criteria cannot be created in the administration console, to create roles and security criteria, you must use the Admin API. For information on using the API, refer to Implement Access Control for Internal Users. In the User Management area of the administration console, you can assign roles to users and view the contents of roles.

To view a user's roles:
  1. Select User Management from the administration console. This displays the User Management screen.
  2. You can select a user based upon specific roles by using the All Roles dropdown and selecting or entering the roles. This will display all users that have this role. Or you can select a user alphabetically, or by whether or not they are internally or externally managed.
  3. When the user's page has opened, in addition to their email and name information, you will see all of the roles associated with the user listed under the Roles section. You can add or remove roles by clicking Edit List.
  4. Select the roles to add or remove.
  5. Click Done to save the changes.

You can review or edit any system-generated roles using the Advanced section of the User Management page. System-generated roles are roles that the system creates for a user to ensure that they have access to any catalog or price group they may have created. The system-generated role also contains a security criterion that grants access to the catalog or price group the user created.

You can review the roles themselves by selecting the role listed next to a user's name in the User Management screen. This displays the name of the role, a description and the privileges and security criteria contained in the role. Use the Advanced button to see the any generic access rights contained in the role. Roles and security criteria can only be created using the API. Refer to Implement Access Control for Internal Users for information on working with the API for access control.