Create and edit page tags

You can use the administration interface to create, edit, delete, and enable page tags.

You can access the Page Tags page only if your profile has privileges assigned that let you access Settings pages in the administration interface.

Create a page tag

To create a page tag in the administration interface:

  1. Click the Settings icon, then select Page Tags.
  2. Click the New Script Tag button for the section where you want to embed the tag on each page (Head, Beginning of Body, or End of Body).
  3. Enter a name for the tag.

    The name is used internally by Commerce and is never displayed on the storefront.

    The name must be unique and can be up to 50 characters long.

  4. Enter the script content. You will usually get this content from the application you are integrating with and simply paste it in here. Keep the following in mind when you add the script:

    The script can be up to 3,000 characters long.

    The Script Tag Editor validates the structure of a tag but it does not validate the actual content of the tag.

    Each tag must be enclosed with <script></script>. You cannot enclose the tag with <noscript></noscript>.

  5. Tags are not enabled by default. To enable the tag, click the Enable checkbox.

    You do not have to publish tags.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Once a tag is successfully created, it appears in a list below the section where you created it. You can edit a tag by clicking its name in the list. You can change its name and content, and enable or disable it. Click Save when you finish your changes.

Reorder tags in a section

You can reorder tags within each section (head, beginning of body, and end of body) to control the order of insertion of the tag content. To move a tag to the top of a section's list, click the tag's Move to Top arrow. To move a tag, click its Drag and Drop icon and drag it to a new position in the section.

Delete a tag

Deleting a tag removes it from the system. To keep a tag but stop using it, simply edit the tag and uncheck its Enable checkbox. To delete a tag, click its Delete icon and then confirm that you want to delete the tag.