Work with contact requests to review, change status, approve, and reject

Submitted contact registration requests can be seen in the Contact Requests area of the Accounts page.

The following information provides an example of an Administrator’s or Delegated Administrator’s change/approval/rejection process that occurs when working with a new contact registration request. When a new contact request is received, the request enters the system with a status of New until you either change the status of the request and save it, or you open the request without changing it.

  • If you save changes that do not include a status change
    • If an error occurs you receive an error message and the detail view is kept open.
    • If the save is successful and the status is New, the status is then changed to Review. If there is an exception with provided addresses, then there may have to be some editing done in another dialog. Finally, the detail view closes and you are returned to the list view.
  • If you choose Accept from the status dropdown list while making a status change and have clicked Accept to confirm the choice:
    • You are given the option to provide comments that are added to the acceptance email sent to the shopper who made the request. The comments are limited to 1000 characters.
    • Validations are performed on the information if it is accepted.
    • If there is an error, an error message is displayed and you are returned to the details view.
    • If there are no errors, the contact is added to the account. The detail view is closed and you are returned to the list view. The request is removed from the list view.
    • If the contact is new, it is activated. If it is an existing active contact, it is left active. If it is an existing inactive contact, it is left inactive.
    • An approval email is sent to the shopper who submitted the request.
    • If you click Cancel on the confirmation dialog, you are returned to the detail view.
  • If you select Reject from the status dropdown list:
    • You are given the option to provide comments that are added to the rejection email sent to the shopper who made the request. The comments are limited to 1000 characters.
    • Validations are performed on the information that is rejected.
    • If there is an error, an error message is displayed and you are returned to the details view.
    • If there are no errors, the status is changed to Rejected.
    • The detail view is closed and you are returned to the list view.
    • The rejected request is kept in the list.
    • All fields in the request are made read-only.
    • In the details view, The “Contact” tab is grayed out (unless the contact is an existing contact).
    • The shopper who submitted the request is sent a rejection email.
    • You must clean up the entry after it is rejected. When a contact request is rejected, you can hard delete the pending contact and organization. Do not delete the contact if it is an existing contact.
    • If you click Cancel on the confirmation dialog, you are returned to the detail view.

A contact self-registration request does not ever need to have a Review or More Info Needed status. You can open a new request, make changes, change the status to Accept or Reject, and Save. In the example just described, the contact request goes from New to Rejected, or from New to adding the contact to the account.

Store the source of an approval or rejection

When a request is approved or rejected, Commerce stores the value of a source property that indicates where the approval or rejection came from. These are the options:

  • If the administrator approved or rejected the request in the administrator user interface, the system, “Administrator” is stored as the source.
  • If the request was approved or rejected using the Admin endpoint, Commerce stores “Administrator” as the source by default, or stores any string value provided in the call.
  • If the request was approved or rejected in the store user interface or by the store API, Commerce stores “Delegated Administrator” as the source.
  • If the request was approved or rejected in the Agent user interface or by the Agent API, Commerce stores “Agent” as the source.
  • If the request was approved or rejected by an external system, Commerce stores the string value provided in the call (if provided).

Note: Source values that are provided are not localizable.

Understand more about working with contact requests

The following provides some additional information about working with contacts and new contact registration requests:

  • There is only one version of a contact. Therefore, an update to a contact’s details made in one place (the Accounts user interface, the Account Registration user interface, or the Contact Registration Request user interface) appears in all the user interfaces.
  • Re-using a contact with a pending contact registration request - If a shopper who is not yet a business account contact has a contact registration request pending, and the Administrator or Delegated Administrator wants to add the shopper to an existing account, the Merchant Administrator must either approve the request and then add the contact, or reject the request and then create the new contact.

If the Merchant Administrator tries to create a new contact, and the email address is that of a contact registration request pending, the message, “The email address you entered has a pending contact registration request. To add the user to an account, you must first approve or reject the request” is displayed.

If the Delegated Administrator tries to create a new contact, and the email address is that of a contact registration request pending, the message, “The email address you entered has a pending contact registration request. You or the merchant must accept or reject the request before you can add the user to an account” is displayed.

In a configuration where account-based shoppers and registered non-account-based shoppers coexist, if a shopper (or an API) tries to create a new registered non-account-based shopper profile using an email address that has a pending business account contact registration request, the message: “You cannot use this email address at the moment. Please contact the system administrator” is displayed

  • Cleaning up after a rejected request and re-using the contact - When a registration request is rejected, you must hard delete the pending contact. (Do not delete the contact if it is an existing contact.). After that is done the email address (username) of the contact is now free for re-use for a new business account contact and registered non-account-based shopper contact.