


List Promotion Folders. Get a list of promotion folders including support for pagination and sorting.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • The number of items to return.
  • Index of the first element to return.
  • A SCIM filter string for selecting a subset of all promotion folders. See []( of the SCIM specification for details on the SCIM filter format. Example: Get all promotion folders whose name contains holiday: q=name co "holiday" name is the only relevant property on promotion folder that can be used with q parameter filtering. Text, date and time values appearing in SCIM filters should be quoted, with date and time values using ISO-8601 format. Numeric and boolean values should not be quoted.
  • Sorting criteria. Following are the fields supported by this param: |Field|Type|Description| |------------------|------------------|------------------| |property|string|The property the listing is sorted by.| |order|string|Sort order: asc or desc.|
  • The total number of items.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : listPromotionFolders_response
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The items returned by the listing.
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Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
Sorting criteria.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Nested Schema : parentFolder
Type: object
Parent Folder object of the current folder.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Example Response (application/json)
            "path":"Holiday Discount",
            "name":"Holiday Discount"
            "path":"Holiday Discount/Winter Discount",
            "name":"Winter Discount"

Default Response

The error response
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
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Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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