


Get Item Type. Get information about item types by ID. Optionally takes the x-ccasset-language header to get translated content in another language. Supported item types:
  • commerceItem
  • organization
  • promotion
  • gift-list
  • gift-item
  • organizationRequest
  • profileRequest
  • userSiteProperties
  • profileAgentComment
  • orderAgentComment
  • loyaltyPrograms
  • mailing
  • contactInfo
  • creditCard
  • tokenizedCreditCard
  • hardgoodShippingGroup
  • electronicShippingGroup
  • inStorePickupShippingGroup
  • invoiceRequest
  • onlinePaymentGroup
  • physicalGiftCard
  • customCurrencyPaymentGroup
  • quoteInfo
  • returnComment
  • returnItem
  • inStoreTakeWithShippingGroup
  • category
  • appeasement
  • appeasementComment
  • appeasementRefund
  • externalAppeasementRefund
  • creditCardAppeasementRefund
  • storeCreditAppeasementRefund
  • tokenizedCreditCardAppeasementRefund
  • onlinePaymentGroupAppeasementRefund
  • physicalGiftCardAppeasementRefund
  • customCurrencyAppeasementRefund


    Supported Media Types
    Path Parameters
    Header Parameters
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    Supported Media Types

    200 Response

    Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : getItemType_response
    Type: object
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    Nested Schema : propertiesOrder
    Type: array
    List of properties in ascending order
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : specifications
    Type: array
    List of specifications for user-defined item type.
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    Nested Schema : items
    Type: object
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    Nested Schema : editableAttributes
    Type: array
    List of editable properties
    Show Source
    Example Response (application/json)
                "label":"Order limit",
                "label":"Customer type",
                "label":"DUNS number",
                "label":"Approval required",
                "label":"Customer type",

    Default Response

    The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |200501|Invalid item type Id|
    Body ()
    Root Schema : errorModel
    Type: object
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    Nested Schema : errors
    Type: array
    An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
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    Nested Schema : items
    Type: object
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