Change response filters used by out-of-the-box widgets

If you want to change the response filter used in one of the default widgets (described in Out-of-the-box response filters), Oracle recommends that you create a new response filter and assign it to the endpoint/identifier combination the widget uses in its context object.

To do this, you create an application-level JavaScript module that requires in the CCStoreConfiguration library and creates a modified version of the filter map. As a reminder, the default filter map looks like this:

   // Module definition
   function(CCStoreConfiguration) {
     'use strict';
     return {
       onLoad : function() {
         console.log("Loading Application Level JS");
                  var filterMap = {
                        "megaMenuNavigation": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "categoryNavData"},
                        "categoryNavigation": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "categoryNavData"}
                        "productListingData": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "PLPData"},
                        "collectionWidget": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "collectionData"},
                        "getProductData": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "productData"},
                        "getProductDataAndRedirect": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "productData"},

The code in this example changes the response filter key for the Collection Navigation widget from categoryNavData to customFilterKey1.

   // Module definition
   function(CCStoreConfiguration) {
     'use strict';
     return {
       onLoad : function() {
         console.log("Loading Application Level JS");
                  var filterMap = {
                        "megaMenuNavigation": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "customFilterKey1"},
                        "categoryNavigation": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "categoryNavData"}
                        "productListingData": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "PLPData"},
                        "collectionWidget": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "collectionData"},
                        "getProductData": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "productData"},
                        "getProductDataAndRedirect": {"ccFilterConfigKey": "productData"},

Remember that the top-level objects you define in the filter map override any default top-level objects. In other words, if you modify a top-level object in the filter map, only the identifiers you explicitly include your top-level object are used by the CCStoreConfiguration library. For this reason, you should be careful to include the default identifiers in top-level objects to avoid overwriting them. See Add a new response filter key to the out-of the-box filter map for more information.

The following table defines which identifier and filter key combination is used by the default widgets:

Widget Endpoint Identifier Response filter Key
Collection Navigation getCollection megaMenuNavigation categoryNavData
Collection Navigation – Basic getCollection categoryNavigation categoryNavData
Product Listing listProducts productListingData PLPData
Collection listProducts collectionWidget collectionData