


Get Web Hook Resource Metadata. Returns metadata catalog of a webhook resource. The response will be in hyper schema format. The **JSON hyper schema** being served is **deprecated**. Use Swagger.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : getWebHookResourceMetadata_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : definitions
Type: object
respective properties of the resource
Example Response (application/json)
    "description":"The details of order created on the Oracle Commerce Cloud. The order includes item and shipment details",
                    "title":"This operation posts the details of an order"
                    "description":"The tax pricing details for the order.",
                            "description":"Whether the price was discounted.",
                            "description":"The monetary amount of city tax.",
                            "description":"The monetary amount.",
                            "description":"The monetary amount of county tax.",
                            "description":"Whether the amount is final.",
                            "description":"Tax amount for the district.",
                            "description":"Tax amount for the state.",
                            "description":"The three character currency code.",
                            "description":"The monetary amount of country tax.",
                    "description":"Shipping groups represent shipments and include commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantity are included in the shipment. Shipping groups in a request are matched to existing shipping groups by id, followed by description, followed by (for hardgoodShippingGroups) shippingMethod + address.",
                                "description":"The shipping method.",
                                "description":"The description of this shipping group. Defaults to the ID.",
                                "description":"The date the shipping group was submitted.",
                                "description":"The pricing details about this shipping group.",
                                        "description":"Whether this item is discounted.",
                                        "description":"The monetary amount.",
                                        "description":"The monitary amount of the cost of raw shipping.",
                                        "description":"Whether the amount is final.",
                                        "description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts.",
                                "description":"The date this shipping group is expected to ship upon.",
                                "description":"The actual shipped date of this shipping group.",
                                "description":"Special instructions for the shipping group. Keys and values are strings.",
                                "description":"The shipping address for this shipping group.",
                                        "description":"Last name.",
                                        "description":"Address Line 3.",
                                        "description":"Address Line 2.",
                                        "description":"Address Line 1.",
                                        "description":"Company name.",
                                        "description":"Postal code.",
                                        "description":"Job title.",
                                        "description":"Name of the county.",
                                        "description":"The ID of the owner of this address.",
                                        "description":"First name.",
                                        "description":"Phone number.",
                                        "description":"The fax number.",
                                        "description":"Middle name.",
                                        "description":"The email address",
                                "description":"The commerce item relationships are instances of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship that represent how many of which commerce items are included in the order. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items relationships are matched to input data by id, followed by commerceItemId, followed by commerceItemExternalId.",
                                            "description":"The referenced commerce item's internal ID.",
                                            "description":"The monetary value.",
                                            "description":"The quantity of items referenced by this relationship.",
                                            "description":"The type of this relationship. SHIPPINGQUANITY or SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING.",
                                            "description":"Number of referenced items that were returned.",
                                            "description":"The referenced commerce item's external ID.",
                                            "description":"The native ID of this item.",
                                "description":"The ID of this shipping group.",
                                "description":"The state of this shipping group.",
                                "description":"Details about the state of this shipping group.",
                                "description":"The tracking number. In case of multiple tracking numbers the format should be carrierId-trackingNumber,carrierId-trackingNumber..., Here carrierId is the Id which has been added through the addCarrier end point.",
                                "description":"Handling instructions. Currently read-only.",
                                "description":"The class type for the ShippingGroup. Currently must be \"hardgoodShippingGroup\".",
                    "description":"The last modified time.",
                    "description":"The creation time.",
                    "description":"Basic profile information. (read-only)",
                            "description":"Last name.",
                            "description":"First name.",
                            "description":"Default shipping address",
                                    "description":"Phone number.",
                                    "description":"Address Line 3.",
                                    "description":"Address Line 2.",
                                    "description":"Address Line 1.",
                                    "description":"Postal code.",
                                    "description":"Name of the county.",
                            "description":"Middle name.",
                            "description":"The email address",
                    "description":"The number of shipping groups (read-only, value is ignored when updating).",
                    "description":"The array of payment groups represent the payment(s) that paid for the order. Orders when placed will have an instance of a CyberSource TokenizedCreditCard (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"tokenizedCreditCard\"). The paymentGroups property can be updated to include instances of ExternalPaymentGroup (paymentGroupClassType and paymentMethod of \"externalPaymentGroup\"). ExternalPaymentGroups represent methods of payment that are external and opaque to cloud commerce, and which were taken after the order was initially placed.",
                                "description":"A string containing the two or four digit year when the credit card expires. (only only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
                                "description":"The type in the external system. Might be \"StoreCredit\", \"CreditCard\", \"Check\", etc. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups).",
                                "description":"The monetary amount authorized.",
                                "description":"The monetary amount of the payment.",
                                "description":"The ID for the payment group in an external system (like the OMS)",
                                "description":"A string containing the two digit month when the credit card expires. (only only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
                                "description":"The type of the credit card. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
                                "description":"The date the payment was submitted.",
                                "description":"Aray of authorization status objects.",
                                            "description":"The monetary amount.",
                                            "description":"Whether the transaction was successful.",
                                            "description":"The error message, if any.",
                                            "description":"The transaction ID.",
                                            "description":"The timestamp of the transaction.",
                                "description":"The CyberSource token string. (only for tokenizedCreditCard)",
                                "description":"The class type of the payment group. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
                                "description":"The last four digits of the credit card number. (only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
                                "description":"The subtype in the external system. Might be \"VISA\" for a PaymentGroup with an external type of \"CreditCard\". (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
                                "description":"The payment method. Currently supported values are \"tokenizedCreditCard\" and \"externalPaymentGroup\".",
                                "description":"The external source ID, limited to 6 characters. (only for ExternalPaymentGroups)",
                                "description":"The state of this payment group.",
                                "description":"The internal ID of the payment group.",
                                "description":"Details about the state of this payment group.",
                                "description":"The three character currency code. For example: USD.",
                                "description":"A string containing the two digit day of month when the credit card expires. (only only for TokenizedCreditCards)",
                    "description":"The sales channel of this order. default to \"default\".",
                    "description":"The number of payment groups. (read-only, value is ignored when updating)",
                    "description":"Pricing information, an instance of OrderPriceInfo.",
                            "description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
                            "description":"The monetary amount.",
                            "description":"The monetary total: amount + shipping + tax. (read-only)",
                            "description":"The monetary cost of shipping.",
                            "description":"Whether the amount is final.",
                            "description":"The monetary total of manual adjustments.",
                            "description":"The monetary amount of the discount: rawSubtotal - amount + manualAdjustmentTotal. (read-only)",
                            "description":"Monetary tax amount.",
                            "description":"The monetary raw subtotal.",
                            "description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
                    "description":"The ID of the shopper profile that owns the order.",
                    "description":"The ID of the site on which the order was placed.",
                    "description":"The total count of commerce items in the order. (read-only)",
                    "description":"The state of the order.",
                    "description":"The ID",
                    "description":"The commerce items (sometimes referred to as \"line items\") represent which actual skus are included in thef order in what quantity, and related information. Please see caution in description of update order. Existing commerce items are matched to input data by externalId, followed by id, followed by catalogRefId. The elements in the commerceItem are instances of CommerceItemImpl.",
                                "description":"Details about pricing.",
                                        "description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
                                        "description":"The monetary amount of this order.",
                                        "description":"The raw total price.",
                                        "description":"The sale price",
                                        "description":"The price list ID used for pricing.",
                                        "description":"The quanity discounted.",
                                        "description":"Whether the amount is final.",
                                        "description":"Extra handling cost for shipping the product.",
                                        "description":"Whether is on sale.",
                                        "description":"Whether discountable.",
                                        "description":"The currency code for the monetary amounts. A three character currency code such as USD.",
                                        "description":"The current price details.",
                                                    "description":"Whether the price is discounted.",
                                                    "description":"The monetary amount.",
                                                    "description":"The number of items covered by this price info",
                                                    "description":"Whether the amount is final.",
                                                    "description":"Represents which specific items are covered by this price info.",
                                                            "description":"The lower bound of the range this price info covers, inclusive.",
                                                            "description":"The upper bound of the range this price info covers.",
                                                            "description":"The number of items in this range, inclusive. (read-only)",
                                                    "description":"Monetary tax amount.",
                                                    "description":"The detailed unit price: amount / quantity. (read-only)",
                                                    "description":"The three character currency code for the monetary amounts.",
                                        "description":"The monetary amount of the list price.",
                                "description":"The ID of the catalog which this commerce item references.",
                                "description":"The quantity included.",
                                "description":"The ID of the product.",
                                "description":"The quantity returned.",
                                "description":"The product's display name. (read-only, obtained from the referenced product)",
                                "description":"The key of the catalog this commerce item references.",
                                "description":"An optional, external ID for this commerce item.",
                                "description":"The internal/native ID for this commerce item.",
                                "description":"The state of this commerce item. (read-only, calculated from shippingGroups' commerceItemRelationships)",
                                "description":"Details about the state of this commerce item.",
                                "description":"The reference ID of the catalog this commerce item references. Typically the SKU id.",

Default Response

The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |13101|METADATA INTERNAL ERROR|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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