View facet value record collection records



Returns a list of facet value collection records. By default 10 records are returned unless the limit query parameter is specified.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Specifies the number of records to return, if not specified defaults to 10. Setting to 0 will return all records.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

A list of records from the specified record collection.
Body ()
Root Schema : FacetList
Type: object
Represents a list of facet value records.
Show Source
            "x_description":"Acme is a great brand"
            "key":"Value Brand",
            "x_description":"Value Brand is a great brand"
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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  • FacetValue
    Represents a facet value record from a facet record collection. This can be used to specify displayOrder and custom properties for a facet value. Custom properties must contain an underscore character. For example 'x_imageUrl' might be created to associate an image with a facet value.
Nested Schema : FacetValue
Type: object
Represents a facet value record from a facet record collection. This can be used to specify displayOrder and custom properties for a facet value. Custom properties must contain an underscore character. For example 'x_imageUrl' might be created to associate an image with a facet value.
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  • Optionally specifies a display name. If no 'displayName' is configured, the 'key' is used. This is useful if you want to match data records on one value, but display another.
    Example: Acme Brand
  • Specifies the order display when the given facets is sorted by 'displayOrder' within 'displayConfig' under /attributes
    Example: 1
  • This is used when matching data records during indexing.
    Example: Acme
  • If this attribute has a context=locale under /attributes, then a locale code must be specified to match data records. To view the list of configured locale codes, you can GET /gsadmin/v1/cloud/searchIndexConfig and examine the union of 'defaultLocale' plus 'locales'.
    Example: en
  • Specifies the lower bound for a range facet value. The facet configuration /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/system/{attribute name} need to specify a 'rangeComparisonType' to configure a facet as a range facet. The values that you POST to /gsdata are wrapped in quotes, but the actual value inside must match the 'rangeComparisonType'. The configured lower bound is inclusive.
    Example: 4.500
  • If this attribute has a context=priceGroup under /attributes, then a priceGroup name must be specified to match data records. To view the list of currently configured priceGroup values, you can GET /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributeContexts/priceGroup
    Example: defaultPriceGroup
  • Allowed Values: [ "UPSERT", "DELETE" ]
    Instructs the system what to do with this record. If not specified defaults to upsert. Typically, you would only ever specify DELETE to delete an existing facet value record.
  • Specifies the upper bound for a range facet value. The facet configuration /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/system/{attribute name} need to specify a 'rangeComparisonType' to configure a facet as a range facet. The values that you POST to /gsdata are wrapped in quotes, but the actual value inside must match the 'rangeComparisonType'. The configured upper bound is not inclusive.
    Example: 5.00
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