- REST API for Oracle Commerce Cloud 21D
- Tasks
- Agent
- Orders
Initiate Cancel.
Supported Media Types
- application/json
Header Parameters
X-CCAgentContext.shopperProfileId: string
the profile id from which the order was placed
X-CCOrganization(optional): string
the organization Id in which order should be created
x-ccsite: string
the site id on which the orders needs to be placed
Body ()
Root Schema : initiateCancelOrder_request
Show Source
The reason for cancelling the order
The ID of the order that is to be cancelled
"description":"The ID of the order that is to be cancelled",
"description":"The reason for cancelling the order",
Supported Media Types
- application/json
200 Response
Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : initiateCancelOrder_response
Show Source
object cancelOrder
Initiate Cancel information for the order.
object returnRequest
return request created for for the cancel order.
"description":"Initiate Cancel information for the order.",
"description":"The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.",
"description":"The last modified time.",
"description":"The ID of the price group to which the order belongs.",
"description":"The creation time.",
"description":"The system where the order originated.",
"description":"The array of payment groups represent the payment(s) that paid for the order. Orders when placed will have an instance of a CyberSource TokenizedCreditCard (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"tokenizedCreditCard\"). The paymentGroups property can be updated to include instances of ExternalPaymentGroup (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"externalPaymentGroup\"). ExternalPaymentGroups represent methods of payment that are external and opaque to cloud commerce, and which were taken after the order was initially placed.",
"description":"A string containing the two or four digit year when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The purchase order number.",
"description":"The monetary amount authorized.",
"description":"The type in the external system. Might be \"StoreCredit\", \"CreditCard\", \"Check\", etc. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups).",
"description":"The monetary amount of the payment.",
"description":"The ID for the payment group in an external system (like the OMS)",
"description":"The type of the credit card. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"A string containing the two digit month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The date the payment was submitted.",
"description":"Array of authorization status objects.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
"description":"The error message, if any.",
"description":"The transaction ID.",
"description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
"description":"The CyberSource token string. (only for tokenizedCreditCard)",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of the credit card.",
"description":"The class type of the payment group. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The last four digits of the credit card number. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The subtype in the external system. Might be \"VISA\" for a PaymentGroup with an external type of \"CreditCard\". (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"The payment method. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The external source ID, limited to 6 characters. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"Billing address for the order",
"description":"Country for this billing address.",
"description":"Last Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 3 for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 2 for this billing address.",
"description":"City for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 1 for this billing address.",
"description":"Prefix for this billing address.",
"description":"Company name for this billing address.",
"description":"JOb Title for this billing address.",
"description":"Postal code for this billing address.",
"description":"Default value of the address.",
"description":"suffix for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected country of the shipping address.",
"description":"First Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Phone Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Repository ID of the address.",
"description":"Fax Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Nickname or alternate name for address like home/office.",
"description":"Middle Name for this billing address.",
"description":"State for this billing address.",
"description":"Email for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected state of the shipping address.",
"description":"The state ISON code of the shipping address.",
"description":"The internal ID of the payment group.",
"description":"The state of this payment group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this payment group.",
"description":"The three character currency code. For example: USD.",
"description":"A string containing the two digit day of month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The sales channel of this order. default to \"default\".",
"description":"The locale in which order submitted.",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternateCurrency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary..",
"description":"The organization ID.",
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.",
"description":"The total count of commerce items in the order. (read-only)",
"description":"The ID",
"description":"The state of the order.",
"description":"The commerce items (sometimes referred to as \"line items\") represent which actual skus are included in the order in what quantity, and related information. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items are matched to input data by externalId, followed by id, followed by catalogRefId. The elements in the commerceItem are instances of CommerceItemImpl.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The quantity returned.",
"description":"The availabilityDate for preordered/backordered quantity.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The preordered quantity included.",
"description":"Configuration ID for the configurable commerce item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"The raw total price.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost in secondary currency for shipping the product.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The ID of the catalog which this commerce item references.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"External quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price for this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The internal/native ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The state of this commerce item. (read-only, calculated from shippingGroups' commerceItemRelationships)",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about the state of this commerce item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"An optional, external ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The key of the catalog this commerce item references.",
"description":"The product's display name. (read-only, obtained from the referenced product)",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The backordered quantity included.",
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"Whether the price was discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Tax amount for the district.",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The monetary amount of country tax.",
"description":"Shipping groups represent shipments and include commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantity are included in the shipment. Shipping groups in a request are matched to existing shipping groups by id, followed by description, followed by (for hardgoodShippingGroups) shippingMethod + address.",
"description":"The shipping method.",
"description":"The description of this shipping group. Defaults to the ID.",
"description":"The date the shipping group was submitted.",
"description":"The pricing details about this shipping group.",
"description":"Whether this item is discounted.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The secondary currency shipping amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the cost of raw shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"Cost of shipping the product.",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"Total of recurring amount without tax included.",
"description":"The date this shipping group is expected to ship upon.",
"description":"The actual shipped date of this shipping group.",
"description":"An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)",
"description":"The carrier name.",
"description":"The tracking url.",
"description":"The carrier ID.",
"description":"The tracking number.",
"description":"Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"The ID of the owner of this address.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"The fax number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
"description":"The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
"description":"The monetary value.",
"description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANTITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
"description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
"description":"The native ID of this item.",
"description":"The ID of this shipping group.",
"description":"The state of this shipping group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this shipping group.",
"description":"The tracking number. In case of multiple tracking numbers the format should be carrierId-trackingNumber,carrierId-trackingNumber..., Here carrierId is the ID which has been added through the addCarrier end point.",
"description":"Handling instructions. Currently read-only.",
"description":"The class type for the ShippingGroup. Currently must be \"hardgoodShippingGroup\".",
"description":"Whether order is tax-exempt or not.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the order was created. This may differ to siteId value if the site is part of a cart sharing group.",
"description":"A site level setting which enables the shopper to split the payment amount in points and monetary currency, irrespective of the order level price list group.",
"description":"Basic profile information. (read-only)",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Loyalty Programs Information",
"description":"programName of Loyalty Program",
"description":"repository ID",
"description":"membershipId of the profile.",
"description":"programId of Loyalty Program",
"description":"status of Enrollment.",
"description":"Default shipping address",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay Shipping in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternateCurrency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"The number of shipping groups (read-only, value is ignored when updating).",
"description":"The number of payment groups. (read-only, value is ignored when updating)",
"description":"The action performed on the order.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information of the order",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary total: amount + shipping + tax. (read-only)",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The monetary cost of shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The monetary total of manual adjustments.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the discount: rawSubtotal - amount + manualAdjustmentTotal. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary raw subtotal.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The ID of the shopper profile that owns the order.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the order was placed.",
"description":"return request created for for the cancel order.",
"description":"Agent ID",
"description":"Shipping Tax Refund at return request level",
"description":"Creation Date of return request",
"description":"Refund subtotal return request",
"description":"List of Refund methods of return request",
"description":"Type of the refund. For example this can be creditCard, tokenizedCreditCard\tetc",
"description":"The amount pertaining to the refund method",
"description":"The maximum amount that can be refunded from the refund method",
"description":"Suggested Shipping Refund of all Return Items",
"description":"Original order information",
"description":"List of ids of approvers",
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"if tax is included in the price",
"description":"miscellaneous tax",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.",
"description":"The shipping groups for the order.",
"description":"The price information.",
"description":"The current total tax amount in monetry currency",
"description":"Shipping tax",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"Shipping method",
"description":"Time at which order was last modified",
"description":"Price list group ID",
"description":"Creation tinme for order",
"description":"The system where the order originated.",
"description":"Date on which the order was submitted.",
"description":"List of payment Groups for the order. Related Endpoint operations - submitOrder",
"description":"Purchase order number for invoice payment. Payment type: invoice",
"description":"ID of this payment Group.",
"description":"The amount authorized with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The amount associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The payment state, it can be INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE ",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of any IIN payment type card, e.g. credit card. This is normally used to allow any credit card type based promotions to be applied prior to final checkout.",
"description":"Token associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay shipping charges in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"Configuration ID of the configurable product",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.",
"description":"total number of commerce items in order",
"description":"order ID",
"description":"The state of the order",
"description":"list of commerce items",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The product's display name",
"description":"commerce item ID",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Return Payment State. It can be Refund, None or Due",
"description":"The currency code of the order currency",
"description":"State of the return request like PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACTION etc",
"description":"Refund SubTotal calculated as summation of unAdjustedRefundAmount for all return Items",
"description":"List of tracking numbers for the return request",
"description":"Count of all the return items in the return request",
"description":"Profile Information for the order.",
"description":"Last name of profile.",
"description":"First name of profile.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"Middle name of profile.",
"description":"Login ID to be used.Defaults for email if not passed.",
"description":"Email address of the profile",
"description":"Suggested Tax Refund at return request level",
"description":"Actual Shipping Refund at return request level",
"description":"Other refund",
"description":"actual Tax Refund",
"description":"Return Label",
"description":"Return Fee for the return request",
"description":"Map of Additional properties for return request",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
"description":"Total refund amount",
"description":"The total refund amount that is not allocated to a refund method",
"description":"List of returnable Items",
"description":"Quantity returned",
"description":"Quantity Available",
"description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
"description":"Actual Tax refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"ID of the return Item",
"description":"Shipping group ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping surcharge refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this return item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Quantity recieved in fraction",
"description":"Suggested Shipping Refund",
"description":"Commerce ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"Disposition reason",
"description":"Quantity of this item that was originally shipped",
"description":"Actual Shipping Surcharge Refund at Item level",
"description":"Reason to return an Item",
"description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
"description":"Map of Additional properties for each return item",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
"description":"state at return item level",
"description":"Suggested Refund Amount Item level",
"description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
"description":"Disposition Reason",
"description":"Refund Amount at Item level",
"description":"Adjustment Amount",
"sourceSystem":"Cloud Commerce",
"errorMessage":"Request was processed successfully.",
"address1":"Address Line 1",
"message":"Best Wishes my friend",
"productDisplayName":"Wii Classic Controller",
"address1":"203 Main Street",
"address1":"203 Main Street",
"sourceSystem":"Cloud Commerce",
"errorMessage":"Request was processed successfully.",
"address1":"Address Line 1",
"message":"Best Wishes my friend",
"productDisplayName":"Wii Classic Controller",
"address1":"203 Main Street",
"address1":"203 Main Street",
Nested Schema : cancelOrder
Initiate Cancel information for the order.
Show Source
A site level setting which enables the shopper to split the payment amount in points and monetary currency, irrespective of the order level price list group.
array commerceItems
The commerce items (sometimes referred to as "line items") represent which actual skus are included in the order in what quantity, and related information. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items are matched to input data by externalId, followed by id, followed by catalogRefId. The elements in the commerceItem are instances of CommerceItemImpl.
The ID of the site on which the order was created. This may differ to siteId value if the site is part of a cart sharing group.
The creation time.
The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.
The ID
The last modified time.
The locale in which order submitted.
The action performed on the order.
The organization ID.
The number of payment groups. (read-only, value is ignored when updating)
array paymentGroups
The array of payment groups represent the payment(s) that paid for the order. Orders when placed will have an instance of a CyberSource TokenizedCreditCard (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of "tokenizedCreditCard"). The paymentGroups property can be updated to include instances of ExternalPaymentGroup (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of "externalPaymentGroup"). ExternalPaymentGroups represent methods of payment that are external and opaque to cloud commerce, and which were taken after the order was initially placed.
A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay Shipping in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternateCurrency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.
A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternateCurrency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary..
The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.
The ID of the price group to which the order belongs.
object priceInfo
The order price information.
object profile
Basic profile information. (read-only)
The ID of the shopper profile that owns the order.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information of the order
The sales channel of this order. default to "default".
The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.
The number of shipping groups (read-only, value is ignored when updating).
array shippingGroups
Shipping groups represent shipments and include commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantity are included in the shipment. Shipping groups in a request are matched to existing shipping groups by id, followed by description, followed by (for hardgoodShippingGroups) shippingMethod + address.
The ID of the site on which the order was placed.
The system where the order originated.
The state of the order.
Whether order is tax-exempt or not.
object taxPriceInfo
The tax pricing details for the order.
The total count of commerce items in the order. (read-only)
"description":"Initiate Cancel information for the order.",
"description":"The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.",
"description":"The last modified time.",
"description":"The ID of the price group to which the order belongs.",
"description":"The creation time.",
"description":"The system where the order originated.",
"description":"The array of payment groups represent the payment(s) that paid for the order. Orders when placed will have an instance of a CyberSource TokenizedCreditCard (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"tokenizedCreditCard\"). The paymentGroups property can be updated to include instances of ExternalPaymentGroup (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"externalPaymentGroup\"). ExternalPaymentGroups represent methods of payment that are external and opaque to cloud commerce, and which were taken after the order was initially placed.",
"description":"A string containing the two or four digit year when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The purchase order number.",
"description":"The monetary amount authorized.",
"description":"The type in the external system. Might be \"StoreCredit\", \"CreditCard\", \"Check\", etc. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups).",
"description":"The monetary amount of the payment.",
"description":"The ID for the payment group in an external system (like the OMS)",
"description":"The type of the credit card. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"A string containing the two digit month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The date the payment was submitted.",
"description":"Array of authorization status objects.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
"description":"The error message, if any.",
"description":"The transaction ID.",
"description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
"description":"The CyberSource token string. (only for tokenizedCreditCard)",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of the credit card.",
"description":"The class type of the payment group. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The last four digits of the credit card number. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The subtype in the external system. Might be \"VISA\" for a PaymentGroup with an external type of \"CreditCard\". (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"The payment method. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The external source ID, limited to 6 characters. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"Billing address for the order",
"description":"Country for this billing address.",
"description":"Last Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 3 for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 2 for this billing address.",
"description":"City for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 1 for this billing address.",
"description":"Prefix for this billing address.",
"description":"Company name for this billing address.",
"description":"JOb Title for this billing address.",
"description":"Postal code for this billing address.",
"description":"Default value of the address.",
"description":"suffix for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected country of the shipping address.",
"description":"First Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Phone Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Repository ID of the address.",
"description":"Fax Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Nickname or alternate name for address like home/office.",
"description":"Middle Name for this billing address.",
"description":"State for this billing address.",
"description":"Email for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected state of the shipping address.",
"description":"The state ISON code of the shipping address.",
"description":"The internal ID of the payment group.",
"description":"The state of this payment group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this payment group.",
"description":"The three character currency code. For example: USD.",
"description":"A string containing the two digit day of month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The sales channel of this order. default to \"default\".",
"description":"The locale in which order submitted.",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternateCurrency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary..",
"description":"The organization ID.",
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.",
"description":"The total count of commerce items in the order. (read-only)",
"description":"The ID",
"description":"The state of the order.",
"description":"The commerce items (sometimes referred to as \"line items\") represent which actual skus are included in the order in what quantity, and related information. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items are matched to input data by externalId, followed by id, followed by catalogRefId. The elements in the commerceItem are instances of CommerceItemImpl.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The quantity returned.",
"description":"The availabilityDate for preordered/backordered quantity.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The preordered quantity included.",
"description":"Configuration ID for the configurable commerce item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"The raw total price.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost in secondary currency for shipping the product.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The ID of the catalog which this commerce item references.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"External quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price for this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The internal/native ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The state of this commerce item. (read-only, calculated from shippingGroups' commerceItemRelationships)",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about the state of this commerce item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"An optional, external ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The key of the catalog this commerce item references.",
"description":"The product's display name. (read-only, obtained from the referenced product)",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The backordered quantity included.",
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"Whether the price was discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Tax amount for the district.",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The monetary amount of country tax.",
"description":"Shipping groups represent shipments and include commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantity are included in the shipment. Shipping groups in a request are matched to existing shipping groups by id, followed by description, followed by (for hardgoodShippingGroups) shippingMethod + address.",
"description":"The shipping method.",
"description":"The description of this shipping group. Defaults to the ID.",
"description":"The date the shipping group was submitted.",
"description":"The pricing details about this shipping group.",
"description":"Whether this item is discounted.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The secondary currency shipping amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the cost of raw shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"Cost of shipping the product.",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"Total of recurring amount without tax included.",
"description":"The date this shipping group is expected to ship upon.",
"description":"The actual shipped date of this shipping group.",
"description":"An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)",
"description":"The carrier name.",
"description":"The tracking url.",
"description":"The carrier ID.",
"description":"The tracking number.",
"description":"Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"The ID of the owner of this address.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"The fax number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
"description":"The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
"description":"The monetary value.",
"description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANTITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
"description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
"description":"The native ID of this item.",
"description":"The ID of this shipping group.",
"description":"The state of this shipping group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this shipping group.",
"description":"The tracking number. In case of multiple tracking numbers the format should be carrierId-trackingNumber,carrierId-trackingNumber..., Here carrierId is the ID which has been added through the addCarrier end point.",
"description":"Handling instructions. Currently read-only.",
"description":"The class type for the ShippingGroup. Currently must be \"hardgoodShippingGroup\".",
"description":"Whether order is tax-exempt or not.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the order was created. This may differ to siteId value if the site is part of a cart sharing group.",
"description":"A site level setting which enables the shopper to split the payment amount in points and monetary currency, irrespective of the order level price list group.",
"description":"Basic profile information. (read-only)",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Loyalty Programs Information",
"description":"programName of Loyalty Program",
"description":"repository ID",
"description":"membershipId of the profile.",
"description":"programId of Loyalty Program",
"description":"status of Enrollment.",
"description":"Default shipping address",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay Shipping in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternateCurrency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"The number of shipping groups (read-only, value is ignored when updating).",
"description":"The number of payment groups. (read-only, value is ignored when updating)",
"description":"The action performed on the order.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information of the order",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary total: amount + shipping + tax. (read-only)",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The monetary cost of shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The monetary total of manual adjustments.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the discount: rawSubtotal - amount + manualAdjustmentTotal. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary raw subtotal.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The ID of the shopper profile that owns the order.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the order was placed.",
Nested Schema : returnRequest
return request created for for the cancel order.
Show Source
Actual Shipping Refund at return request level
actual Tax Refund
object additionalProperties
Map of Additional properties for return request
Adjustment Amount
Agent ID
Creation Date of return request
The currency code of the order currency
object originatingOrder
Original order information
Other refund
object profile
Profile Information for the order.
array refundMethodList
List of Refund methods of return request
Refund subtotal return request
Return Fee for the return request
Count of all the return items in the return request
array returnItemList
List of returnable Items
Return Label
Return Payment State. It can be Refund, None or Due
Shipping Tax Refund at return request level
State of the return request like PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACTION etc
Suggested Shipping Refund of all Return Items
Suggested Tax Refund at return request level
Total refund amount
array trackingNumber
List of tracking numbers for the return request
Refund SubTotal calculated as summation of unAdjustedRefundAmount for all return Items
The total refund amount that is not allocated to a refund method
"description":"return request created for for the cancel order.",
"description":"Agent ID",
"description":"Shipping Tax Refund at return request level",
"description":"Creation Date of return request",
"description":"Refund subtotal return request",
"description":"List of Refund methods of return request",
"description":"Type of the refund. For example this can be creditCard, tokenizedCreditCard\tetc",
"description":"The amount pertaining to the refund method",
"description":"The maximum amount that can be refunded from the refund method",
"description":"Suggested Shipping Refund of all Return Items",
"description":"Original order information",
"description":"List of ids of approvers",
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"if tax is included in the price",
"description":"miscellaneous tax",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.",
"description":"The shipping groups for the order.",
"description":"The price information.",
"description":"The current total tax amount in monetry currency",
"description":"Shipping tax",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"Shipping method",
"description":"Time at which order was last modified",
"description":"Price list group ID",
"description":"Creation tinme for order",
"description":"The system where the order originated.",
"description":"Date on which the order was submitted.",
"description":"List of payment Groups for the order. Related Endpoint operations - submitOrder",
"description":"Purchase order number for invoice payment. Payment type: invoice",
"description":"ID of this payment Group.",
"description":"The amount authorized with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The amount associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The payment state, it can be INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE ",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of any IIN payment type card, e.g. credit card. This is normally used to allow any credit card type based promotions to be applied prior to final checkout.",
"description":"Token associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay shipping charges in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"Configuration ID of the configurable product",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.",
"description":"total number of commerce items in order",
"description":"order ID",
"description":"The state of the order",
"description":"list of commerce items",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The product's display name",
"description":"commerce item ID",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Return Payment State. It can be Refund, None or Due",
"description":"The currency code of the order currency",
"description":"State of the return request like PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACTION etc",
"description":"Refund SubTotal calculated as summation of unAdjustedRefundAmount for all return Items",
"description":"List of tracking numbers for the return request",
"description":"Count of all the return items in the return request",
"description":"Profile Information for the order.",
"description":"Last name of profile.",
"description":"First name of profile.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"Middle name of profile.",
"description":"Login ID to be used.Defaults for email if not passed.",
"description":"Email address of the profile",
"description":"Suggested Tax Refund at return request level",
"description":"Actual Shipping Refund at return request level",
"description":"Other refund",
"description":"actual Tax Refund",
"description":"Return Label",
"description":"Return Fee for the return request",
"description":"Map of Additional properties for return request",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
"description":"Total refund amount",
"description":"The total refund amount that is not allocated to a refund method",
"description":"List of returnable Items",
"description":"Quantity returned",
"description":"Quantity Available",
"description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
"description":"Actual Tax refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"ID of the return Item",
"description":"Shipping group ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping surcharge refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this return item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Quantity recieved in fraction",
"description":"Suggested Shipping Refund",
"description":"Commerce ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"Disposition reason",
"description":"Quantity of this item that was originally shipped",
"description":"Actual Shipping Surcharge Refund at Item level",
"description":"Reason to return an Item",
"description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
"description":"Map of Additional properties for each return item",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
"description":"state at return item level",
"description":"Suggested Refund Amount Item level",
"description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
"description":"Disposition Reason",
"description":"Refund Amount at Item level",
"description":"Adjustment Amount",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
The commerce items (sometimes referred to as "line items") represent which actual skus are included in the order in what quantity, and related information. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items are matched to input data by externalId, followed by id, followed by catalogRefId. The elements in the commerceItem are instances of CommerceItemImpl.
Show Source
"description":"The commerce items (sometimes referred to as \"line items\") represent which actual skus are included in the order in what quantity, and related information. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items are matched to input data by externalId, followed by id, followed by catalogRefId. The elements in the commerceItem are instances of CommerceItemImpl.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The quantity returned.",
"description":"The availabilityDate for preordered/backordered quantity.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The preordered quantity included.",
"description":"Configuration ID for the configurable commerce item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"The raw total price.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost in secondary currency for shipping the product.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The ID of the catalog which this commerce item references.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"External quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price for this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The internal/native ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The state of this commerce item. (read-only, calculated from shippingGroups' commerceItemRelationships)",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about the state of this commerce item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"An optional, external ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The key of the catalog this commerce item references.",
"description":"The product's display name. (read-only, obtained from the referenced product)",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The backordered quantity included.",
Nested Schema : paymentGroups
The array of payment groups represent the payment(s) that paid for the order. Orders when placed will have an instance of a CyberSource TokenizedCreditCard (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of "tokenizedCreditCard"). The paymentGroups property can be updated to include instances of ExternalPaymentGroup (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of "externalPaymentGroup"). ExternalPaymentGroups represent methods of payment that are external and opaque to cloud commerce, and which were taken after the order was initially placed.
Show Source
"description":"The array of payment groups represent the payment(s) that paid for the order. Orders when placed will have an instance of a CyberSource TokenizedCreditCard (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"tokenizedCreditCard\"). The paymentGroups property can be updated to include instances of ExternalPaymentGroup (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"externalPaymentGroup\"). ExternalPaymentGroups represent methods of payment that are external and opaque to cloud commerce, and which were taken after the order was initially placed.",
"description":"A string containing the two or four digit year when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The purchase order number.",
"description":"The monetary amount authorized.",
"description":"The type in the external system. Might be \"StoreCredit\", \"CreditCard\", \"Check\", etc. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups).",
"description":"The monetary amount of the payment.",
"description":"The ID for the payment group in an external system (like the OMS)",
"description":"The type of the credit card. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"A string containing the two digit month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The date the payment was submitted.",
"description":"Array of authorization status objects.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
"description":"The error message, if any.",
"description":"The transaction ID.",
"description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
"description":"The CyberSource token string. (only for tokenizedCreditCard)",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of the credit card.",
"description":"The class type of the payment group. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The last four digits of the credit card number. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The subtype in the external system. Might be \"VISA\" for a PaymentGroup with an external type of \"CreditCard\". (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"The payment method. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The external source ID, limited to 6 characters. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"Billing address for the order",
"description":"Country for this billing address.",
"description":"Last Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 3 for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 2 for this billing address.",
"description":"City for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 1 for this billing address.",
"description":"Prefix for this billing address.",
"description":"Company name for this billing address.",
"description":"JOb Title for this billing address.",
"description":"Postal code for this billing address.",
"description":"Default value of the address.",
"description":"suffix for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected country of the shipping address.",
"description":"First Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Phone Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Repository ID of the address.",
"description":"Fax Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Nickname or alternate name for address like home/office.",
"description":"Middle Name for this billing address.",
"description":"State for this billing address.",
"description":"Email for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected state of the shipping address.",
"description":"The state ISON code of the shipping address.",
"description":"The internal ID of the payment group.",
"description":"The state of this payment group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this payment group.",
"description":"The three character currency code. For example: USD.",
"description":"A string containing the two digit day of month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
Nested Schema : priceInfo
The order price information.
Show Source
The total order amount.
The currency code.
An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled. -
This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled. -
The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.
This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.
3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency. -
An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.
3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency. -
The total shipping cost.
Extra handling costs for shipping the products.
The sub-total amount.
The total tax amount.
Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency
The order total.
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
Nested Schema : profile
Basic profile information. (read-only)
Show Source
The email address
First name.
Last name.
array loyaltyPrograms
Loyalty Programs Information
Middle name.
object shippingAddress
Default shipping address
"description":"Basic profile information. (read-only)",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Loyalty Programs Information",
"description":"programName of Loyalty Program",
"description":"repository ID",
"description":"membershipId of the profile.",
"description":"programId of Loyalty Program",
"description":"status of Enrollment.",
"description":"Default shipping address",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information of the order
Show Source
The monetary amount.
Whether the amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The monetary amount of the discount: rawSubtotal - amount + manualAdjustmentTotal. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
array frequencyAmountTotals
The total for each recurring charge frequency
array frequencyTaxTotals
The tax for each recurring charge frequency
The monetary total of manual adjustments.
The monetary raw subtotal.
The monetary cost of shipping.
Monetary tax amount.
The monetary total: amount + shipping + tax. (read-only)
"description":"Recurring charge price information of the order",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary total: amount + shipping + tax. (read-only)",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The monetary cost of shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The monetary total of manual adjustments.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the discount: rawSubtotal - amount + manualAdjustmentTotal. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary raw subtotal.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : shippingGroups
Shipping groups represent shipments and include commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantity are included in the shipment. Shipping groups in a request are matched to existing shipping groups by id, followed by description, followed by (for hardgoodShippingGroups) shippingMethod + address.
Show Source
"description":"Shipping groups represent shipments and include commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantity are included in the shipment. Shipping groups in a request are matched to existing shipping groups by id, followed by description, followed by (for hardgoodShippingGroups) shippingMethod + address.",
"description":"The shipping method.",
"description":"The description of this shipping group. Defaults to the ID.",
"description":"The date the shipping group was submitted.",
"description":"The pricing details about this shipping group.",
"description":"Whether this item is discounted.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The secondary currency shipping amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the cost of raw shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"Cost of shipping the product.",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"Total of recurring amount without tax included.",
"description":"The date this shipping group is expected to ship upon.",
"description":"The actual shipped date of this shipping group.",
"description":"An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)",
"description":"The carrier name.",
"description":"The tracking url.",
"description":"The carrier ID.",
"description":"The tracking number.",
"description":"Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"The ID of the owner of this address.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"The fax number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
"description":"The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
"description":"The monetary value.",
"description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANTITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
"description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
"description":"The native ID of this item.",
"description":"The ID of this shipping group.",
"description":"The state of this shipping group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this shipping group.",
"description":"The tracking number. In case of multiple tracking numbers the format should be carrierId-trackingNumber,carrierId-trackingNumber..., Here carrierId is the ID which has been added through the addCarrier end point.",
"description":"Handling instructions. Currently read-only.",
"description":"The class type for the ShippingGroup. Currently must be \"hardgoodShippingGroup\".",
Nested Schema : taxPriceInfo
The tax pricing details for the order.
Show Source
The monetary amount.
Whether the amount is final.
The monetary amount of city tax.
The monetary amount of country tax.
The monetary amount of county tax.
The three character currency code.
Whether the price was discounted.
Tax amount for the district.
The tax amount in secondary currency
Tax amount for the state.
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"Whether the price was discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Tax amount for the district.",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The monetary amount of country tax.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The availabilityDate for preordered/backordered quantity.
The backordered quantity included.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The ID of the catalog which this commerce item references.
The key of the catalog this commerce item references.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
Configuration ID for the configurable commerce item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
An optional, external ID for this commerce item.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about pricing.
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The internal/native ID for this commerce item.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The preordered quantity included.
object priceInfo
Details about pricing.
The product's display name. (read-only, obtained from the referenced product)
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The quantity returned.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
The state of this commerce item. (read-only, calculated from shippingGroups' commerceItemRelationships)
Details about the state of this commerce item.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The quantity returned.",
"description":"The availabilityDate for preordered/backordered quantity.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The preordered quantity included.",
"description":"Configuration ID for the configurable commerce item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"The raw total price.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost in secondary currency for shipping the product.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The ID of the catalog which this commerce item references.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"External quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price for this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The internal/native ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The state of this commerce item. (read-only, calculated from shippingGroups' commerceItemRelationships)",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about the state of this commerce item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"An optional, external ID for this commerce item.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The key of the catalog this commerce item references.",
"description":"The product's display name. (read-only, obtained from the referenced product)",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The backordered quantity included.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about pricing.
Show Source
External price for this commerce item
External quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"External quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price for this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : priceInfo
Details about pricing.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this order.
Whether the amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price.
The sale price
Extra handling cost in secondary currency for shipping the product.
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"The raw total price.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost in secondary currency for shipping the product.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the sub commerce item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.
The activation date in ISO format.
Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).
The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.
The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The billing account ID associated to the current item.
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
array commerceItems
ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.
ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.
The customer account ID associated to the current item.
The deactivation date in ISO format.
array externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
object externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
object externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.
The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.
The service account ID associated to the current item.
The service ID associated to the current item.
object shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed: additionalPropertiesMap of shopper input keys to values
The ID of the site on which the item was added.
"description":"The deactivation date in ISO format.",
"description":"Whether the child item is an add-on (internally configured) or not (externally configured).",
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The billing account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The assetKey is assigned only when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the item by the configurator system.",
"description":"The service ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The service account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurationOption associated with this item.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The parentAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"The Commerce Item ID associated with the original item from which item in cancel order is created.",
"description":"The rootAssetKey is only assigned when the root item has been set as assetable in the catalog and has been configured.",
"description":"ID of the catalog's configurableProperty associated with this item.",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
"description":"The customer account ID associated to the current item.",
"description":"The ID of the site on which the item was added.",
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
"description":"The activation date in ISO format.",
"description":"The flag that determines if the current item is an asset or not.",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
Show Source
Nested Schema : externalData
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
"description":"External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.",
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : externalPriceDetails
Details about external pricing
Show Source
External price of this commerce item
external quantity of this commerce item
"description":"Details about external pricing",
"description":"external quantity of this commerce item",
"description":"External price of this commerce item",
Nested Schema : externalRecurringChargeDetails
Details about external recurring pricing.
Show Source
The external recurring price.
The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.
The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.
"description":"Details about external recurring pricing.",
"description":"The external recurring price.",
"description":"The frequency for the recurring charge e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The duration for the recurring charge e.g. 12 months.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Whether discountable.
Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.
The monetary amount of the list price.
Whether is on sale.
The price list ID used for pricing.
The quantity discounted.
The raw total price of the recurring charge.
The sale price
Extra handling cost for shipping the product.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The raw total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The sale price",
"description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
"description":"The quantity discounted.",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
"description":"Whether is on sale.",
"description":"Whether discountable.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
"description":"Map of shopper input keys to values",
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.
The name to be associated with the externalData item.
object values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
"description":"The name to be associated with the externalData item.",
"description":"The action code that has been set on the externalData item by the configurator system.",
Nested Schema : values
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.
"description":"The array of values associated with an externalData item.",
"description":"This property's name and value will be retrieved from a configurator system, so will be dynamically set.",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount.
Whether the amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.
The tax amount in secondary currency
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The tax amount in secondary currency",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : currentPriceDetailsSorted
The current price details.
Show Source
"description":"The current price details.",
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount for the recurring charge.
Whether the recurring charge amount is final.
The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.
The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)
Whether the price is discounted.
The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info
object range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Monetary tax amount.
"description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
"description":"The monetary amount for the recurring charge.",
"description":"The number of items covered by this recurring charge price info",
"description":"Whether the recurring charge amount is final.",
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
"description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : range
Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.
Show Source
The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.
The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.
The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)
"description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this recurring charge price info.",
"description":"The lower bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers, inclusive.",
"description":"The upper bound of the range this recurring charge price info covers.",
"description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount of the payment.
The monetary amount authorized.
array authorizationStatus
Array of authorization status objects.
object billingAddress
Billing address for the order
The last four digits of the credit card number. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)
The type of the credit card. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)
The three character currency code. For example: USD.
A string containing the two digit day of month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)
A string containing the two digit month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)
A string containing the two or four digit year when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)
The ID for the payment group in an external system (like the OMS)
The external source ID, limited to 6 characters. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)
The subtype in the external system. Might be "VISA" for a PaymentGroup with an external type of "CreditCard". (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)
The type in the external system. Might be "StoreCredit", "CreditCard", "Check", etc. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups).
The internal ID of the payment group.
The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of the credit card.
The class type of the payment group. Currently supported values are "tokenizedCreditCard" and "externalPaymentGroup".
The payment method. Currently supported values are "tokenizedCreditCard" and "externalPaymentGroup".
The purchase order number.
The state of this payment group.
Details about the state of this payment group.
The date the payment was submitted.
The CyberSource token string. (only for tokenizedCreditCard)
"description":"A string containing the two or four digit year when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The purchase order number.",
"description":"The monetary amount authorized.",
"description":"The type in the external system. Might be \"StoreCredit\", \"CreditCard\", \"Check\", etc. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups).",
"description":"The monetary amount of the payment.",
"description":"The ID for the payment group in an external system (like the OMS)",
"description":"The type of the credit card. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"A string containing the two digit month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The date the payment was submitted.",
"description":"Array of authorization status objects.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
"description":"The error message, if any.",
"description":"The transaction ID.",
"description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
"description":"The CyberSource token string. (only for tokenizedCreditCard)",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of the credit card.",
"description":"The class type of the payment group. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The last four digits of the credit card number. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
"description":"The subtype in the external system. Might be \"VISA\" for a PaymentGroup with an external type of \"CreditCard\". (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"The payment method. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
"description":"The external source ID, limited to 6 characters. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
"description":"Billing address for the order",
"description":"Country for this billing address.",
"description":"Last Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 3 for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 2 for this billing address.",
"description":"City for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 1 for this billing address.",
"description":"Prefix for this billing address.",
"description":"Company name for this billing address.",
"description":"JOb Title for this billing address.",
"description":"Postal code for this billing address.",
"description":"Default value of the address.",
"description":"suffix for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected country of the shipping address.",
"description":"First Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Phone Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Repository ID of the address.",
"description":"Fax Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Nickname or alternate name for address like home/office.",
"description":"Middle Name for this billing address.",
"description":"State for this billing address.",
"description":"Email for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected state of the shipping address.",
"description":"The state ISON code of the shipping address.",
"description":"The internal ID of the payment group.",
"description":"The state of this payment group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this payment group.",
"description":"The three character currency code. For example: USD.",
"description":"A string containing the two digit day of month when the credit card expires. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
Nested Schema : authorizationStatus
Array of authorization status objects.
Show Source
"description":"Array of authorization status objects.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
"description":"The error message, if any.",
"description":"The transaction ID.",
"description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
Nested Schema : billingAddress
Billing address for the order
Show Source
Address line 1 for this billing address.
Address line 2 for this billing address.
Address line 3 for this billing address.
Nickname or alternate name for address like home/office.
City for this billing address.
Company name for this billing address.
Country for this billing address.
Email for this billing address.
Fax Number for this billing address.
First Name for this billing address.
Default value of the address.
JOb Title for this billing address.
Last Name for this billing address.
Middle Name for this billing address.
Phone Number for this billing address.
Postal code for this billing address.
Prefix for this billing address.
Repository ID of the address.
The selected country of the shipping address.
The selected state of the shipping address.
State for this billing address.
The state ISON code of the shipping address.
suffix for this billing address.
"description":"Billing address for the order",
"description":"Country for this billing address.",
"description":"Last Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 3 for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 2 for this billing address.",
"description":"City for this billing address.",
"description":"Address line 1 for this billing address.",
"description":"Prefix for this billing address.",
"description":"Company name for this billing address.",
"description":"JOb Title for this billing address.",
"description":"Postal code for this billing address.",
"description":"Default value of the address.",
"description":"suffix for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected country of the shipping address.",
"description":"First Name for this billing address.",
"description":"Phone Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Repository ID of the address.",
"description":"Fax Number for this billing address.",
"description":"Nickname or alternate name for address like home/office.",
"description":"Middle Name for this billing address.",
"description":"State for this billing address.",
"description":"Email for this billing address.",
"description":"The selected state of the shipping address.",
"description":"The state ISON code of the shipping address.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary amount.
The error message, if any.
The transaction ID.
Whether the transaction was successful.
The timestamp of the transaction.
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
"description":"The error message, if any.",
"description":"The transaction ID.",
"description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
Nested Schema : loyaltyPrograms
Loyalty Programs Information
Show Source
"description":"Loyalty Programs Information",
"description":"programName of Loyalty Program",
"description":"repository ID",
"description":"membershipId of the profile.",
"description":"programId of Loyalty Program",
"description":"status of Enrollment.",
Nested Schema : shippingAddress
Default shipping address
Show Source
Address Line 1.
Address Line 2.
Address Line 3.
Name of the county.
Phone number.
Postal code.
"description":"Default shipping address",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
membershipId of the profile.
programId of Loyalty Program
programName of Loyalty Program
repository ID
status of Enrollment.
"description":"programName of Loyalty Program",
"description":"repository ID",
"description":"membershipId of the profile.",
"description":"programId of Loyalty Program",
"description":"status of Enrollment.",
Nested Schema : frequencyAmountTotals
The total for each recurring charge frequency
Show Source
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : frequencyTaxTotals
The tax for each recurring charge frequency
Show Source
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.
The total amount for the frequency.
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.
The tax amount for the frequency.
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The actual shipped date of this shipping group.
array commerceItemRelationships
The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.
The description of this shipping group. Defaults to the ID.
array handlingInstructions
Handling instructions. Currently read-only.
The ID of this shipping group.
object priceInfo
The pricing details about this shipping group.
object recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
The date this shipping group is expected to ship upon.
object shippingAddress
The shipping address for this shipping group.
The class type for the ShippingGroup. Currently must be "hardgoodShippingGroup".
The shipping method.
object specialInstructions
Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.
The state of this shipping group.
Details about the state of this shipping group.
The date the shipping group was submitted.
array trackingInfo
An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)
The tracking number. In case of multiple tracking numbers the format should be carrierId-trackingNumber,carrierId-trackingNumber..., Here carrierId is the ID which has been added through the addCarrier end point.
"description":"The shipping method.",
"description":"The description of this shipping group. Defaults to the ID.",
"description":"The date the shipping group was submitted.",
"description":"The pricing details about this shipping group.",
"description":"Whether this item is discounted.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The secondary currency shipping amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the cost of raw shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts.",
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"Cost of shipping the product.",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"Total of recurring amount without tax included.",
"description":"The date this shipping group is expected to ship upon.",
"description":"The actual shipped date of this shipping group.",
"description":"An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)",
"description":"The carrier name.",
"description":"The tracking url.",
"description":"The carrier ID.",
"description":"The tracking number.",
"description":"Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"The ID of the owner of this address.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"The fax number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
"description":"The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
"description":"The monetary value.",
"description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANTITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
"description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
"description":"The native ID of this item.",
"description":"The ID of this shipping group.",
"description":"The state of this shipping group.",
"description":"Details about the state of this shipping group.",
"description":"The tracking number. In case of multiple tracking numbers the format should be carrierId-trackingNumber,carrierId-trackingNumber..., Here carrierId is the ID which has been added through the addCarrier end point.",
"description":"Handling instructions. Currently read-only.",
"description":"The class type for the ShippingGroup. Currently must be \"hardgoodShippingGroup\".",
Nested Schema : commerceItemRelationships
The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.
Show Source
"description":"The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
"description":"The monetary value.",
"description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANTITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
"description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
"description":"The native ID of this item.",
Nested Schema : handlingInstructions
Handling instructions. Currently read-only.
Show Source
"description":"Handling instructions. Currently read-only.",
Nested Schema : priceInfo
The pricing details about this shipping group.
Show Source
The monetary amount.
Whether the amount is final.
The currency code for the monetary amounts.
Whether this item is discounted.
The monetary amount of the cost of raw shipping.
The secondary currency shipping amount.
The secondary currency tax amount.
"description":"The pricing details about this shipping group.",
"description":"Whether this item is discounted.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The secondary currency shipping amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of the cost of raw shipping.",
"description":"Whether the amount is final.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts.",
Nested Schema : recurringChargePriceInfo
Recurring charge price information.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this recurring charge.
The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.
array frequencyAmountTotals
The total for each recurring charge frequency
array frequencyTaxTotals
The tax for each recurring charge frequency
Cost of shipping the product.
The sub-total price of the recurring charge.
Monetary tax amount.
The total price of the recurring charge.
Total of recurring amount without tax included.
"description":"Recurring charge price information.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this recurring charge.",
"description":"The total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"Cost of shipping the product.",
"description":"Monetary tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total price of the recurring charge.",
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
"description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
"description":"Total of recurring amount without tax included.",
Nested Schema : shippingAddress
The shipping address for this shipping group.
Show Source
Address Line 1.
Address Line 2.
Address Line 3.
Company name.
Name of the county.
The email address
The fax number.
First name.
Job title.
Last name.
Middle name.
The ID of the owner of this address.
Phone number.
Postal code.
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"The ID of the owner of this address.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"The fax number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"The email address",
Nested Schema : specialInstructions
Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.
Show Source
"description":"Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.",
Nested Schema : trackingInfo
An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)
Show Source
"description":"An array that specifies the tracking info of shipping group. (read-only)",
"description":"The carrier name.",
"description":"The tracking url.",
"description":"The carrier ID.",
"description":"The tracking number.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The monetary value.
The referenced commerce item's external ID.
The referenced commerce item's internal ID.
The native ID of this item.
The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.
The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.
Number of referenced items that were returned.
"description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
"description":"The monetary value.",
"description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
"description":"The boolean that indicates if the item has passed pointOfNoRevision.",
"description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANTITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
"description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
"description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
"description":"The native ID of this item.",
Nested Schema : frequencyAmountTotals
The total for each recurring charge frequency
Show Source
"description":"The total for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : frequencyTaxTotals
The tax for each recurring charge frequency
Show Source
"description":"The tax for each recurring charge frequency",
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.
The total amount for the frequency.
"description":"The total amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's total e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.
The tax amount for the frequency.
"description":"The tax amount for the frequency.",
"description":"The frequency for the item's tax e.g. Monthly.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The carrier ID.
The carrier name.
The tracking number.
The tracking url.
"description":"The carrier name.",
"description":"The tracking url.",
"description":"The carrier ID.",
"description":"The tracking number.",
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Map of Additional properties for return request
Show Source
additional property 1
additional property 2
"description":"Map of Additional properties for return request",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
Nested Schema : originatingOrder
Original order information
Show Source
array approverIds
List of ids of approvers
array commerceItems
list of commerce items
Configuration ID of the configurable product
Creation tinme for order
The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.
order ID
Time at which order was last modified
array paymentGroups
List of payment Groups for the order. Related Endpoint operations - submitOrder
A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay shipping charges in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.
A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.
Price list group ID
object priceInfo
The order price information.
The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.
array shippingGroups
The shipping groups for the order.
The system where the order originated.
The state of the order
Date on which the order was submitted.
object taxPriceInfo
The tax pricing details for the order.
total number of commerce items in order
"description":"Original order information",
"description":"List of ids of approvers",
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"if tax is included in the price",
"description":"miscellaneous tax",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The currency code of secondary currency associated with the site.",
"description":"The shipping groups for the order.",
"description":"The price information.",
"description":"The current total tax amount in monetry currency",
"description":"Shipping tax",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"Shipping method",
"description":"Time at which order was last modified",
"description":"Price list group ID",
"description":"Creation tinme for order",
"description":"The system where the order originated.",
"description":"Date on which the order was submitted.",
"description":"List of payment Groups for the order. Related Endpoint operations - submitOrder",
"description":"Purchase order number for invoice payment. Payment type: invoice",
"description":"ID of this payment Group.",
"description":"The amount authorized with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The amount associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The payment state, it can be INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE ",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of any IIN payment type card, e.g. credit card. This is normally used to allow any credit card type based promotions to be applied prior to final checkout.",
"description":"Token associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay shipping charges in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"Configuration ID of the configurable product",
"description":"A site level setting, when enabled, makes it mandatory for the shopper to pay tax in monetary currency. Additionally, if the allowAlternate Currency flag is enabled then shopper has to pay atleast shipping and tax total in monetary, rest of the amount can be paid in mix of points and monetary currency, or can be paid only in points or only in monetary.",
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"The coversion rate used to convert values from primary currency to secondary currency. Primary currency refers to to currency code associated with the order level price list group.",
"description":"total number of commerce items in order",
"description":"order ID",
"description":"The state of the order",
"description":"list of commerce items",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The product's display name",
"description":"commerce item ID",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
Nested Schema : profile
Profile Information for the order.
Show Source
Email address of the profile
First name of profile.
Last name of profile.
Login ID to be used.Defaults for email if not passed.
Middle name of profile.
object shippingAddress
The shipping address for this shipping group.
"description":"Profile Information for the order.",
"description":"Last name of profile.",
"description":"First name of profile.",
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
"description":"Middle name of profile.",
"description":"Login ID to be used.Defaults for email if not passed.",
"description":"Email address of the profile",
Nested Schema : refundMethodList
List of Refund methods of return request
Show Source
"description":"List of Refund methods of return request",
"description":"Type of the refund. For example this can be creditCard, tokenizedCreditCard\tetc",
"description":"The amount pertaining to the refund method",
"description":"The maximum amount that can be refunded from the refund method",
Nested Schema : returnItemList
List of returnable Items
Show Source
"description":"List of returnable Items",
"description":"Quantity returned",
"description":"Quantity Available",
"description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
"description":"Actual Tax refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"ID of the return Item",
"description":"Shipping group ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping surcharge refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this return item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Quantity recieved in fraction",
"description":"Suggested Shipping Refund",
"description":"Commerce ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"Disposition reason",
"description":"Quantity of this item that was originally shipped",
"description":"Actual Shipping Surcharge Refund at Item level",
"description":"Reason to return an Item",
"description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
"description":"Map of Additional properties for each return item",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
"description":"state at return item level",
"description":"Suggested Refund Amount Item level",
"description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
"description":"Disposition Reason",
"description":"Refund Amount at Item level",
Nested Schema : trackingNumber
List of tracking numbers for the return request
Show Source
"description":"List of tracking numbers for the return request",
Nested Schema : approverIds
List of ids of approvers
Show Source
"description":"List of ids of approvers",
Nested Schema : commerceItems
list of commerce items
Show Source
"description":"list of commerce items",
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The product's display name",
"description":"commerce item ID",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
Nested Schema : paymentGroups
List of payment Groups for the order. Related Endpoint operations - submitOrder
Show Source
"description":"List of payment Groups for the order. Related Endpoint operations - submitOrder",
"description":"Purchase order number for invoice payment. Payment type: invoice",
"description":"ID of this payment Group.",
"description":"The amount authorized with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The amount associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The payment state, it can be INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE ",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of any IIN payment type card, e.g. credit card. This is normally used to allow any credit card type based promotions to be applied prior to final checkout.",
"description":"Token associated with this Payment Group.",
Nested Schema : priceInfo
The order price information.
Show Source
The total order amount.
The currency code.
An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled. -
This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled. -
The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.
This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.
3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency. -
An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.
Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:
1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.
2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.
3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency. -
The total shipping cost.
Extra handling costs for shipping the products.
The sub-total amount.
The total tax amount.
Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency
The order total.
"description":"The order price information.",
"description":"This field represents the total tax(Item Tax and Shipping Tax) of the order in Monetary Currency. <br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute: Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"This field represents the shipping amount, shipping discount and shipping surcharge in monetary Currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in monetary currency. It includes shipping charges, shipping surcharges, shipping discount and total tax in monetary currency.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.<br/>3. If the tax is included in the price of the item, then this value represents only shipping tax in monetary currency.",
"description":"Extra handling costs for shipping the products.",
"description":"Total excluding shipping and tax in monetary currency",
"description":"The total tax amount.",
"description":"The sub-total amount.",
"description":"The order total.",
"description":"The total shipping cost.",
"description":"An order can be paid in points and monetary currency. This field represent order value which will be paid in points. It includes items amount, item discount, order discount.<br/>Prerequisites for the value in this Attribute:<br/>1. PriceList configured for the site is in custom currency.<br/>2. payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency flags are enabled.",
"description":"The shipping surcharges added at item level in monetary currency.",
"description":"The currency code.",
Nested Schema : shippingGroups
The shipping groups for the order.
Show Source
"description":"The shipping groups for the order.",
"description":"The price information.",
"description":"The current total tax amount in monetry currency",
"description":"Shipping tax",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"Shipping method",
Nested Schema : taxPriceInfo
The tax pricing details for the order.
Show Source
The monetary amount.
The monetary amount of city tax.
The monetary amount of county tax.
The three character currency code.
if tax is included in the price
miscellaneous tax
The secondary currency tax amount.
Tax amount for the state.
"description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
"description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
"description":"The secondary currency tax amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount.",
"description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
"description":"if tax is included in the price",
"description":"miscellaneous tax",
"description":"Tax amount for the state.",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.
commerce item ID
object priceInfo
Details about pricing.
The product's display name
The ID of the product.
The quantity included.
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
"description":"The quantity included.",
"description":"The ID of the product.",
"description":"The product's display name",
"description":"commerce item ID",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
Nested Schema : priceInfo
Details about pricing.
Show Source
The monetary amount of this order.
Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.
"description":"Details about pricing.",
"description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
"description":"Indicates the currency of the price. For example, USD indicates that the price is in US dollars.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The amount associated with this Payment Group.
The amount authorized with this Payment Group.
The three character currency code.
The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of any IIN payment type card, e.g. credit card. This is normally used to allow any credit card type based promotions to be applied prior to final checkout.
ID of this payment Group.
Purchase order number for invoice payment. Payment type: invoice
The payment state, it can be INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE
Token associated with this Payment Group.
"description":"Purchase order number for invoice payment. Payment type: invoice",
"description":"ID of this payment Group.",
"description":"The amount authorized with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The amount associated with this Payment Group.",
"description":"The payment state, it can be INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE ",
"description":"The three character currency code.",
"description":"The issuer identification number (first 6 digits) of any IIN payment type card, e.g. credit card. This is normally used to allow any credit card type based promotions to be applied prior to final checkout.",
"description":"Token associated with this Payment Group.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
object priceInfo
The price information.
Shipping method
"description":"The price information.",
"description":"The current total tax amount in monetry currency",
"description":"Shipping tax",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"The currency code.",
"description":"Shipping method",
Nested Schema : priceInfo
The price information.
Show Source
The total order amount.
The currency code.
The current total tax amount in monetry currency
Shipping tax
"description":"The price information.",
"description":"The current total tax amount in monetry currency",
"description":"Shipping tax",
"description":"The total order amount.",
"description":"The currency code.",
Nested Schema : shippingAddress
The shipping address for this shipping group.
Show Source
Address Line 1.
Address Line 2.
Address Line 3.
Company name.
Name of the county.
First name.
Job title.
Last name.
Middle name.
Phone number.
Postal code.
"description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
"description":"Last name.",
"description":"Address Line 3.",
"description":"Address Line 2.",
"description":"Address Line 1.",
"description":"Company name.",
"description":"Job title.",
"description":"Postal code.",
"description":"Name of the county.",
"description":"First name.",
"description":"Phone number.",
"description":"Middle name.",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
The amount pertaining to the refund method
The maximum amount that can be refunded from the refund method
Type of the refund. For example this can be creditCard, tokenizedCreditCard etc
"description":"Type of the refund. For example this can be creditCard, tokenizedCreditCard\tetc",
"description":"The amount pertaining to the refund method",
"description":"The maximum amount that can be refunded from the refund method",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
Actual Shipping Refund at Item level
Actual Shipping Surcharge Refund at Item level
Actual Tax Refund at Item level
object additionalProperties
Map of Additional properties for each return item
The reference ID of the catalog this return item references. Typically the SKU ID.
Comments at ReturnItem Level
Commerce ID of the returned item
Disposition reason
Disposition Reason
Quantity Available
Quantity returned
Quantity of this item that was originally shipped
Quantity recieved in fraction
Refund Amount at Item level
ID of the return Item
Reason to return an Item
Actual shipping refund at return item level in secondary currency
Actual shipping surcharge refund at return item level in secondary currency
Actual Tax refund at return item level in secondary currency
Shipping group ID of the returned item
state at return item level
Suggested Refund Amount Item level
Suggested Shipping Refund
"description":"Quantity returned",
"description":"Quantity Available",
"description":"Comments at ReturnItem Level",
"description":"Actual Tax refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"ID of the return Item",
"description":"Shipping group ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping surcharge refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"The reference ID of the catalog this return item references. Typically the SKU ID.",
"description":"Quantity recieved in fraction",
"description":"Suggested Shipping Refund",
"description":"Commerce ID of the returned item",
"description":"Actual shipping refund at return item level in secondary currency",
"description":"Disposition reason",
"description":"Quantity of this item that was originally shipped",
"description":"Actual Shipping Surcharge Refund at Item level",
"description":"Reason to return an Item",
"description":"Actual Shipping Refund at Item level",
"description":"Map of Additional properties for each return item",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
"description":"state at return item level",
"description":"Suggested Refund Amount Item level",
"description":"Actual Tax Refund at Item level",
"description":"Disposition Reason",
"description":"Refund Amount at Item level",
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Map of Additional properties for each return item
Show Source
additional property 1
additional property 2
"description":"Map of Additional properties for each return item",
"description":"additional property 2",
"description":"additional property 1",
Example Response (application/json)
"productDisplayName":"Dora the Explorer - Season 1",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"sourceSystem":"Cloud Commerce",
"productDisplayName":"Dora the Explorer - Season 1",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"sourceSystem":"Cloud Commerce",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"sourceSystem":"Cloud Commerce",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
"address1":"21 Cedar Ave",
Default Response
The error response.
The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud:
|Error Code|Description|
|100094|Organization passed in the header is currently inactive|
|100095|The order or return request does not belong to the current organization of the shopper profile|
|100096|The organization associated to the order or return request was deleted / does not exist|
|100097|The organization associated to the order or return request is currently inactive|
|100098|Current operation is being performed in an organization context and the shopper profile is not associated to any organization|
|100099|Current operation is being performed in an organization context and the order or return request does not belong to any organization|
|28107|If no order is found of the order id which is mentioned in request paylaod.|
|200106|No order data specified|
|200105|No Order id specified in request.|
|28315|Error occurred while updating the order.|
|200115|Error occurred at the time of pricing.|
|28364|Error occurred when quote is not allowed.|
|30015|SiteId passed in x-ccsite header is currently inactive|
|30014|SiteId passed in x-ccsite header is invalid or the site was deleted|
|28365|Error occurred while requesting for quote|
|28300|Internal error while creating the order|
|100101|The shopper profile does not belong to organization passed in the header|
|103000|An error occurred while updating the order.|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Show Source
An optional non-localized message containing technical information for developers
The numerical code identifying the error
array errors
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
The localized message describing the error
An optional non-localized message with more information
An optional machine readable description of where the error occurred
The HTTP status code
The URI to the HTTP state code definition
"description":"The numerical code identifying the error",
"description":"The localized message describing the error",
"description":"The URI to the HTTP state code definition",
"description":"An optional non-localized message containing technical information for developers",
"description":"An optional non-localized message with more information",
"description":"An optional machine readable description of where the error occurred",
"description":"An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered",
"description":"The numerical code identifying the error",
"description":"The localized message describing the error",
"description":"An optional non-localized message containing technical information for developers",
"description":"An optional non-localized message with more information",
"description":"An optional machine readable description of where the error occurred",
"description":"The HTTP status code",
"description":"The HTTP status code",
Nested Schema : errors
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
"description":"An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered",
"description":"The numerical code identifying the error",
"description":"The localized message describing the error",
"description":"An optional non-localized message containing technical information for developers",
"description":"An optional non-localized message with more information",
"description":"An optional machine readable description of where the error occurred",
"description":"The HTTP status code",
Nested Schema : items
Show Source
An optional non-localized message containing technical information for developers
The numerical code identifying the error
The localized message describing the error
An optional non-localized message with more information
An optional machine readable description of where the error occurred
The HTTP status code
"description":"The numerical code identifying the error",
"description":"The localized message describing the error",
"description":"An optional non-localized message containing technical information for developers",
"description":"An optional non-localized message with more information",
"description":"An optional machine readable description of where the error occurred",
"description":"The HTTP status code",