


Get Resource Bundle. Fetch the specified resource bundle for the specified locale


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : getResourceBundle_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : resources
Type: object
Response object containing resource bundle information for the specified locale
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
        "categoryNavAll":"All __categoryName__",
        "productNameHasNext":"__productName__, ",
        "emailAddressText":"Email Address",
        "headercreateNewPassword":"Create New Password",
        "productresultsText":"Results: __startIndex__ - __endIndex__ (of __totalProducts__)",
        "noproductsfound":"You searched for '__searchterm__'. No products were found.",
        "createNewPwdMessage":"Password successfully updated.",
        "orderCouponDisplayText":"* __description__ - __code__",
        "cartDropDownText_plural":"__count__ items - __currency____totalPrice__",
        "productPriceChanged":"This item's price has changed since it was added to your cart. Original price was: __currency____originalPrice__ ",
        "invalidOrderDetails":"There has been an error. Please check the shipping address",
        "lastNameText":"Last Name",
        "lastNameRequired":"Last Name is mandatory. ",
        "estimatedCost":"est: __currency____cost__",
        "emptyProductresultsText":"Results: 0",
        "maxlengthValidationMsg":"Invalid entry __fieldName__. Please do not exceed the maximum of __maxLength__ characters.",
        "removeItemMsg":"Remove item from your cart?",
        "searchresultsText":"Results: __startIndex__ - __endIndex__ (of __count__)",
        "embeddedAssistanceMinPasswordLengthText":"is at least __min__ characters long",
        "emailPasswordText":"Email Password",
        "searchFailedText":"Unable to perform a search at this time.",
        "embeddedAssistancePreText":"You must ensure your password:",
        "newPasswdText":"New Password",
        "maxLengthEmailAdd":"Invalid entry. Please do not exceed the maximum of __maxLength__ characters",
        "passwordRequired":"Password is mandatory. ",
        "firstNameText":"First Name",
        "searchText":"Showing Results for __searchTerm__ ",
        "insufficientStockMsg":"You can order a maximum of __stockLimit__ for this product.",
        "cartDropDownText":"__count__ item - __currency____totalPrice__",
        "fieldsInErrorMsg":"Some fields are in error",
        "quantityNumericMsg":"Invalid entry. Please enter only numbers.",
        "forgotPwdPart2":"You must update this the next time you login.",
        "confirmPasswordRequired":"Please enter your password again. ",
        "forgotPwdPart1":"Enter your email address to receive your new temporary password.",
        "passwordPoliciesErrorText":"The password entered does not comply with the password policy. Please try again.",
        "embeddedAssistanceCannotUseUsernameText":"differs from your username",
        "noProductsFound":"You searched for '__searchterm__'. No products were found.",
        "productOrderlimitMsg":"Product has an order limit of __orderLimit__.",
        "optionCaption":"Select __optionName__ ...",
        "loginError":"Login unsuccessful. The details entered don't match our records, please try again.",
        "itemTotalText":"Item Total",
        "currentPasswordText":"Current Password",
        "outOfStockMsg":"This item is no longer in stock. Remove item from your cart?",
        "orderSubmissionFailed":"Order submission failed.",
        "priceRangeText":"Price Range",
        "emailAddressRequired":"Email Address is mandatory. ",
        "searchresultsText_plural":"You searched for '__searchterm__'. Results: __startIndex__ - __endIndex__ (of __count__)",
        "customTextNotFound":"[Custom Text Missing]",
        "forgotPwdText":"Forgotten Password",
        "createNewPasswordError":"Your password has expired. Please update before logging in.",
        "forgotPasswordLinkText":"Forgotten Password?",
        "optionRequiredMsg":"__optionName__ required",
        "emailAddressInvalid":"Invalid entry. Please enter valid email address, for example,",
        "newConfirmPasswordText":"Confirm New Password",
        "firstNameRequired":"First Name is mandatory. ",
        "resetPwdText":"Reset Password",
        "OrderDiscountDesc":"* __discountDesc__",
        "embeddedAssistanceUseMixedCase":"contains upper and lower case characters",
        "embeddedAssistanceNotInPreviousNPasswords":"has not been previously used",
        "oldPasswordsDoNotMatch":"Incorrect value for previous password.",
        "option":"__optionName__: __optionValue__",
        "goToPreviousPagePaginationSymbol":"<", "removecouponlinkreadtext":"remove coupon", "passwordunmatched":"the passwords entered do not match, please try again. ", "gotolastpagepaginationsymbol":">>",
        "embeddedAssistanceUseNumber":"includes a number",
        "forgotPwdMessage":"A new temporary password has been sent to your email address, along with reset password instructions.",
        "orderPricingPromotionError":"Please review your order. Items, or discounts applied, have changed since they were added to your order.",
        "previewMessage":"This is your Storefront in the Preview Environment. It is not your Live site.",
        "goToFirstPagePaginationSymbol":"<<", "currentpasswordrequired":"current password is mandatory.", "januarytext":"january", "marchtext":"march", "informationtext":"information", "embeddedassistanceusesymbol":"includes a symbol character", "emailcanceltext":"cancel", "searchtitletext":"search", "updatesuccessmsg":"update successfully saved.", "searchheadertext":"search results", "cartsessionexpired":"your session has expired due to inactivity. please login again", "quantityrequiremsg":"quantity mandatory. ", "apriltext":"april", "errortext":"error", "quicksearchresultstext":"quick search results for '__searchtext__'", "julytext":"july", "coupondisplaytext":"__description__ - __code__", "invalidcartitemserror":"__productnames__ currently unavailable and removed from your cart.", "februarytext":"february", "nomatchesfound":"no matches found", "showallresultstext":"show all>>",
        "noSearchResultsText":"We couldn't find any results for __searchTerm__"

Default Response

The error response
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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